The last Joe Cumia show was 5 months ago. Has to bee seen o be believed.

12  2015-12-28 by crookedmile


I'd rather watch ISIS videos.

I'd rather he star in one.

Good luck getting a sword to cut through that fat neck of his.

I guess they will have to use the explosive rope around his neck

or drown him in a cage. or set him on fire in a cage. or something else with a cage. or throw his faggot ass off a minaret.

I'd rather I star in one.

hey bro, if you need someone to talk to go fuck yourself :)

Yeah, I...


I'd watch them behead Brother Joe.

"What happened to the groceries? "

Both are intended to terrify and torture.

But wait, why isn't brother Joe's show on the TACS network???


Even Ant know's he stinks.

We know you're reading this Joe. Bet that one stings.

Even Ant knows he's the only one that should pay for his brother's show.

Worst David Cross sketch ever.

I'd rather watch Opie read the speech at the end of Atlas Shrugged.

He did this one video editing trick on his show that somebody posted once that was so amateurish and ridiculous that it was unbelievably hilarious.

I think his upper body was in the lower corner of the screen while he watched a video, and then after it was over, he floated across a black screen until he back at the center, at which point the desk reappears. I'd love to see it again, been searching for it.

46:00 is this it ???

and yet his set STILL looks better then TACS

I'd rather fuck my own mother in the ass than watch this greaseball.

Great, now I'm hard.

Into DP?

Absolutely and then some. I hope you don't mind prepping the bull.

Don't mind it all. Got my tongue up mom's ass as we speak. Getting her nice and loosened up for our cocks.

You say weird shit to people dude

I was just trying to be outrageous.

this 1 show of his got the audio muted for copyright reasons, so it's just a mute show of GBA, probably the best episode yet if you ask me

what a fuckin idiot

I can't believe I'm watching it but the episode above has muted audio, too, at the beginning at around 3:00 minutes in where the logo and theme song go away and we begin the interview-ish thing with whats-his-tits... just terrible.

At least that other fat dickhead acknowledges his place as the "sleeveless beer fetcher."

Funny, his moron producer Joe Pietaro claimed the stupid show was doing better than ever. I think they were getting about 12 viewers per week, and that's being generous.

Holy shit, anyone that could stomach watching this and enjoy it should be executed.

What the fuck is this shit?

Sweet intro

This person isn't fit to lick SCORCH's shoes.

Nobody wants to watch that garbage. Sorry, Joe. You aren't interesting. Stick with 2U or whatever the hell that is

Didn't he beg for money on the Internet for this dumb "show"

Yes, started a funding drive trying to get $10,000. He got about $250.

Does it?



At about 16 minutes, Joe claims that TACS outbilled O and J for the last quarter for advertising - and remember this is from the summer of this year...

Season 2 of "Guilty By Association - The Joseph Cumia Show" is on the horizon.

I was just trying to be outrageous.