I been listening to Patrice Episodes in order. Has Opie Ever Said Anything Funny?

37  2015-12-29 by americanmook

It took me 5 episodes to be able to tell the difference between Opie and Anthonys voice. I still kinda cant tell the only thing that tells me who is who is that Anthony is actually funny.

I have never heard Opie say anything funny. His brother sitting in the restaurant with a flashlight waiting for the electricity thief was awful. Dont even think it got a laugh.


No. In fact, he even took a classic Patrice bit and brought it to a screeching halt.

Patrice and Anthony were ripping into Wesley Snipes for being in jail. The bit had a ton of energy. Opie, as usual, contributed nothing.

Then, in the middle of the incredible roll Anthony and Patrice were on, Opie says, "Alright, very good. We have to move on. That's all we have on that."

Patrice, still laughing from the bit, said "Wait a minute, you can't just end it like that!"

Opie went to break.

Here's the entire clip - it's 4 minutes long, no need for time stamp.



Here's another one Opie ruins. One of my favorite clips. Opie can't stand being unimportant, goes to callers.

He's said a dozen or so funny things, but it only ever happened when he was on air alone with Anthony. Even Jim tightens him up, but he was at his worst when good guests were in, especially Patrice and Louis. He'd try dragging the conversation down into the "you and I have something real in common" gutter, bail to the phones when everyone was laughing without him, mash buttons on the sampler like a baby banging its fists in its food, etc.

He sucks.

Patrice once said "I just wanna say this one thing quickly"

To which Opie replied "You never say anything quickly"

He has his rare moments.

Damn, submit that gem to Reader's Digest immediately. Elderly distribution numberrrrz

That's the one moment I was struggling to remember. Well done.

I've rarely laughed harder than when Opie thought the Wayans brothers were complimenting him, or when Jim "started Goin to tha gem". I love moments like that.

And when Jim got ozzy those books, Opie knew immediately what was going to happen and recognized the moment if you saw the video he took.

But generally he's mediocre and misses the bit.

Most of the good lines he has, he ruins by repeating it immediately.


Not intentionally.

When they met Bobo, Opie asked if the doctors took his dick. It got a laugh, but then someone here said that Opie probably actually thought that, which he probably did. It's in here somewhere I think.

Also the time when they were taking about someone being caught molesting a young girl and Opie speculated that the guy was "all in" with the molestation. Very funny and got a huge laugh from Jimmy, but it wasn't intentional.

Opie has made me laugh before but never from anything hes said, just by doing mean shit. Hanging up on guests, poker chips, hanging up on people after asking what they like about the show, etc. Its actually impressive how unfunny he is when he tries to construct a joke

Yes but very very rarely and when she does she usually becomes self aware and starts trying to explain why what she said was funny unnecessarily.

When Ant and Patrice were talking about Asians being difficult and rude Opie chimed in with a time his then fiancé was stressing about the wedding to an Asian woman who said to her:

" Oh Rynsi, you cly rike baby "

To which Ant and Patrice really started laughing. And it was genuinely very funny because of Opie's delivery, it just worked. Of course she then had to put the brakes on by blabbering about it for 30 seconds.

I'm not gonna search for it but it's one of the later O&A Patrice episodes; around no. 120 on that full playlist on Youtube.

Just recently I was listening to a clip from 2005, and Opie not only had a decent line, he delivered it with good timing, with confidence, and then shut the fuck up about it after. No "That was a good line, right?" no "That deserved more, come on!" He just said it and was done, a true rarity. It was when they were talking about Ant meeting Groucho Marx in the early 70s. It was just a "goof on how old Ant is" bit, at one point Anthony says Alice Cooper was also at the function, to which Opie replies, "Yeah, and who was changing his diaper?" Not saying it's the greatest line, just the only funny line I can recall from 20 years of radio.


Doing a run-in on Ron & Fez


It's the only time Opie's been funny without reading somebody's else comment or fucking something up.

He has his moments occasionally, but then he repeats the joke 2 or 3 times and ruins the whole thing.

Over the 20ish years of radio he has said a grand total of 6 funny things.

Perhaps less than that.

Yeah, but he's a beast at steering the ship

There was a story about someone who'd been decapitated. While talking about the funeral Opie mentioned the coffin, and the little hat box next to it for the head.

Got quite a big laugh in the room, and it is pretty amusing imagery.

You make a good point about not being able to tell O and A apart - I had the same experience watching Louis and Patrice clips and first becoming familiar with da show - they sort of blend together in a weird way as a sort of peanut gallery...

Was listening to the Joe Piscopo saga randomly, and as as much as I hate admitting it, Opie had some genuinely really funny moments fucking with Joe, the whole silent game they played with Joe on the phone seemed to be Opie's orchestrating which was really funny so there's at least that one 'famous bit' that he undeniably had a hand in making really funny. Thing with Opie is, he has his moments, but they're so few and far between it's hard to remember those moments amidst all the other garbage hacky shit he spews.

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvVdoi9yWEs&t=2m11s The one time I genuinely remember him saying something funny. Of course his obnoxious laugh is still there.



Maybe once in a while years ago...trust me you won't miss it because any time he thinks he's got a good line he'll repeat it 8 times in the next 30 seconds like the autist he is. Usually he just spent time struggling and failing to read mediocre instant feedback lines.

The funniest thing he ever did was when he hung up on that actress. I don't think he realized how funny it would be because overall he had pretty bad instincts for when it would be funny to do that.

I'm on Patrice #17. I think 14 or 15 Opie had TWO great lines. That's all I can recall.

Serious question; if Opie never says anything funny how come Anthony laughs at everything Opie says? Is Anthony a great big phoney?

If you listen to Greggshells Part 1+2 you will learn that Anthony was bullied by Opie during this time. If he didn't laugh, he didn't eat. He had to suppress his real talent for the good of the show.

He brought in Keith the Cop as moral support, but one day Opie told Keith to go home. It's a shocking story. I don't do it justice. Hear it in his own words, exclusively on The Anthony Cumia Netowrk.

I've listened to part 1 and Anthony's solo show is hard to get thru. Add in the fact that I know first hand he's lying about things it's just not listenable. I have heard the Keith go home story before and don't doubt that Opie can be an asshole at times but at least he's been real. Anthony is a whore with no self respect. He's on the same level as a chick that just had a bukaki scene.


Are you a chick? Just curious... Most men in this place probably know how to spell BUKKAKE

Enlighten everyone with your insider knowledge. I'm sure you'll have Reddit gold with all the facts you learned "first hand". Or, continue pretending you know more than all of us dummies still theorizing about a show that ended over a year ago.