shit on me if you want

0  2015-12-30 by Kilroy920

hey im new here but ive been lurking since Ant got fired. I knoow that it's cool to hate opie and love anthony but i think you guys exaggerate sometimes. One of the main ones is saying that callers always fucked up the show. Personally i enjoyed hearing the guys on the show innteract with the callers. That's how radio shows work. Doesn't mean Opie sucked at his job. Don't get me wrong he annoyed me a lot and wasn't funny at all, but he was definitely a decent radio host.


Read the post title and after reading the post im disappointed its not a personal ad

yeah what gives.

Well, not me now.

very clever

Well he can't read anything without mispronouncing and stuttering.

Out of breath and panicking

fair point

Ok Redditor for 2 days



sorry i havent been on reddit since its inception you fucking nerd

I like how you said "shit on me if you want" but when you get shit on, you cry like a little baby. You've gone full Opie.

you used the fucking nerdiest inult ive ever heard. was expecting more frrom a forum of o and a fans. what are yoou some coding hacker virgin in your moms house?


You're a nerd!!!

do you guys all suck each others dicks?

Why, you want your dick sucked? I volunteer.


"oof" jesus christ youre a loser

well you did say go ahead shit on me.

yeah youre right i just dont like this fleep floop fucking fag i guess. "baby" "oof" i wonder what professional comedian this fruit jerks off to every night of his pathetic virgin life

why would you fags band together to downvote thi and defend this loser? OOF REDDIT IS GAY

What's an inult?

Aboriginal Canadians

oh man you got me on a speling error! nice!



im 12 and what is this

im 12 and this deep

Kilroy more like kiljoy, am I right gang?

Ok Opie's mom.

Dammit...I was hoping to give someone a Hot Carl, but it looks like /u/GleepGlorpFloopdedoo beat me to it.

I wouldn't shit on you if you needed shit to survive. Go fucking kill yourself.

Innteract? What are they actin in an inn or sumpthin


im not mocking anybody my names matt and thats all the personal info im giving you creeps. and yesh ive had a few so what? who actually cares bout typos on the internet?

I care you illiterate peckah sucka!

You're just an awful unlikeable turd who can't even get entertainment out of himself. That well has run dry.



shut up bitch

says the bitch who begs for attentiioon by bragging about his opioid habit on the internet. get on suboxone or kill yourself. nobody cares

Will you please kill yourself? Live cam it, please.

good one british cunt

It's not taking calls that's the problem, it's when he would take them. I just listened to the clip someone posted where Louis CK explains to origins of the word nigger (look it up you lazy bums, it's worth it). Patrice and Anthony are losing their shit, and Opie doesn't say a word or laugh until he takes a call at the end. Then the clip's over. The dude on the phone isn't even ready. It goes from hysterical laughter and riffing to "Jessie... Jessie! Were you at Jessie." Who the fuck is Jessie, and why can't I just listen to Louis CK say nigger and make Patrice and Anthony piss themselves ?

thank you for a real answer sir

You are quite welcome.

go outside and meet a real person geep gloop you fucking faggot nerd

I upvoted all of your comments just to know I'm stealing one faggot's downvote each post you made. I like to imagine it's the one with the grungiest neck pubes. Please don't tell me you feel bad about not being received well by an internet community completely based on a circle jerk of weird hatred for 2 random guys from long island and a radio show that doesn't even exist any more. Coming here for esteem is like going to a place that doesn't have apples and being like "hey I cam here because I wanted an apple". Get it? It's a metaphor. I say deep things.

good post great flair

im new to reddit but ive listened to the show for 5 years. obviously ant entertains me much more and hes the reason i listened for so long, but you guys go way overboard sometimes

i just said im new here you idiot

go ahead im an easy target



thank you for a real answer sir