This is blatantly directed at this sub

4  2015-12-30 by plasticpaddy84


A 52 year old man, who has been in the entertainment business for over thirty years, thought it was a good idea to make a video with this as the content.

Remember when Opie talked about how Scorch knew how to present things professionally, but had absolutely no content? Opie has the ability to pay people to come up with content and he produces... this.

Scorch is infinitely more creative and entertaining than Opie is

I may like Harry the Hater more than this

It would be a shame if every one report that video for "promoting bullying"

Brilliant character Opie. Haha this guy laughs because he enjoy's the videos on the internet like a bunch of people do! I sure hope this guy continues to make hundreds of these laughing at videos, its gold everytime!

Content stealing... some douche called Soflo Antonio just got major shit recently for the same thing after he was stealing other peoples popular videos and monitizing his YT and FB pages. We already know that Opie is getting some sort of compensation for partnering with "viral spiral" but If we allow Opie to do enough of these we could get an entirely new fanbase to start shitting on Opie for stealing content.

Is that the nigger with the green lipstick? Fuck her stupid face.