Why Amy Schumer is Not Allowed to be Funny

26  2015-12-31 by RayRomanosDad


I just don't agree that she picked the proper path in terms of his "fork in the road" analogy. People don't respect pandering, sniveling twats. In the long run, not defending her own artistic vision against people who will never like her anyway will prove costly.

More in the sense of legacy then in monetaire. She will make a fuckton on her bookdeal. Shit out a couple of movies and when PC dies down she will be thrown away with the trash.

PC will never die down. Do people not understand this? The new generations are growing up on this. It's a snowball.

I work as a server at a wine bar. The hosts/runners are all 18-22. They find the word "black" as seriously racist. They call black people "dark skinned" only.

It's getting worse and it always will. We will be the old ignorant men spouting "offensive" things without understanding why people are getting angry.

We will be the old ignorant men spouting "offensive" things without understanding why people are getting angry.

This has been happening to me for a few years. I am 28.

I am pretty far from a racist and my politics are socially liberal. PC is a bunch of bullshit.

Pc has been around for years. It will die down and will be back in a couple of years again.

She seems more to just realise at one point that if she just pandered to dumb feminists that she would shoot to the top because they would simply buy anything that has her name on it regardless of quality if it was linked to being a brave women standing up against the patriarchy.

Pretty much the Chelsea Handler route, as far as comedy goes.

There should be a sub for this. /r/AmySchumerHate, /r/PigSchumer, /r/UnfunnySchumer, /r/FatAmy, etc.

FPH was banned a while ago, man

We're celebrating how stunning and brave she is tho.

Ooh, ooh, let me guess! Is it because she isn't funny?

I still think she killed it at the Mike Tyson roast. "Offensive humor" is like punk rock, easy to do, easy to digest, but not easy to get 'right' but many will try. Those that succeed early on will move on from it to more advanced forms of music/comedy. Get over it. Making the same old jokes about retards brings diminishing returns, see also The O&A Show in the past decade.

advanced forms of music/comedy

AKA less appealing, less funny, more self indulgent, pseudo (probably leftist) intellectual nonsense. See also rock music and SNL over the last 20 years.

Her show will suffer in quality because she has tied her hands by allying with social justice humps. They will turn on her and she will have to fire Metzger as a scapegoat.


The extra chromosome?

The box you’re going to have to fit into is a tight squeeze

Patrice is bashing Amy from the beyond.

There were some innacuracies.

1st, don't act like the angry phone calls with his wife is what fucked Mel Gibson up overnight. He had a number of situations before that. And he also had a couple of bombs. Not to say that if he was Mr. inoffensive "man about town" that he would still have no career. But none of that shit helped.

The Amy Schumer apology wasn't quite how it's written. The way I remember it, 1 day Amy wrote a long apology that seemed to come out of no where. I remember on this forum asking "what the hell is this about". It turns out that the guardian blog wrote something that no one saw but she buckled as if she was waiting for the opportunity. The point is, there was zero outcry or demand for an apology from anyone. 1 shitty site wrote 1 shitty thing no one cared about & Amy immediately gave in. That's why I hated her comic friends defending her, like how fat Bob Kelly said "Amy Schumer had to apologize. They made her!". No she didn't have to. But it's clearly what she eagerly wanted to do

It was all manufactured controversy by Apatow and Schumer to promote the movie. It was so poorly executed for the reasons you said that it was blatantly obvious what their pr people were up to.

No, she apologized because someome tweeted to her about her "racist" jokes, the guardian wrote about the apology after that.

The way I remember it, it started with Bill Maher on his show defending humor during "new rules". He quoted some think-piece saying humor should be more like Amy Schumer so Maher quoted the "consensual" joke and said "she should be allowed to joke about that". Then the guardian wrote about that joke following Maher's show. Then Amy released her apology saying she used to play a dumb character but she's grown

My favorite part is how she thanked the tweeter twice.

It was an alright article, I skipped through it to the bottom but it seems like he is sticking pretty true to the Patrice / O&A philosophy of apologies ruining comedy. I hope that "all in" was on purpose

It was

with the exception of wasp farming (the current wasp farmers have a serious monopoly on the business so don’t even bother.)

oh ho ho. got a nigga ribs hurting today


Enough with the Amy Schumer. Seriously. I wouldn't even know she existed if not for incessant posts here. Do you people just google her daily?


The way I remember it, it started with Bill Maher on his show defending humor during "new rules". He quoted some think-piece saying humor should be more like Amy Schumer so Maher quoted the "consensual" joke and said "she should be allowed to joke about that". Then the guardian wrote about that joke following Maher's show. Then Amy released her apology saying she used to play a dumb character but she's grown

My favorite part is how she thanked the tweeter twice.