Joseph Cumia doesn't realize his new follower is... Joseph Cumia

26  2015-12-30 by Ant_Sucks


I love watching this guy make a fool out of himself. I wonder if his wife has to listen to him go on about how he is really sticking it to those redditards.

She better if she knows what's good for her

Can't wait til he starts calling people liberals and feminists in this sub. BroJo really has a finger on the pulse of the MySpace generation.

I love how many asshurt faggots like you there are here who get ass-excavated whenever you're called what you are, which is a faggot liberal feminist FAGGOT.

I'd give you gold for this but my welfare check ain't here yet.

I'm starting to like you. how big's your peckah?

Go vote for Donald Trump you wealth worshipping cum bucket.

Wife? Anyone have a pic?

He has the mental capacity of a severely retarded new born.

Quit overestimating him.

Is he really bragging about his 10,000 followers?

You really have to step back and think about how absolutely fucking sad this geriatric sea-lamprey is.


Joe Cumia just retweeted 'Hey Opie!'

Wow. 11 new followers. Watch out, Kim Kardashian.


He's really pushing this redditard thing. Maybe he should get Opie to make a video in his bathroom about it so it can go viral.