You people should be ashamed!

10  2015-12-29 by brianpeckahs

When I signed up for this forum a few weeks ago, it was because I thought this would be a place of fun and merriment that mimicked the very humor of O&A that we all grew up listening to on the radio really loud as our mothers were banged out by diseased truckers and drug dealers.

Instead, you people seem to be the very thing that you claim to hate so much: purveyors of fake outrage that turn the media and assorted faggots against people you don't like just to damage their lives and careers. I mean, can't any of you see the hypocrisy?

Your general motivations don't even seem to be consistent; if getting Anthony and Jimmy back together is your ultimate aim, then pulling up all these Cumia skeletons is the worst possible thing you could be doing. Also, right when your efforts against Opie were starting to make him crack, you just run with this whole strangulation issue and take complete pressure off Opie.

Honestly, reading through some of the posts and layers upon layers of immature, repetitive "humor" on here makes me embarrassed to be an O&A fan to begin with. It makes me just want to pull my pants down and start suckin' on my own pecka or sumptin. Maybe I'll put on lipstick so people don't think I'm fawkin gay or sumptin. More like my own tip to the lipperson. Just riffin.


The terms embarrassment and OnA fan should always go hand in hand. Nobody here should view it as a thing of pride.

Your phone cut out.

When I signed up for this forum a few weeks ago, it was because I thought this would be a place of fun and merriment that mimicked the very humor of O&A that we all grew up listening to on the radio really loud as our mothers were banged out by diseased truckers and drug dealers.

Instead, you people seem to be the very thing that you claim to hate so much: purveyors of fake outrage that turn the media and assorted faggots against people you don't like just to damage their lives and careers. I mean, can't any of you see the hypocrisy?

Your general motivations don't even seem to be consistent; if getting Anthony and Jimmy back together is your ultimate aim, then pulling up all these Cumia skeletons is the worst possible thing you could be doing. Also, right when your efforts against Opie were starting to make him crack, you just run with this whole strangulation issue and take complete pressure off Opie.

Honestly, reading through some of the posts and layers upon layers of immature, repetitive "humor" on here makes me embarrassed to be an O&A fan to begin with. It makes me just want to pull my pants down and start suckin' on my own pecka or sumptin. Maybe I'll put on lipstick so people don't think I'm fawkin gay or sumptin. More like my own tip to the lipperson. Just riffin.

Well played.

Like when they went silent on Alex Jones like his line had dropped and then had him repeat his awful rant. Good times.


I miss when Jimmy used to Ramone folks, too.

Don't make me sing karaoke with you, sweetie.

I'm not sure if the "general motivations" of this sub are anything but being pests. And it's always been embarrassing to be an O&A fan, that's half the fun.

While we're all getting philosophical here, I thought I'd make another observation about this "little subreddit that could."

It stands to reason that most of the O&A fans back in the day were alcoholic truckers and blue-collar workers in places like Boston, Philly, and New York. Most of them are probably either dead, or have gone full lady-di.

But this subreddit must be mostly beta-fags and autismos because, after all, this is reddit. What percentage of the people here have even ever heard O&A on the radio?

How many just discovered them on Youtube 2 years ago when looking up Doug Stanhope appearances? How ridiculous is it that 6o year old millionaires invest so much of their self-perception in what a couple hundred sad fellas in their mid-to-late twenties think about them? Peckahs?

To be fair, go fuck ya muddah

You're right. I'll get the shovel.

I get cleanup duty, sweetie.

I ask myself the same question.... I can get how Joe DeRosa would be upset considering everything this sub piled on him, but the other guys - why bother with this sub? Yet they do, so we feed the beast, and it feeds us.

At the end of the day, they really do it to themselves.

If you say "at the end of the day" again I'm going to punch you in the face. When I find you. After my nap.

In the evening.

Thank you sir.

how ya doin hun

Oh, Chippa.

Gee, tell us how ya really feel....tssss

Really funny Chip parroting here, fat virgin.

Thanks brah. and thanks for taking the time to look through my post history. Means a lot to me.

u mad

no, i love it. Knowing theres an overweight loser out there looking through peoples post history makes me feel better about myself.

u mad

read above post

u mad

read above post

u mad

read above post

u mad

read above post

u mad

I would love to be able to do this all day but I have shit to do today. You should try to get outside today. It will be good for ya.


I didn't read your posts but I love that I still got you writing, lol u mad.

The people on this sub are beyond retarded.. I'm just here to mock them and their beloved radio Gods

Am i the only one who loves that this turned into a chiproll?

I was fairly pleased with it.

This was an insightful and well-thought-out indictment of the people on this sub. Your thoughts were well-written and in my opinion accurately depict the unfortunate downfall of everyone here.

And so, in the proper spirit of this sub, I have downvoted you.

Thank you for your service.




I know this is a chiproll, but what you said is 100% correct, and they cant come up with a defense for it so they have been saying "I can be a hypocrite if i want, i never said i wasnt". In other words, they are dullards with no intelligence.

We're Opie and Anthony fans. We're not a beacon of light in the dark time that this nation is going through socially. We're just assholes jerking eachother off.

We're supposed to be getting jerked off too? FUCK

Sir, has it ever occured to you that jerking eachother off and being sick fawkn puppies IS the light...

Dvvv dvvvv

No, you're just too dumb to have a legitimate opinion on anything so you end up contradicting yourselves.

Contradiction implies some sort of moral compass would exist here. Any semblance of a moral compass here is simply because it sometimes makes the joke better, not because we're all striving for some sort of consistency. The endgame is usually to make people laugh, or annoy the fuck out of a few regular targets (such as Joe or Opie) as they give us good material when they're flustered and/or upset.

Almost forgot.... peckahs

Oh yeah, the other excuse. Someone calls you out on your hypocrisy and you say "its a joke man!" all the while wanting everyone to take your opinions on Opie seriously. Haha you really have no leg to stand on, just admit that you are a moron in a sub full of morons. Why try to defend it?

Looks like we need to get the exterminators in here, fellas. We've got another SJW getting all huffy.

Go back to Jezebel, faggot.

Yeah, I feel like my innocent little chiproll has been hijacked. What a mess!

SJW? Jezebel?

BWAHAHAHAHA! Thats the crutch you turn to after i call you out on being a moron? Fucking hilarious.

And you fall back on caps. Love ya miss ya

Atta boy! Call me an SJW again! That always works! HAHAHA!

How bout no.

That comment had zero to do with you and you actually answered it. Further proof of what i said before. Thanks bud!

How bout no.

You did it again!

I'm not going to deny that I'm dumb but you're engaging me right now on the lowest subreddit of the shittiest site so I'm going to need you to stop acting like your shit don't stink bucko

I think those ISIS fellas are real jerks.

Yeah, I think chiprolls are the best when the rest is true. I do agree with everything I said, but I also see nothing wrong with it and would even consider myself "all in," if you will.

I feel dirty..

Maybe we got off on the wrong foot.

i agree this place is getting little tarded. spam threads of attacking people


Everything you're saying is true... But saying it here is....

They bred this hate and now they have turned into old, out of touch hypocrites. They snake now must eat it's own tail. We have to completely destroy them. That's what they would have wanted, that's what they raised. Now get to work.

Edit : Also, go suck some peckas!

I hope you aren't so stupid enough to not realize that the fake outrage is ironic in nature.

It's ironic, but by consequence and not by nature. The nature of it is to stir the shit and fuck with our geriatric radio friends. So it essentially is what fake outrage is to begin with: a tool with which to go after people with whom you want to interfere.

It is inherent in its nature, it wouldn't exist if the people doing it weren't shown the fakeness of that type of outrage through years of listening to the radio show point it out and deconstruct it. Its very meta.

u mad

u mad

Yeah, I think chiprolls are the best when the rest is true. I do agree with everything I said, but I also see nothing wrong with it and would even consider myself "all in," if you will.

We're Opie and Anthony fans. We're not a beacon of light in the dark time that this nation is going through socially. We're just assholes jerking eachother off.

To be fair, go fuck ya muddah

I ask myself the same question.... I can get how Joe DeRosa would be upset considering everything this sub piled on him, but the other guys - why bother with this sub? Yet they do, so we feed the beast, and it feeds us.


I miss when Jimmy used to Ramone folks, too.

how ya doin hun

It is inherent in its nature, it wouldn't exist if the people doing it weren't shown the fakeness of that type of outrage through years of listening to the radio show point it out and deconstruct it. Its very meta.