"I did not hit her, I did naaaht!"

126  2015-12-30 by [deleted]


Oh hai, Gavin!


No, it's not true. Don't even ask. What's new with you?

How much is that gun here you go keep the change

Judge: The bail is set at at 50 th... Ant: here you go, keep the change.

You're my favorite criminal.

How's your sex life?

Opie got the results of the test back. He definitely has breast cancer.

oh hai Keith

Tony Wiseau.

Is "Come on, babe. Lets go sing karaoke" a line from The Room or Ants actual life. I cant tell anymore.

"I'm tirrred, I'm waaasted, I love you darling..."

Opie interrupts after two lines HEY!!! WHO YOU OUTSIDE THE STUDO?!?

Opie should have been killed on the spot for that. Fucking unforgivable.

I don't get the reference, here. Is it more of Opie trampling on a bit?

This may come as a shock, but it was Opie pulling the breaks on Jimmy and Anthony laughing and having a good time joking about The Room.

That doesn't sound like something the Opester would do -- he likes to have a good lauff with the gang. But I'll watch the VideoandA clip again regardless. Thanks brother.

I remember how excited I was when they started talking about The Room. I'm thinking "Yes! They're finally going to talk about this movie!" Because I think if any group of people out there could really dissect that movie and go at length about the insanity of it all, it was them.

But nope. Stompy Stomperson put an end to that right quick. Because being on the same human wavelength as Tommy Wiseau himself, Opie didn't get what was funny and had to Opiefy the situation ie bring the good time to screeching halt to acknowledge a nobody walking down the hall.

But he steers the ship, folks!

Steers it right into a FAWKIN' iceberg. PHNNNNT.

He should be shot for interrupting Room commentary.

I'm so happy I have you as my best friend, Kieth, and I love Dani so much.

Leave your stupid reddit comment in your pocket

"Let's go to jail, hah? "

Holy shit, that fucking green screen.

Wait a minute... who would play the cuckold kid who watches them have sex and tries to interject himself?


Where's the scene where rat is given a mic only to fall in a bunch of trash cans like he was catching a cannonball?

Yur soh fahnni.

Seems to me like you're the EXPERT!

Here yuh go keep the change

is that ant living in a can down by the river?


"Ohai, Empty House Without Black People."


I was surprised this took so long.

You've got me howling.

Steers it right into a FAWKIN' iceberg. PHNNNNT.