Tits with her 12 hour work week, thought she deserved a 2 week breather.

1  2015-12-31 by KasWheel

I hope she gets cancer.


Why don't you come back here and say that after you've done raqio since you were 18 fahhhkin' years old, huh? Our beloved "Opester" needs all this time off to lay on the floor while his son drives toy cars across his belly.

"Opester" needs all this time off to lay on the floor while his son drives toy cars across his belly.

Awww that's cute that he let's Bam's son drive cars on his fat belly.

This is 100% true. Sam once told a story of going over to Opie's house for like the Super Bowl or something and he said that Opie plays with his son by lying on the floor and letting the kid drive toy cars along his belly and tits. Forgivable for someone who just put in a 60 hour week at a factory; unforgivablly lazy for a former shock-jock working 15 hours a week.

Just like with their Grandpa Phil.

Btw, Phil is 5 years older than Opie according to Wikipedia. Opie should be a grandfather to those kids.

Why don't you come back here and shut up.

Meh. Everyone's takes off this time a year.

I hope his wife goes on Ants show, mocks Opies old man, out of breath, fuck thrusting.

Then lets the Legion of Skanks cum on her face while Anthony shoots her with a paintball gun and calls her a filthy slut.

Then she fucks Rat.

So badass how you keep saying she, you virgin.


You're the real badass here, I bet you fuck sooo much puss, bro.

Who uses virgin as an insult out of highschool? Insecure faggot.

It's not an insult, just an obvious truth. That you took at as an insult proves the truth of this statement.

Ah I see now that it was nothing more than projection. You post on softcore porn boards LOL what a virgin. Maybe those girls will talk to you one day, lonely.

Aww, the virgin is telling me about his life by accident! You poor devil.


It's nice that you're signing off with such an accurate description of yourself. Glad I could help you come out of that closet.

Keep explaining yourself to me, my projecting angry virgin boy.



You really are an Anthony parrot.

You can stop replying from both accounts now. Your sadsack whining doesn't warrant the trouble you're going to.



Your sign offs are spot on, I'll give you that.


Yes Lonely Fag, I heard you the first time.


Sorry your insecurity crapped out, what was that?


We heard you!


Awww, fuck. Which are your other troll accounts? Your running out of comebacks immediately so you resort to repeating the same meaningless phrase thing is something we've all seen before. Good luck with the autism, character.

tldr, u mad lonely fag

meanwhile, in your life: ding. fries are done.


Only someone with a shitty job would randomly throw that out there as an insult to an anonymous person online.

Just because you got promoted to manager recently, you gotta look down on the fry cooks, bud?


Says the retard with hundreds of throwaway accounts. Because you posting here is so much more productive huh? I hope your entire family (Philly crew) dies of cancer asap.

thank you. and a wonderful new year to you, as well.

Mix up your posting style a bit, tard.

