Reality check

0  2015-12-29 by Ant_Sucks


nah fuck it, I aint hating on some lady because her brothers are retarded, fuck that.

But you will hate on some lady because her husband is retarded? Youre one inconsistent faggot arent you?

Wait what? Who?


Great point. Logic will be wasted on this moron.

it seems there is at least 5 accounts blindly downvoting you. You must have made the faggots upset.

Yep, that's all I was saying. I think it's quite amusing.

You're right. I'm not really hating on her, but sometimes the people here need a good spray of reality once in a while

Has there ever been an attractive Cumia?

Don't care. Still would fuck.

You sound like a real man's man. Bet you walk around rock hard all day and bang anything with a pulse.

He does. Which is bad because he works in a preschool.


Why would anyone want to limit themselves to only fucking the living?

Bet you walk around rock hard all day

No, I'm sitting down right now.

It's even worse when you hear her squawking voice with the hideous Long Island accent.

Sandy Kane, 20 years earlier.

I'm not sure everyone is following this as closely as you think. These hostages aren't necessary and should be set free

Not cool, people might be eating here. Put a NSFL tag on this.

That's not a fair thing to do to Michael Jackson. He's dead and he suffered from vitiligo.

it seems there is at least 5 accounts blindly downvoting you. You must have made the faggots upset.