Has anyone else become disgusted by Cumia as a result of the recent revelations? (Original subscriber to TACS)

4  2015-12-29 by Seek247

I'm an original subscriber to TACS and a longtime Cumia fan. That being said, what I learned recently about this guy has really turned me off.

Specifically, if he did hit Dani (even if she was being a manipulative money grubbing bitch, which I'm sure she was), he is a punk bitch that deserves to go to jail. Second, and this one grosses me out even more, I recently found out after reading Melissa Stetten's old posts that he did actually have sex with that 17 year old girl. I always thought that was just a rumor, and that he joked about being attracted to little girls.

I'm in my 30s and I wouldn't even consider banging a 17 year old. Even if she looks like an adult, which I'm not sure that this chick did, you still know that she isn't fully developed mentally yet. It is creepy as fuck that a dude in his 50s would use that 17 year old girl like a piece of meat. And the fact that he thinks this makes him cool is disturbing as fuck. The only thing that separates this fucking creep from the old guy leering at young chicks on the subway is the fact that he has money.

Lastly, on that Dani recording from earlier in the year, he is dropping N'bombs like they are going out of style ("What am I, a nigger to you?"). (Yeah, I actually believed him when he said that he wasn't really racist. He just had opinions that were not "politically correct." Looking back, I was dumb to buy that. That one's on me.)

Those things considered, it is difficult to find this douchebag as funny as I did previously. Now a lot of the shit that he does that I used to not care about are starting to irritate me (Like the fact that he steals every single one of Norton's bits. No, saying Jim Norton after you do his bits doesn't make it 'ok.').

And the fact that his brother is the biggest loser douchebag on the planet, with zero self-awareness and a belief that he is actually charismatic or entertaining, doesn't help.

Unfortunately, with this Dani shit coming out, Anthony appears to me to be a creepy ass piece of shit. I am not canceling my subscription yet, because I really love Gavin's show and I am looking forward to East Side Dave. But as a MASSIVE Cumia fan, what I learned recently has definitely put a damper on my appreciation for his comedy. (And for the record, I hate Opie with a fucking passion.) Hopefully, there is a decent explanation for some of this shit. But that fact that Cumia is following his lawyers' orders to keep his mouth shut is very telling about what he actually did to that girl. And, for the record, he is kind of a pussy for not saying anything, regardless of the criminal charges. If you really did nothing wrong, come out and tell your story, pussy.

Has anybody else started to turn on Ant?


I'm ok with the racism, pedophilia and woman beating but his douchebag brother is where I draw the line.

Can't stand that fucking cunt either.

You guys realize he only surfaced to take some of the heat off of Anthony right? But I have no issues with Anthony at all. Shit happens, but watching him on Christmas on periscope was pretty sad. I actually felt for the guy.

Why are you retarded conspiracy guys always so boringly retarded?

Him singing Creep really summed it up.

Fuckin ay.

whats the deal with the brother? i've missed a lot... can you link me to some info or just give me a tldr

The pendulum swung the other way a week ago again. Steve C was the ultimate prophet of the O&A fanbase, there's no telling where the pendulum will swing next. Sam's due



No, I never looked at him as some role model with good morals. He's a funny high school white trash dropout that did what white trash people do by getting arrested for a domestic dispute.


I wasn't a fan of his for his morals either. But it doesn't affect your appreciation for his comedy at all that he did this shit (not just hitting Dani (allegedly true, but most likely true), but the 17 year olds, the n-bombs, the grooming of the 14 year olds, etc.)?? Maybe I'm overly sensitive, but the fact that he is a total creep is starting to affect my ability to laugh at his shit.

No. Him being a flawed person doesn't affect how entertaining he is, to me.

Also, you are projecting shit and being a reactionary cunt. He dated a 26 year old so somehow that turns into "HE'S GROOMING CHILDREN FOR SEX!!!" He was accused of putting his hand over someone's mouth, so that turns into "he most likely hit her".

Well actually, he dated a 17 year old. And he is accused of punching and choking the 26 year old, and smashing her cell phone when she tried to call the cops.

And in the state of NY, dating a 17 year old is perfectly legal. And I haven't seen any large scale protests about this fact so apparently the 20 million residents of the state are mostly ok with this. So why do you keep harping on it? Because it's too creepy to your delicate sensibilities? I'm in my 30s and it's not my cup of tea either but so what?

And in addition you're ready to write the guy off from an accusation? Talk about jumping the gun. Maybe he did do those things; I don't know. But at the very least I'll wait for the evidence and/or conviction before I make up my mind about someone's guilt.

And either way I will keep listening, because I enjoy his humor. Honestly IMO most famous people are shitbags. (Especially this WOP), but I don't form my world view based on entertainment, so I could give a fuck what happens in his home. It's his business not yours. If you can't come to terms with that. Just shut it off. Maybe Schumer repeats are more your speed. Better yet there is more friendly show that management seems to really like over at Sirius, it's called Tits and the Worm. Seems right up your alley boys.

He dated someone who he was legally allowed to? THAT MONSTER! He was accused of a crime? I HOPE THEY LOCK HIM AWAY AND THROW AWAY THE KEY!

The "he's grooming children for sex" is from a different story

You might as well stop being a fan of comedy if their personal lives and the horrible things all of these guys do will affect your opinion of their material. Stop being a pussy.

God you're a faggot

Nope. Ant is a piece of shit. I don't listen for his tales of morality, I listen to be entertained. If I get a couple shows a month, its worth my $6.00

This. He's a fucking low-life wop who if he wasn't funny would still be installing air-conditioning.

If you're listening to him for moral guidance you're an idiot. If you think he's 'a good guy' you're an asshat. The delusional fanboi-ballwashers who don't think he's racist, uneducated or think he's insightful on politics, etc., have their own issues.

Ant is a shitbag, but he's a funny & often entertaining shitbag so that's the reason you ought to listen to him.


From your mom's basement to God's ear sir.


I write in Hollywood.

You actually brag about renting in Echo Park? LOL. Who knew scat & beastiality videos needed writers? I guess first hand experience in eating shit & sucking horse cock is important.


I have budding breasts, does that count?

ass hat is the gayest fucking insult ever... I can smell your fuckin shit-compacted diaper

like we smell bro-joe's cock on you?

"I'm in my 30s and I wouldn't even consider banging a 17 year old." That's a tough stance to take.


Anthony is almost 60. And he doesn't just bang 17 year olds. He grooms 14-16 year olds.

Yeah considering the whole fiasco with selfcuttinggirl on twitter, he really is a fucking pedo. 'She' was 14 while looked 12. And this dude tried to fuck her.

Probably because you couldn't get girls your whole life and you'd fuck anything. Verdict: Fat Ugly Piece of Shit

Oh fuck you

Yup, if you're a fat ugly piece of shit you have to resort to pounding teenage puss.


You're an original sub yet your account here is days old? Sure.

go fuck yourself ben take your shit back to /r/TACSuncensored your subreddit that no one gave a shit about.

Is this the first time he's tried this tactic?

I guess he got tired of constantly being put on the pay-no-mind list, and finally decided to try to convince people that he's "just like you guys".

Wow that's a lot of effort to put into an obsession. At least when we listen to old shows - which are genuinely 95% entertaining - and get triggered by Tits, all we have to do is link to it and say "Listen to this fucking cunt! Jesus Christ!"

Yeah there are two users with Autism who routinely post the same shit over and over. They even do this across the boards. They were pretty routine over at /r/TACSdiscussion a few months back before Ant had a studio.

They'd post several posts saying that Ant's network was failing due to no subs. They'd post this story. All doing it through new accounts saying they were "subscriber since day one" or they'd say "I made an account just to say this". Of course they had nothing to show they were a longtime sub i.e. wackbag posts, twitter acct, etc.

What they don't realize is they're not fucking with Ant, they're fucking with the readers here and they delete their shit when they feel the backlash.

I'm not fucking with anybody. I was just expressing my opinion and looking for feedback. I don't have a history of posts because I never cared enough to post in the past. Like I said, I'm not cancelling my subscription (because of Gavin, etc.). I was just curious if anybody else went from being a huge fan of his to thinking he is a creep.

sock puppet detected.

If you are a new poster yet long time subscriber you would know none of these "revelations" are recent. On TACS he's spoken frankly about all of them, with the exception of the current legal issue with Dani. He's always been a creep. That's what makes the show funny. If you want to listen to a well adjusted person do radio then listen to your local morning zoo radio and laugh at when they do War of the Roses or The Fugitive all the way until you die. In the meantime the rest of us will enjoy interesting radio from fucked up people with fucked up lives.

I like the cut of your jib. That's generally my take.

That sounds like something Ben would say.

I never say shit like that. You really are a paranoid loser. Stop drinking. Get help asap.


You're an obsessed nut case.

Yeah Ant did some awful shit but Jesus Christ the insane people/person/otherkin on this sub that hates him and makes 50 accounts a week and HAS CONVERSATIONS BACK AND FORTH BETWEEN ACCOUNTS actually makes the old dirtbag Cumia less unlikable lol.

I agree. There are plenty of people who say shit about Ant that I agree with. Like the guy who said he's white trash and did something white trash does. I lol'd. But I defend him when the redditors are being faggots like blasting him for shit we routinely do or for regurgitating the same shit over and over.

It's just sad that there's someone making account after account on this faggot website trying to literally "manipulate the hate".

A small group of us were constantly pointing out the number of sock puppets that they finally started their own subreddit /r/TACSuncensored it was clearly just one or two people in an echo chamber. /u/shameofyou had a running count of sock puppets created.

Like all echo chambers the echos fade away but with the arrest it slighly flared up again. Check out the sub it's filled with shit posts like this.

That's mine you dumb shit

And all these circle jerk posts can go there to your shit subreddit.

Looks like they can go wherever they please you faggot. Looks like you have no control over it

And I will continue to call them out.

So now you can go back to making a new thread about the catfishing incident faggot?

Faggot, are you attracted to kids too? Does it hit a nerve with you? Don't worry it's almost over, Anthony will be gone soon.

Oh you're making predictions now. Let me make one. I predict in a month your subreddit will be empty again... but you will still be here with shitposts!

You're right in a month it will be, it won't be necessary anymore. You really are dumb aren't you. You don't even realize what's going on, do you?

Oh please... enlighten me.

It's blatantly obvious, but then again you're a moron so it goes right over your head.

I already asked you to enlighten me. So..... get to explaining it.

Hey, that disgruntled exTACS subber never answered ur question. Get on him!

This guys has more sock puppets than uncle Paul. Easily 60% of this thread is one retard from Connecticut arguing with and up voting himself. Fucking weirdos!

Ant grooms teenage girls for sex. And he didn't just bang a 17 year old. He dated recently turned 17 year olds.

If I recall correctly he started corresponding with this one when she was 16, http://i.imgur.com/5JEGuCE.jpg

He really is a piece of garbage. He probably broke his phone when the police showed up knowing it's got naked pictures of teenagers all over it.

Maybe he should start dating feminists and doing degrading shit to them during sex.

Edit: breaking a phone doesn't mean they can't find pictures on his phone. Also the police cannot search your phone in a case like that.

Oh come on. You know anthonys abilities to pick up women are limited. You have heard his baby talk jacuzzi routine with whores on the radio.

And besides dating feminists and having degrading sex wouldn't be morally objectionable. Not anthonys style.

My point is every guy is a scumbag down deep at heart in their own way. It's programmed into our DNA. As long as we're not breaking laws I see no reason to judge.

There is a big difference between bonding with a grown over their love for being degraded and attempting to groom 14 year olds for sex.

You know that. But you are some kind of cumia cult follower.

So what is the difference?

Depending on the girls/women involved? A decade or 2

But legally... nothing.

If you think it's in any way acceptable to groom teenagers for sex you are a true scumbag. I hope a girl close to you falls victim to a man like this. I am sure you'd think it's perfectly fine.

It is a scumbag move, I agree. It's also not illegal, so it's not me who thinks it's perfectly fine... it's the government. Damn the man!

No one ever said anything about the legality. Except for you. Now you are acting like you have agreed with me the whole time.

You're a piece of shit and hopefully an old man fucks a teenager you know.

Being a white knight faggot to do depraved shit to feminists is also a scumbag move, so you and Ant are exactly alike.

Am I a scumbag? In my own way yes I am, I'm a man, we all are. You don't see me condemning him for being a scumbag while acting high and mighty as if I'm not.

You are either an idiot or some kind of cult follower. No point in arguing with you. You know there is a big difference between the scumbag things ant does and what you or I do. But you are too much of a fan boy to accept it.

Hopefully an old man fucks your daughter, and you can not judge him.

I'm not arguing, I'm asking. I'll ask again "Please explain what is happening that I'm not realizing."

See the difference between me and you. Is when asked to explain myself.... I can.

I have explained the difference. You know the difference. The difference is children and adults.

You aren't this stupid. Clouded by fanboydom.

I think he is that stupid, and a bit lonely.

I was 19 and I had sex with 17 yr olds. In the state I was in it was legal. Am I a scumbag for that?

No. But you aren't this dumb. You know the difference.

Anthony is almost 60 and used the internet to meet and groom girls between 14 and 16 for sex.

Come on dude. If you'd take ant's dick out of your mouth and his balls off your eyes you'd be able to see better.

Ok.... again. Yes it's a scumbag move. But I'm a scumbag, and you're a scumbag. So... How is your scumbag moves make you a better person? I certainly don't think my scumbag moves make me better than him nor you. As long as someone is remain legal I have no room to judge.

Being 19 and banging a 17 year old isn't scummy.

Being almost 60 and using the Internet to groom 14 year olds is.

You dumb ass mark.

I've already said what he did is a scumbag move. What you did is a scumbag move. So.... we're all scumbags, how are you a better person then?

There's a massive difference. Again, children versus adults.

Maybe you are just dumb?

This logic is retarded. You could use it to defend any shitty act done by anyone.

I had said he was a scumbag, but Iggy claims to be a feminist yet treats the women he sleeps with as sex objects. That too is shitty. I'm also a scumbag. I'm not saying Ant is better than me and I am judging him I just refuse to take a holier than thou attitude.

Yes because they were 17 year old boys with severe learning disabilities.

The people who frequent your shitsub? Yes they are.

My point is every guy is a scumbag down deep at heart in their own way.

lol what an edgy self-hating faggot

I'm not self hating. I'm proud of it hence why I wear the moniker proudly for myself.

This coming from such an upstanding doucheboat who would post a picture of said underage girl and her family to prove some irrelevant point? Your a real class act Iggy!

Your generation of cry baby, finger pointing cunts who simply want to listen to them selves drone on. How about you save the $7.00 and listen to what you really want to hear. The sound of your own, empty thoughts mirrored back to you.

Frankly we need a Cumia in every house dolling out some five finger justice.

You know how I got that picture stupid? Google image searched anthony cumia christmas. It's the first result.

But yea that's comparable to the scumbaggery of anthony. Sure.

You fanboy idiot.

Sure it is out there, but you CHOSE to post it! How about you turn that finger around and judge yourself. Fuckwit. At least then you might have a chance in hell of changing something. But no. It's much easier to be keyboard activist.

Instead of boo hooing on the Internet, how about you simply stop listening? The only thing we need less then your subscription, is your empty opinion. Speak with your actions you SJW cunt.

It being out there is a product of anthony grooming a teenager for sex. You realize that right? He made this bed.

And of course I don't listen to anthonys show. Im not a retard. When ronnie b is on sure.

Don't bring me up. I agree with that ^ guy. your a cunt who posts pictures of children on the Internet. I looked through post history. Your a creep Iggy!

I see how you avoided the fact that YOU post up pictures of other people's family lives. You know your actions. The ones YOU are responsible for. A real hero you are! Funny how content the girls family seems? I guess they don't share your outrage. Maybe you should write them a letter to tell them how you know better what works for their family! Why not go ahead and post their address too. I'm sure it's out there so it makes OK by your rules. Most likely Ant brushed it out of that lil girls hair while he was doing all that "grooming".

Go write for Jezebel with your dim witted trigger words. Click bait cunt!

Clearly you have your own baggage you are bringing to the table here. Good luck dude.

Wow that was a great out. Well done avoiding the fact you are a hypocritical dick bag. I guess it's the same way you told that kid in the Connecticut thread about how grown up you are. Then went over and argued the finer subtleties of wresting. Just go ahead and beat off to your "grooming" pics. Maybe if you got the poison out you fabricate a reasonable argument beyond "come on man". And "you must be dumb".

It's pretty simple really. You somehow think anything I do is worse than anthony the confirmed racist pedophile, who now allegedly abuses women. That's really dumb. Come on man. Pretty simple stuff.

But you are an ant fan boy cult member. So there's really no helping you.

I don't need help.

"I mean come on man". It is simple really. I listen to a show that I enjoy. I turn it on because I like it. Even after 20 years of listening and mostly enjoying the humor because all three of these assholes are reprehensible. I still find them funny. So what's a guy to do when he likes a piece of entertainment? Well generally he goes and talks with other people who enjoy the same show.

Now you, you autistic collection of retarded sock puppets, what you do is obsess over a guy you don't like, who you claim not to listen too, yet know an AWFUL LOT about him? I am guessing you pony up your pittance to hear his show just so you can drop by the armpit of the Internet to desperately beg for attention. I would venture to say your "grooming" us to suit your desperate need for attention.

I'm no fanboy. Fan o man maybe as I'm likely to be older than your dad, so to quote you some of your own advice "when you get older you will grow out of a lot of you silly opinions"

Now listening to a show I enjoy does not make me a fanboy? In fact the type of douche who seeks out conversation about what they don't like, well to me it seems a lot more likely you need "help". Fanboy.

Your the guy trying desperately to engage your edgy POV and then jumping on separate accounts to upvote your banter. Come on man. You need help!

Can you even write a paragraph without the word grooming? Your pathetic

He's been doing shit like this for over 10 years. And only now you have a problem with it.

I thought the racism was a bit till Times Square and nigger recording. Ant hates black people. Even Jim and TACS members of staff can't say otherwise.

Exactly. I just assumed he vented for the show and afterwards he didn't give it much thought.

I honestly thought the 'being attracted to little girls bit' was just a radio bit. I knew he was dating girls in their mid to late 20's, but that is way different than fucking a 17 year old. And this is the only instance where he was actually accused of hitting a chick, to my knowledge anyway.

As a creepy racist who beats women I feel offended by your post, sir

He got more backlash after he bombed on the Big Jay roast and wouldn't admit it.

He can't 'tell his story'. If he does, his attorneys will almost certainly walk and he'll have to find himself new counsel. He's doing the right thing for himself, for once.

I doubt his attorneys would walk - if anything he'd be creating more work for them.

No attorney wants to represent a client who can't keep his mouth shut about a pending case.

No attorney would walk on a client with deep pockets unless they were totally unable to represent them.

Dude, the only way his attorneys are going to 'walk' is if he stops paying them. His show was supposed to be this 'open forum' where no holds were barred, but now he is hiding like a bitch.

His attorneys advise him to shut up and he's complying. You can't be open and honest when there are legal ramifications.

You can. It's just risky you might say something that would give you away if you did. So say Ant is innocent. Says on TACS I'm not guilty. Explained what happened. What's gona happen? Nothing

Explained what happened. What's gona happen? Nothing

You don't know a whole lot about the criminal justice system, do you?

Good for you, I guess.

I know quite a few attorneys who'd dump their clients if they flaunted their advice.

I agree there is no way his lawyers walk but when you are facing felonies it's always a good idea to listen to your lawyers. The lawyers in turn are always going to advise to play it as safe as possible. There are countless ways his words could be twisted against him. I'd consider it more self preservation than being a bitch.

Anthony appears to me to be a creepy ass piece of shit

And yet still 100x more likeable than Opie.

Oh, I fully agree.

I don't see anything wrong with banging a 17 year old, if she looks 23. Ant goes for girls that look 14, which is disturbing. I don't know ant, but he doesn't seem like the type of guy to hit a girl and Dani seems like the type of girl to hurt herself for attention. That being said the thing that disturbs me the most is something that was brought up here months ago and I forgot about. It's the whole catfish thing where ant was grooming a 14 year old and buying her shit so he could bang her when she turned 17. It turned out to be a guy and Keith was involved somehow. If you're drunk and your chick is REALLY pissing you off, I can see grabbing her and shaking her or squeezing her wrists or something, but actively grooming a child is bad.


This looks too long to even be a chiproll, why the fuck would I care about your opinion enough to read all this shit

Haven't been a fan of the guy in a while. I would never even consider giving him money. Dude's been doing the same impressions and quoting the same movies for 20 years...regardless of whether they were once hilarious, they just aren't anymore. Couple all of that with the fact that he lives life like a trailer park degenerate that hit the Powerball, and I couldn't give a shit what his thoughts on politics are.

So I can't say that I've started to 'turn' on him, because I've haven been on his team for years. I also don't have a passionate hate for him either...it's just entertaining to read this sub as someone who used to be a fan of these guys.

Not really. Anthony was always sleazy, that's what Opie doesn't get. He never came over to visit your kids? Anthony snorted coke with his mother! what did you expect

Has anybody else started to turn on Ant?

I'm not 14, how would I know?

"Cumia is following his lawyers' orders to keep his mouth shut is very telling about what he actually did to that girl." Reguardless of what happened you are a fucking idiot.

"Reguardless" eh? Might want to rethink who the fucking idiot is here champ.


I've always felt that way about the shit he does with girls. I'm 29 years old i just took my 17 year old male cousin out around Manhattan to show him around while he was visiting, and the kid is still so immature its like hes handicapped. I remember even the last time i was single when i was around 23-24 i wouldnt think of trying to fuck a chick in or fresh out of high school it would seem to rapey like taking advantage of her. Nevermind in his 50s its just not right, and I'm just as much of a piece of shit as the next man, but its fucked up plain and simple.

You're a faggot, OP. Seriously. Go suck a dick.

Mmm a nice big long hairy one

The iPad thing was pretty fucking creepy.

that girl looked 12 or 13 too.

What thing?

He was busted sending gifts like ipads to a man pretending to be a 13 year old girl online, who knew that he could get Ant easily by naming the twitter account "self-cutting-girl".

Jesus christ, do you have a source?

just search for it. Theres plenty of threads about it.

Basically Anthony was buying gifts for someone masquerading as a 14 but 12 year old looking girl.

Ant & his 17 year old girlfriend at the movies. Ant: "1 adult, 1 child please"



"Like they're going out of style". Fucking gross.

"Your kid can't just be an asshole."

"Well I was diagnosed with AHBD. That's difficult."

"What's that?"

"Adorable Huggable Boy Disorder."

"Awww- I see you're cured."

That priceless auditory artifact will always keep me from completely abandoning Cumia.

You're in your 30s and you care this much about some guy who used to be on the radio?

Well isn't that the point of the OnA/Tacs sub-reddits? Not defending it but angst over O, J and A by 30-somethings is the bread and butter of this place.

The being catfished by a middle aged man posing as a 14 year old girl who cuts herself is so bad. I just read that recently and it's by far the most deplorable thing he's done.

Cry me a river that leads to your bleeding pussy. What a fag.

Only here for Gavin and LOS. I still listen to Ant, but he is no longer the reason i sub to his network. Let's see if Gavin pulls a Shane Smith and takes it over.

Gavin would make TACS way more profitable, thats for sure. The guy can make money. And he'll finally be at a place that won't fire him for his ideals and asperger-y mouth.

I always knew he was a scumbag before the twitter assault thing.. but then I found out about that 17 year old, the catfishing shit.. how he openly talks about "dream raping" and realised he was unhinged.

Anthony waited ten years , and after he got fired to tell how Opie how he felt. I'd say that was a bitch ass thing to do. I realized he was a real racist when he was celebrating Zimmerman's acquittal live from the compound. This new thing with the domestic.....well....we probably will never know what happened. If he was discussing it it would probably piss off the judge. Ppl are discouraged by the courts from talking about their cases in public, and in the courts do not favor men in cases of he said/she said.

I'm in my 30s and I wouldn't even consider banging a 17 year old.


Suuuree! I get this, 17 does seem a bit ripe!

Dude you don't know what you're talking about. When you're in serious legal trouble you don't open your mouth about anything. ANYTHING. Doesn't matter what you say they will try to use it against you. It's best to be the fuck quiet. So the fact he's not talking doesn't mean shit.

I'm not saying he didn't do it but you never want to incriminate yourself or make it worse even if you did.

"But that fact that Cumia is following his lawyers' orders to keep his mouth shut is very telling about what he actually did to that girl. And, for the record, he is kind of a pussy for not saying anything, regardless of the criminal charges. If you really did nothing wrong, come out and tell your story, pussy."


If anything this whole thing has made me more of a fan of his. What an entertaining guy.

Anthony didn't just fuck one 17 year old he's been doing it for years. He used to pay more attention to paltalk than he did to the show. He would spend whole shows talking to 14 year old girls. He should be in jail.

You're clearly not a longtime fan at all. If you've listened to Ant for 5 minutes you'd know none of this is a surprise.

I am a longtime fan, but not so hardcore that I'm reading this subreddit. But all I knew was what was said on the show, which I thought were bits. After the Dani thing, I stopped by here to see if there was any news, and I saw the rest of it.


This forum is incredible, "I didn't know the guy who memorizes crime statistics for shootings in black communities was racist"

couldn't hold it back to save his job. who would've thunk?


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Saying nigger in private does not automatically make you racist. I say that shit all the time and I have no fucking problem with persons of color (aka darkies). Seriously, though, it's not fair to assume someone is racist based on something they said in private under duress. Honestly, that cunt hole probably pushed him to the verge on insanity constantly. Sometimes when we are pissed we use ugly words to blow off steam. Doesn't mean anything.

Can we base it on 6 years of him saying racist shit on the radio?

Nice try Agent Smith. But Anthony is the mother fucking Neo.

Well, maybe Patrice was Neo. Anthony is at least Trinity.

Are you a lesbian in her 30s who wouldn't fuck a 17 year old girl, or are you just a woman pretending to be a guy who wouldn't?

He's a headcase, and yes, he disgusts me.


yeah hes a meany!

Putting aside your long winded book report you do realize Dani isnt 17yrs old right?


You're a faggot

Outside of Greggshells and the bombing denial Anthony has been a non-issue. Just a show that's unworthy of a subscription that desperately needs at least one co-host. The recent child abuse made him interesting again for a couple weeks.

Where's the audio where he said the N-word?



Christ you're a pussy


he's a comedic genius and a piece of shit rolled into one. theres been plenty like him in the past.

as a guy, complete hypocrite. i'd love to see him try and call someone a savage or an animal after he gets the judge's verdict. on the other hand, how many people are as lightning quick as him. minus the ability to come up with material/bits/monologues or whatever, he's funnier than almost every comic out there.

but yes, as a human being, what a shitbag

No cause she was not very believable. He can't say anything, that's very normal in these situations.

You act like 17 is a child. 17 is an adult in Texas, I don't see where the problem is. It might be stupid, but he's with women that are able to decide what they want to do with themselves about as reasonably as any adult woman can, which in itself can be very hit or miss. So long as he doesn't fuck anyone younger there's just not much to complain about. He's definitely attracted to young, but not by much, and he seems to not act too much on that.

I'm gonna have to wait until information is released to the public and not held as evidence to decide on the rest.

Yeah, I agree it is legal. But you shouldn't confuse what you have the right to do with what the right thing is to do. The fact is that most, if not all, of these kids are not (even close to) fully developed mentally and emotionally. There is a big difference between a 19 year old having sex with a 17 year old peer and a 54 year old manipulating these girls into letting him rub his old balls on them. Anthony is creepy as fuck. I was never a follower of this reddit sub until the Dani thing, so I never knew that his jokes about these young girls was antyhing more than a bit.

What you wouldn't want this "old guy rubbing his balls on you"? http://i.imgur.com/3gZ1ve5.jpg What, are you some sort of communist?

there are so very very many things that people do that are legal to do that i strongly disagree with and you're asking if it offends me or makes me dislike him. i'd say there are other things i dislike much more, none of which are illegal really.

i'm more offended that he's into flat-assed pale girls and always brings up how pussy hair is making a comeback. He's been saying it for over 10 years and he's been wrong for over 10 years. pisses me off every time, quite frankly.

and i don't buy how most people regard development. I've met healthy 65 year olds that act like spoiled children, and i've met children that act like adults. the best thing you can do is go by the hard and fast rules of age limits and that's all there is to it. you could talk all day about the nuances but age of consent is all that matters really.

i've accepted that none of the boys shared my taste in women long ago, i always thought there were just fags. So i'm fine with his girls, I'm more just curious to see what facts about this alleged beating come out.

So you would have no problem with your 16 or 17 year old daughter dating a 54 year old man, as opposed to a 19 year old kid?

well i edited that down for length and "i'm lenient about calling him evil for that even though I may not want to associate with him" got cut.

i have no dealings with the man, i have no say in how he conducts his life personally. i'm an outside observer and where my concern begins and ends with him is if what he does is illegal. beyond that it's just gravy.

i'm not sure how comfortable fathers are with a daughter dating anybody really. i think you wouldn't want a girl dating a 19 year old douche, and they're all douches. 50 might be too old but then again I'm all for supporting her ambitions and securing that cash for herself. and it's her life, you're talking about the age where a person needs to learn how they're going to be, how they're going to live, what is successful or not.

ultimately the point of the age of consent is, regardless of how i might feel, there's nothing i can do or say about it legally. I would give advice, perhaps. I'd say "54 year old men can be fine but this one is long island trash." again, there are endless nuances, but age of consent is the only fucking thing that matters. beyond that, it's all up to the people involved. you're not in charge of their lives and it's not our job to protect young adults from their choices.

Well Texas is fucking gay, so there's that

I'm in my 30s and I wouldn't even consider banging a 17 year old.

Stopped reading. I don't know if your wrinkled girlfriend was peeking over your shoulder, but this is just retarded to try to say with a straight face.

Women in their 20's> Teenagers.

Maybe, but he wrote "Wouldn't even consider" which is just flat out fucking stupid to say.

i seriously don't get how teenagers are considered an impressive conquest. they're idiots. if anything it's an admission that a man is bad with women.

Yeah that nigger line really did it for me. Didn't know he was really racist.

Age of consent in New York is 17, so as gross as it may be, it's legal to be twice her age and have sex with her. It must be killing the two or three obsessed lunatics who can't just let it go. Ant is his own worst enemy, either he is going to learn from this colossal fuck up or he will hang himself again. True women beater's are scum. What he did (with the details we know) was wrong, but it's more common than most people realize. He momentarily lost his shit. If he had beaten her within an inch of her life or even put her in the hospital with life threatening injuries then he would most definitely be doing some time behind bars.

Of course he was going to beat Dani. I have little respect for Cumia, but I still like the guy's humor. There's a certain patheticness about him that keeps me just empathetic enough to give a shit about what he's doing.

Eh, nah.


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I shit myself out of pure hatred and just sit there in it spitefully when I think of Ant. Just sitting in my steaming pile of corn nuggets clenching my teeth and thinking of my next scathing reddit post. Hopefully if it's good enough, the people here will think I'm cool.

I always was creeped out how he would brag about fucking 18 year Olds

The best part is that there's 18 of them... ...I hit that one out of the park, right guys?

Why did you become a Punk Rock DJ if not to fuck 18 year olds?

They can't get in the bar dog. Also I'm not 50, I'm in my 20s

Glad we can at least agree that you're a Punk Rock DJ.

/u/stinkskc is a punk rock dj confirmed.

You were right all along.

Can I DJ ur birthday?

No thanks, Im not gay.

You and truthie sure act pretty gay together with your obsession over me

Not much of an obsession, you're just the only self-professed Punk Rock DJ on this sub. Easy to remember you.

I never professed. I am a dj though.

Yes I know. A Punk Rock one.

Don't flatter yourself. I have you tagged as punk rock dj and stumbled upon you being mocked for it again. Shits funny. Ooo don't send me 30 pms again.

Sent you 2 pms after you tagged me all over the sub, and one the next day showing it was Benjamin thst was talking shit in you not me. What happened some rocker stole your girlfriend fat boy?

2 pms before you got a reply twice, 3 comments on one post before you got a reply.

You're panicked and obsessed, bitch boy.

How does that make me panicked I had more to say you faggot. Also you're the one whose talking about me and what I do with my life outside of the sub, so as far as I'm concerned you look like a way bigger faggot than I ever will being a "punk dj". I get asked to play music at bars and get paid for it, what's the last thing anyone's ever asked you to do, except your mom to stop jizzing in your socks and hiding your hot pocket wrappers under the bed

That sure is a lot of words for a guy that's not upset or obsessed lol.

Doesn't seem like a lot of words to me,just addressing all the shit you're talking moron.


Gayest thing I've heard all day. Maybe more so than your profession of being a punk rock dj.

Can I DJ ur lawfirms Christmas party

This is like reading a Chip post where he forgot to talk about Ant's huge peckah.

I was always disgusted with him. I'm still going to keep subbing because I enjoy the content. I don't look to Anthony to make up my moral compass.

No not yet anyway. All you have heard is one side of the story. There is no concrete evidence that he was hitting her. That's what Dani told the cops, that is all. Until there is a trial and until Anthony can legally talk about it, nothing is concrete. You understand the legal trouble he can get into if he just decides, fuck it and talk about all the details on his show? You being a little unreasonable. After the trail is over I'm sure he will have plenty to say.


How about you cancel your subscription with a 2.23 to the temple.

Completely wrong ammo for the job.

Are you new around here? There's been plenty of stuff to turn you off to ant over the last 18 months. The Dani incident isnt't surprising at all. The man is a creep. A racist, child fucking, funny creep. But funny is the most important part. So i continue to listen and support him.

Well, as someone who beats women, hates blacks and grooms minors for sex I think...

I've done terrible things, you all have to. The only difference is no one gives a shit about you.

I've never beat a chick. I've never been a 50something trying to have sex with a minor. And I don't view black people as inferior because of their race.


No, not fucking children here.


Ant needs to move to France. The age limit is 15 there.

Sounds like OP hasn't been enriched with the dealings of niggerdom. Any employed white man has the privilege to call those savage big lipped beasts by there true name.

This. He's a fucking low-life wop who if he wasn't funny would still be installing air-conditioning.

If you're listening to him for moral guidance you're an idiot. If you think he's 'a good guy' you're an asshat. The delusional fanboi-ballwashers who don't think he's racist, uneducated or think he's insightful on politics, etc., have their own issues.

Ant is a shitbag, but he's a funny & often entertaining shitbag so that's the reason you ought to listen to him.

Oh come on. You know anthonys abilities to pick up women are limited. You have heard his baby talk jacuzzi routine with whores on the radio.

And besides dating feminists and having degrading sex wouldn't be morally objectionable. Not anthonys style.

Faggot, are you attracted to kids too? Does it hit a nerve with you? Don't worry it's almost over, Anthony will be gone soon.

You are either an idiot or some kind of cult follower. No point in arguing with you. You know there is a big difference between the scumbag things ant does and what you or I do. But you are too much of a fan boy to accept it.

Hopefully an old man fucks your daughter, and you can not judge him.



that girl looked 12 or 13 too.

What thing?

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You and truthie sure act pretty gay together with your obsession over me