Anthony the dream rapist

7  2015-12-28 by ScoliOpie


I have lucid dreams quite often and I remember hearing this a couple years back. Next time I had a lucid dream I gave it a try and pulled down this girl I knew's pants and fucked her behind the counter in a 711. She didn't mind but I'd still consider it dream rape. You feel pretty weird when you wake up.

I have lucid dreams quite often

You lucky fucker. I've never had a lucid dream in my life, at least not one that I remember when I wake up. I wish I could. I'd like to fly around the universe and shoot machineguns and shit. It would rule. Dream sex must be fucking awesome, too.

I have, however, had a couple wet dreams in my life. Those are AMAZING. I'd rather have wet dreams than lucid dreams, I think. The orgasm is better than anything I've ever felt.

its worth the experience

You have to train yourself, there's a lot of different binary sound tracks you down load online for free and you sleep listening to them through headphones. Took me like a month or so to actually have one and now years later I'd say almost half my dreams are lucid ones.

You don't really decide what is happening in the dream, it's kind of like your brain presents the scenarios and the characters but you're controlling yourself and how you react to everything.

Shit. I'm going to try this. I want to experience a lucid dream really badly now.

Do you remember the dreams? What's the coolest one you've had?

People are very different in their rate of remembering dreams but I'd say the fact that your psyche is heavily involved with the dream makes it sink into your head a lot more and be more memorable. Like I said the dreams aren't necessarily cooler than any other dream, you don't decide what the dream is.

But I'll say the cool part is that normal things that would scare you in a dream can be erased. Like if you're being chased or attacked you can use the power of creating shit with your mind to help yourself in the dream. I like to make myself hover a lot in dreams, it's strange I can make myself fly but in different dreams I have different limitations to how high or how fast I can make myself go.

It's a very strange thing to go through but it is very fun, like if you ever have dreams that involve some hot bitch, now you can fuck the girl (and I'm not saying dream rape). You can definitely open up a lot of possibilities for fun with lucid dreaming. I will say though once it starts happening frequently you might start getting a bit obsessed with sleeping a lot because it becomes a lot more fun than anything in regular life.

Also the more conscious you become in the dream, the dream starts to end. So you can do some pretty cool shit but it's not this amazing I control everything around me scenario, occasionally you get to that level but then the dream ends very soon. Almost as if your brain is preventing you from having that power.

judging only from your other posts and username your lucid dream posts are funny (given the change in context). I have them completely accidentally and they usually involve flying. completely understand the "limitations", the last one I had I could only fly feet-first and it was really fucking weird. had to take off of a balcony of a tall building and could only go slow at first, but if I tried really hard I could go faster. the one before I had to go through a kind of jumping pattern (almost like I needed to gradually escape gravity), and then I could kind of extreme moonwalk without really flying, and there were all kinds of aircraft crashing around me. FOR REALS and peckas

I had to go through a kind of jumping pattern (almost like I needed to gradually escape gravity) and then I could kind of extreme moonwalk without really flying

I've had that dozens of times and finally figured out it comes from floating in water irl. For me I only get about 3 or 4 feet off the floor and usually float down until my ass is about 1 inch off it, and kind of bounce forward in like a fetal position. Pretty lame.

I had about 15 lucid dreams (never tried to train myself, just got lucky I guess) and I only got to legit fly once for about 20 seconds. That was pretty meh too.

I've had them since I was a kid, I never knew it was such a rare thing

I lucid dream a lot as well and I've had sex with girls I know in my dreams. I wouldn't consider it dream rape though because the girl is always into it. If you were lucid dreaming and the girl you are trying to have sex with is fighting you and trying to resist then that's dream rape.

I've had lucid dreams that were so real that I would be thinking okay this is a dream so I'm going to go find this certain girl and have sex. So I'll find her but then I start thinking, well I can't just have sex right here in the mall in front of everyone because what if this actually is real.

My second favorite thing is flying into space and third would be stealing nice cars and beating the shit out of people that upset me.

Never flew into space, and yea I'm not saying I've had sex with girls in a dream while they're resisting, but I've had it where they're not necessarily choosing to have sex with me if that makes any sense.

any sex dream I have I bust in my sleep after the moment of "penetration". hate it when dreams reflect reality :(

I always wake up just before I get inside. Fucking retard brain with the ultimate cock-block.

Haha Yeah it makes perfect sense. That's what I do too but as soon as I start the act they start going along with it.

What would be twisted is if you were lucid dreaming and going to have sex with a girl and you actually did rape her while she resisted. Because while your lucid dreaming you can also control the stuff around you and the people to some extent. If a guy was actually raping during a lucid dream it would be because he wanted her to resist. That would be psychotic.

Next time you lucid dream, try flying in space. It's really cool but it's also really creepy. I wake up with this weird feeling of being lonely and hopeless and sad.

I shall, sounds pretty fun considering I wake up and go to sleep with that feeling anyways.

Do you get sleep paralysis too?


Jesus doesn't mind dreamy rape.

Aren't we all?

this is not good reddit

I find it to be quite informative, as well as entertaining. I've never before felt compelled to take notes of anything these fuckhead discuss.

Edit: pluralize fuckhead

The clip is great. The lack of commentary outside of just posting a clip OP likes is my humble opinion sir.

You have to train yourself, there's a lot of different binary sound tracks you down load online for free and you sleep listening to them through headphones. Took me like a month or so to actually have one and now years later I'd say almost half my dreams are lucid ones.

You don't really decide what is happening in the dream, it's kind of like your brain presents the scenarios and the characters but you're controlling yourself and how you react to everything.

its worth the experience

I've had them since I was a kid, I never knew it was such a rare thing