What's wrong with Brother Joe's eyes?

2  2016-01-01 by IronXth

I've hit him with a few home truths on twitter that he hasn't exactly reacted well to in the past, but I mentioned his pissy frail old man eyes once and he almost instantly blocked me.

What's all that about?


They were talking about this on Dr. Oz yesterday. They said it happens when you have too much cum shot into your eyes. I didn't expect this to happen to Brother Joe. He seems like the kind of guy who wants to swallow every last drop and savor the taste. Getting sprayed on the face and eyes is just wasteful to him.


You told him he had frail eyes? ROFL Damn that's cold

He probably needs eyeglasses but thinks he's too cool to wear them -- for the last 50 years.

Joe has Rx sun glasses and he wears them all the time. He consideres it part of his uniform er I mean costume.

It totally is a costume. People who dress like him always will give you an answer like "I don't care what people think about me". If you truly "didn't care" you'd wear cheap jeans, a plain t-shirt, generic hoodie and sneakers. No, you go out of your way to look badass or cool. Obviously he is neither of those things

I love how 90's his costume is. Leather jacket, wrap-around sunglasses, tribal tattoos.

He actually made me think of this kid from highschool. I guess he was "goth" but really just a douche. The kid with impractically baggy JNCO style pants, and he put like 100 safety pins through them, it took serious effort. He wore makeup and went way out of his way to be different but his answer always was "i don't care what people think", obviously you do. Not caring is when I stop by the corner store in a nacho cheese stained t-shirt and sweat-pants to pick up a 30-pack.

He's old and has cataracts

Tsss I think he drives a Kia or sumptin

Anthony has the cataract Escalade. Which happens to be the preferred vehicle of African-Americans who become suddenly wealthy. Anthony's lifestyle is the definition of "nigger-rich"

Forrest Gump too closed his eyes for every picture. I remember hearing 2 explanations for this. One was that he didn't want the flash to blind him and was too dumb to realize that would ruin the picture. Another explanation had to do with misconstrued advice from his Mom. Either way, Joe Cumia = Forrest Gump.

Glaucoma. And AIDS.