Thoughts and prayers for Brother Joe and his lovely girlfriend.

0  2015-12-31 by DuckSpeaker_


Look at this badass wearing a Call Of Duty shirt. Better not mess with him

Probably the worst COD released. Of course he would like Ghosts.

Eh. MW3 was the worst if you ask me

I played a decent amount of MW3 out of love for 2. I didn't make it a week in Ghosts.

I sold Ghosts after a month just because I needed some extra cash at the time.

Remember when Ant would attack people's wives for being ugly and old on twitter and brag about how he gets young pussy? I wonder what he thinks of Joe's broad.

He's a 60 year old wearing a call of Duty shirt. Did these two never grow up. What's up with their family. What an embarrassment.

Neither one of them has had real job in 20+ years. Before that they were both lazy pieces of shit. Should you really be surprised?

I guess his SOA vest was at the cleaners when picture was taken

Ewwwwww! Old lady skin on Tits Cumia.

Try not to ask any questions about his weak eyelids.

While we're at it - please do not bring attention to Joe's Mexican hatred or general racism to his talented 2U colleagues.

No tweets in 2 months. That just screams successful band.

He's all in with the Journey tribute band now. Because when one thinks bad ass the first band that comes to mind is Journey.

Respect to Joe for actually dating an adult.

I was really hoping his eyes were closed in this picture

Dude, they're half closed. He looks like he's calculating the tip.

no he looks like an old faggot. have any of you Twitter users started letting her know what a douchebag she is dating?

have any of you Twitter users started letting her know what a douchebag she is dating?


but we need all hands on deck.

it takes 4 seconds to make a twitter account - just sign up, shit on Joe till you get blocked, and move on.

it takes less effort than voting.

you've been drafted and your fellow shitheads need you - get the fuck in there soldier.