Does staying in the "closet" hold Jimmy's career back?

8  2015-12-29 by [deleted]

It's 2016, let your flag fly.


Only way Jimmy's career goes anywhere from here is if one of his more famous funnier comic friends hooks him up with a support role in a sitcom. Preferably playing a bisexual creep who's awkward with his hands and blinks a lot so he doesn't have to do much acting.

Lucky Amy

Triggered Amy

Hooked on Life Support Patrice

As long as his apnea is also mentioned.

Never going to happen. Every comic knows better than to include Kiss-of-Death Norton in anything by now.

I want to love Jimmy's standup, but I just can't get into . he's obsessed with being edgy, but it almost seems dated or forced even corny sometimes. He also thinks his only fans are O&A fans, and they probably will be if he continues to approach his stand up like they are. I always wondered if the show ending would be the best thing for him. He would have more motivation to get better. He also said he doesn't listen to or watch other standup which sort of makes sense, but he might not be aware how fucking funny ppl like Dan soder or big jay actually are. Sometimes understanding your contemporaries helps you adjust.

he's obsessed with being edgy, but it almost seems dated or forced even corny sometimes.

That comes from Jim not watching recent comedy, whether a show or stand-up. He doesn't realize how much people "get away with" now. He thinks the Uncle Paul sketch he did could only be done on the internet because it's so edgy/inappropriate, but you'd probably see that on any random FX/Comedy Central show these days. Even Two and a Half Men, one of the most mainstream network/syndicated sitcoms ever, has blowjob jokes regularly. It's not 1982, Jim.

Yea that's true. What makes me laugh about Norton isn't his tranny jokes or ultra violent shocking descriptions. He's not a rebel. He's an eccentric weird little man who probably washes his hands too much. He's also able to read between the lines, be silly, and explain abstract things in a way that really make sense which is why it puzzles me why his stand up is so.....dull....I guess.

Jimmy's the edgiest guy of 1998.

The Beatles and the Stones competed with each other. They didn't turn each other's music off so they didn't accidentally steal a riff. They listened, said holy shit that's good, and then tried to do something better. It's too bad Jim doesn't get that.

I want to love Jimmy's standup, but I just can't get into . he's obsessed with being edgy, but it almost seems dated or forced even corny sometimes.

Agree. It's the same problem I have with Artie Lange. Artie on Stern (before the drugs) was hilarious. Same with Jimmy on O&A. They're quick & had me in tears at times. On stage I just can't get into it.

Completely agree, not paying attention to your peers/competition only holds you back. Jimmy is at a breaking point; either adjust & move forward or watch your fan base & ticket sales trend downward each year. Likely what is happening/will happen with Cumia & his subscribers.

his only fans are OnA fans. Can you see an average Louis fan listening to Norton talk about fucking a tranny and not being horrified?


Big Jay sucks.

He's clearly bisexual, coming out would definitely be good for his career.

Real answer I was struck that Jim's big deal tour for next year is called Mouthful of Shame. It seems like a very large majority of what Jim does is to get laid, and that's one of the things holding him back.

I love the guy but jesus christ we fucking heard you about the pissing

I hate all the names of his specials. They're so contrived. Just come up with something and let it be. It doesn't always have to be this HS attempt at being clever.

I would say his uncontrollable twitching and blinking holds him back.

Showbiz is a young fag's game. Jimmy's on the wrong side of 47.

He's out just not labeled as out. He sucks dicks as a kid and as a adult. What more can he say to be 'out'

Well he'll deny that he's gay or bi every time it gets brought up. If he would just come out as a fag he could get a nice chunk of that Schumer audience.

You have obviously never seen him act.

I thought the studio was finally made bigger.

No, stale, child molesting and stewed tomato jokes do

use more commas

If he wants mainstream success, he should go all-in on Chip persona and kill off Jim. I was at a taping of his recent special and the Chip encore got the best response of the night.

that's incredibly depressing

riding coattail can only get him so far u know what i mean

He's dating a female comic now, all loved up

False flag

Shouldnt it be False Fag?


Jimmy should come out already. He can do a show on Logo or do RuPauls Drag Race as a guest judge.

he's already said enough, unless he decides to go move into gay cuckold porn, his career would be just as futile.

Jim is really fast with a comeback, and he's smart with his money. He paid off his condo years ago and he lives below his means. In twenty years, Jim will still be on the radio, just as Denny is still on the radio. Anthony will be dead. Opie will be homeless and broke, after his wife divorces him when he loses the Sirius gig.

TLDR : Jim will come out on top. He's smart and has more self control than he'll admit.


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No. He's straight.

No. Being a giant pussy that helps his friends become stars without asking them to return the favor does.

You guys are dicks and I'm going to be glad when this place gets shut down.

Triggered Amy

Hooked on Life Support Patrice