Jimmy and standups are truly the most held down artists in the world

1  2015-12-31 by KasWheel


Don't be flippant, he needs a giant retard bodyguard to travel with him to every show because his "a tranny peed on me" jokes are so edgy he could get shot by some random p.c. crazy on the street.

You don't think millions of people are trying to assassinate Jim Norton because of the time he said Yuck about Islam?

Why does he need a bodyguard? Do any other comedians travel around with them?

Jimmy is a fucking edgelord

This is so obviously a joke.


I love when people blame others/society for thier lack of sucess.

Opie is hiring for next October, chase that bone Fido.

Someday that statue will be removed because someone complained

So he's ripping off CQ now?