Gavin McInnes Breaks Down Everything Wrong with Millennial Culture

0  2016-01-01 by RayRomanosDad


Gavin is a contrarian faggot

Yet he loves dressing like a millennial.

he is actually attributed the creator or father of hipster style if you check his wiki. Pretty nuts.

Also, unrelated but I don't get the gavin hate around here.

Attributed? By who? More importantly it's like saying you're the father of AIDS.

Gavin is a guy who lost out millions cause he got fired from vice. But hey he's a leading podcaster with 25 or so "fans". These same people like brother joe. I'd love to him banter with a woman beater about race.

He's a stupid parasite who wormed his way into O&A land by trashing opie to ingratiate himself with the Tunisian.

damn you really care a lot about a year-old-now-defunct radio show. Who gives a shit about the worming he sound like a gossiping old hen clucking on...

Gavin is cool enough in my books. Sure he's got a shtick (that's the bit) that can be put on a little to heavy at times but whatevs.

as for the godfather of hipster title...well, he started vice in 94' and was at the precipice of hipsterdom before it came cool (so hipster).

His reading list includes Michelle Malkin, Pat Buchanan, and Ann Coulter. Probably the same books your old-ass uncle has on his shelf. This guy is fuckin' edgy.

What an exhausting human being.

what a faggot. his generation wont take responsibility for being the narcissistic, myopic fuckups that created the world and culture that this generation inherits and wants to blame them. fuck off. baby boomers and gen x are some of the worst, most morally and culturally bankrupt people ever to step foot on this earth. all they ever cared for was gratification and after decades of creating a society that was geared toward their own benefit they have the nerve to criticise their young instead of helping them.

Fucking hell i hate them. In aus, their generation got social security, free university education, medicare and cheap housing and proper livable wages and now that theyre getting older it's my generation that has to foot the bill for their selfishness and a welfare system geared toward helping them in seniority. fuck em all. no society on earth, no matter how primitive, has ever had the narcissism to say to their progeny and future generation "you're on your own, i got mine so fuck you" except babyboomers/genX. theyre all cunts who, as tired as it sounds, don't know the meaning of honor.

The Gavin paradox is that he simultaneously hates that shit hipster culture, yet occasionally wants to take credit for the part he played in literally creating it through Vice etc.

well I can see his point of view. He left vice at the apex of hipster culture rolling over. He despises what it is now ( hipster am i right?) . and it is hard to deny his hand in creating it so yeah...


I like how you include proper livable wage as if people who make an average income in Australia are fucking starving in the streets. Cunt.

try renting in sydney on an average wage and see how far it gets you. cunt.

Maybe you should fuck off to Perth and get a nicer place. Cunt.

why? and waste my life with worthless miners and genetic cul de sac bogans? fuck you. stay there you sister fucking hick

Well then perhaps you better start saving up for a nicer place. Maybe spend a little less time on the internet complaining. Improve yourself instead of crying and blaming others. Stop acting like an isis recruit you povo cunt.

keep your shit advice to yourself and fuck your mother.

It's ok baby boy. I bet if you start charging all those Polys you rim a few quid each you could earn enough to cover rent. Cunt.

Gavin graduated with a distinction from the Jim Florentine school of "What am I, 7?".

Old people will always talk trash about the younger generation.

Who gives a fuck about what Gavin thinks.

Who gives a fuck what you think, you contrarian faggot.

Ohhhhh righteous burn brotherman.

Oh look everyone, a "hipster" has an opinion.

us old farts are just jealous at all the nubile millenial puss that's free flowing at your EDM orgies, don't listen to us otherwise

Ugh. First it was their parents now it's their kids.