Colin Quinn on his favorite show

0  2016-01-01 by cuntbudday


Timestamp it you fucking shit eating cunt.

8:20 since OP is fucking lazy and useless.

You just wanted motherfuckers to watch Rachel Ray, nice try Brother Joe/Opie, just because you like that show...,.

Love that slash thing you do, give us 2 funny options to double the chuckling

it's like if lurch from the addams family got interviewed by a rich mongoloid for her youtube channel. look at her when she asks the questions she's not even looking at colin.

Id fuck her

way too high maintenance to fuck. plus i hear she is quite the cunt but probably a good lay.

Id fuck you

Lemme guess he doesn't like Rachel Rey?

Well, he goes on the show everytime hes got a new project and she will probablly be in cop show season 2, so... no, i guess.


Id fuck her