Ant will have this kind of meltdown once he realizes he is definetely doing time in prison and losing his guns

0  2015-12-28 by unclepaul84


We can only hope

Livestreaming the whole fucking thing, he already shares genetics with ISIS so why not.

For the 20th time. You do not go to prison for first time domestic violence. Worst case senario he could go to jail but considering he is a rich first time offender with almost 60 years of crime free living he will not do any time. It's amazing how ignorant people are about how the system works.

Even in cases of kidnapping and strangulation?

Yep because the strangulation law is very broad and the more serious stuff with be plead down anyway. He'll likely walk away with just a misdemeanor or two. It cost a lot of money to incarcerate people and many jails and prisons are overcrowded. First time offenders tend to just get a slap on the wrist.

That's possible. But all we have seen is the periscope video and we have only read Anthony's lawyer's statement. We have no idea how bad Dani's injuries are and how much evidence the cops have. It's definitely too early to just think he will get a slap on the wrist.

*sigh. I'm done trying to reason with sheltered people. Time with prove you wrong.

Think he'll loose his guns?

I'm 99 percent sure he already has. He has pending domestic violence charges so they should have been removed by the police that same day. Whether he gets them back depends on the outcome of the case. Google the lautenburg amendment. Acording to that he should have already surrendered his weapon if he still has them he is commiting a felony. Hell my mom bitch slapped my drug addict sister once and my stepfather had to surrender his weapons. She got a deferment and he got them back. He was not facing charges but since they lived in the same home he had to hand them over.

The charges are pretty pumped up (as others have pointed out, "kidnapping" and "strangulation" have really broad definitions under the law, and all that's required to stick them in the indictment is the victim's word). It's really common to make the charges hardcore in order to incent a plea down to something reasonable. "If you get convicted on all these charges you will be a convicted felon and you'll do two-to-six years in prison. OR you could plead guilty to misdemeanor assault, take a 6 month suspended sentence, agree to go to rehab, and submit to two years' probation. You wanna roll the dice?"

It's pretty effective, and the DA has a huge incentive to plea these things out. The courts are unbelievably backed up as it is. If every single criminal defendant's case went to trial (or even a majority of them) the entire system would be completely fucked. They love plea deals.

Already happened.

"Rejects...Losers..." cut to home theater was priceless. He looks like such a lonely skinny little dork. That cap should have a propeller on it.

He might not do any real time but he's going to haaaaate rehab. Picture him sitting around in a group forced to do a self inventory. He already hates spending more than 5 minutes around 'normal people'.

He better do inpatient. If he fucks up the rehab and with an entire bar in his house that's a very good possibility that is something that will piss a judge off and could get you at least 30 day. Trust me I know. And you can be tested for alcohol use 48 and sometimes even 72 hours after drinking.

How many more times will this same post be rehashed? Repetitive retards.

Ha. Ha. So. Funny. It's almost like it hasn't been posted over and over again. Enough with the repeated stupid movie references

Lol, he's not going to jail, faggot. He's rich.

he's kind of beta, he wont even use a gun when it's time to use one

He's not going to prison. Jail, possibly, but definitely not prison. I imagine he'll get deferred adjudication/pre-trial diversion or whatever they call it in New York. Meaning that if he's a good boy for 12 months or whatever it is in NY and he does some bullshit anger management classes then the charges will be dismissed and he'll be free to go the range whenever he'd like.

But, but, all the people here that would probably have a breakdown if they got jay walking charge all say he is going to serve some hard time in prison.

They are trying to will it into happening for the laffs. Admittedly, it would be pretty fucking funny if Anthony went to prison.


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But, but, all the people here that would probably have a breakdown if they got jay walking charge all say he is going to serve some hard time in prison.