Stay up all night just to get this news. Fuck. 2015 fucking sucked. FUCK.

0  2016-01-02 by PaperFinish


As a King fan, seeing George RR fans flipping out and thinking this is a long wait is kinda cute. Let the man finish his story, you don't want a shitty ending.


King finished The Dark Tower in 22 years, Jorge has taken 20 years so far and he's barely halfway done.

I retract that and go fuck myself. In all fairness to me, it's been 30+ years for the old timers waiting on a tv/film adaption.

I should direct it for HBO or Netflix, I'll film it like a Sergio Leone and Robert Aldrich movie. Vera Cruz.

Aren't you both missing the point? King took lots of time and churned out a fuck pile of ass.

The first half of the series is modern-day literary genius; the second half is rushed, contrite garbage, and the ending made me want to incinerate and orphanage.

True. It had its moments I guess. The in depth explanation of exactly how the world was ending was extremely solid; not so much the why, though. And as far as the final battle, I liked how Roland's character reverted to a rough old harrier type when his drawn friends were gone. But aside from that, most of the big events were really mediocre: the ancient vampire subplot was halfway decent, but the spider shit was lame, Mia was never anything but annoying, and the scary monster in the tunnel was hacky as fuck. But the artist whatever character (along with his role that was essential to the denouement) was atrocious to the point of wanting to gouge your eyes out.

Writing himself in was maybe the worst decision a writer has ever made.

A lot of developmentally-stunted proles I know on FB act like Harry Potter was the sequel to the Bible, and I'm like that with DT; started it in high school and it was one of those "personal literary journeys" queers like myself like to go on, and after "Wizard and Glass" things just seemed to feel lazy to me. And you're right, that artist kid who could draw reality was some straight bullshit. Any movie they make is gonna be pure dogshit, a basic cable or Netflix series is really the only way to even attempt to do it justice.

But anyway, peckahs, Opie sucks, his kids are really Bam's, and Brother Joe wants to be in SAMCRO the same way I wanted to be in the Justice League when I was seven.

Those are great references.

I know right?

I think the thing people are worried about is that his fat ass will have a massive heart attack and die before they get a conclusion to the series. I don't really give a shit because I've never read the books, and the HBO showrunners have at least a general idea of where the story is supposed to go, so I'll get an ending either way.

Haha, you're a fucking idiot.

interthread beef post

Ugh, no one's following along on your drama, vagina haver.

Except you, apparently.

Nope, don't know the first thing about it. You think you're not being obvious with that post? Stop being such a bitch, you're shitting up this thread.

Focus on Opie hate, no one cares about your womanly beefs.

No, of course not.

Well that's a shame, I've usually enjoyed your posts. I'm surprised you're a fan of such an obvious dullard, and are taking a clearly disingenuous position about this.

Stated exactly as a womanly cunt would. Kay.


So manly. And at least you stand by your man, no matter what a dullard he is.


LOL what an Anthony parrot.


What a Dani parrot.


Haha there he goes projecting about his masculinity again.


Haha, you're obsessed with me and mad. Faggot.

So mad you had to reply twice!

Stupid can't count, haha. My poor young virgin boy.

Aww, deleting replies to look less needy. You have a touch of the Opster to you!

Haha aww he's so upset. Reply quicker, sweet lonely boy.

/r/nsfw lol

Haha, sorry I offended another gentlesir like yourself!


Ugh, I don't want shit to be spoiled by the show but fuck it we have no choice

Erock is going to play Wyman Manderly

FUUUUUUUUUUUCK what a shitty year this was. I think the only highlights in terms of external shit, whether it was news or media or comedy or entertainment, was Opie's fights with Ant and Jimmy, especially on this place. Everything else fucking sucked. It was a year of disappointments, missed opportunities, good tv shows turning to shit, mass shootings, terrorist attacks, and Amy Schumer.

FUAAAAAAAAAAAAAACKKKKKKKKKKK I'm so upset right now. I wish I'd gotten drunk while I waited but I'm just going to sleep. 2016 literally can't not be a great year compared to the last. I'm going to bed. fuck everything.

i cant read all that.... can someone give me a quick breakdown of what he said?

Book ain't done yet and season 6 coming before book confirmed. No timeframe on book but says has dozens of chapters finished

thanks bro

Soz bruh bin 2 bizi fingur fkn bitchez at conventunz 2 bi writen dem bukz. lulz

this tbh fam smh

I don't watch this show and don't know what this means. 20 years of what?

20 years since a game of thrones came out.

Bullshit, I saw the new season last year. It had a cock and a pussy in it.

You're a liar.

season? What are you talking about?

Series then you crumpet fuck

What series are you talking about?

( )====| -)~ ~~ ~~~

That doesn't answer my question.

( )*( )


Oh, no, no, no, that's not the name of a series either, and therefore doesn't answer my question.

That is certainly a series, although it is irrelevant to the contents of my post, so I'm not sure why you brought it up. I'm never heard of that particular tv show to be completely honest with you.

Opie has breasts.

Oh, yes, very much so.

Who cares. Even if he finished Winds now, they're done shooting for 6. And even if the book had been done before they started shooting, he wouldn't finish Dream before they started shooting season 8.

Who gives a shit either way. Nothing can work out either way on any timeline there is to think of.

It's the dumbest thing ever.

Shut up, asshole.

Jesus that fat fuck is long winded.

thanks bro

Series then you crumpet fuck


What a Dani parrot.