What is likely to happen on the 4th?

3  2015-12-28 by Dennyislife

Not from round your parts so no idea how your courts work. Is it a pre-hearing/plea kind of thing or what? Can it be thrown out then or go on to trial from that point?


If he was still friends with Opie he could have used his mob connections to intimidate the jurors.


I'm not sure how NY courts work but likely he will go in, the Judge will call him up unless the lawyers get a continuance worked out before hand, the DA presents the charges against him the lawyer informs the judge of his position and if they are going to trial it either is already at superior (since he supposedly entered s not guilty plea) or it goes to superior and they get a new court date for trial.

It usually takes a while to actually go to trial my guess is it will either be dealt with outside of court or they will continue it to gather more evidence and set a trial date for a few weeks later.

Source: Been through the system once.

I was reading this like, geez, this guy is probably a lawyer or something, he sounds like he knows his stuff.

Then I got to the last line.

Yeah. White people can get fucked by the system too. But what can ya do.

im gonna guess a drug felony for five hundred, alex

You're wrong, you lose, good day sir.

I'm guessing you actually did something wrong?


Usually, this is where you find what the DA is actually charging you with, probable plea, and then set the next court date. It'll be quick with not much to it other than now Ant will know what his exact charges will be.

Slight chance The Fugitive calls in...

It will likely be a series of continuances. Depending on how busy the court is and how long it takes them to gather evidence, could be quite some time.

Source: lolcow Chris-Chan was charged with assault in smaller Virginia town roughly a year ago, and his last case saw six continuances and didn't resolve until October of this year. http://sonichu.com/cwcki/26_December_2014#Subsequent_court_hearings

Whether ant is guilty or innocent I have to assume he wants it wrapped up as quickly as possible.

Longer it drags on the more he gets hung in the court of public opinion.

He's already hung in the public opinion, and even if he has video proof of him not laying a hand on Dani there will still be a good amount of people who will believe she's telling the truth.

I'm sure the general public has no idea who he is, he need not worry about that

Undoubtedly there will be plenty of continuances on both sides. The legal system moves at a fucking snail's pace.

On January 4th? Well, Opie will play a song and then drone on about it for 8 to 10 minutes before saying good morning to Florentine. The pair will talk Trump for about 20 minutes coming to agreement that they are all full of shit and that they don't care. Then Florentine will talk about football for about 30 minutes, joshing good naturedly about Opies four teams. Then Opie will say good morning to Jim Norton (on air only of course). Jim will report that he could not get to his family's house for Christmas dinner, and instead stayed in the city with a series of yuletide hookers.

Anthony will not be mentioned.

I'd assume some basic things will be said, accusation, ant's not guilt plea. Then they'll put a continuation on it to gather more evidence. The lawyers will keep this going for a while before Ant gets the least damaging amount of charges possible but still stuck with some sort of probation that forbids his gun use and alcohol consumption.

forbids his gun use

He'll never plead to anything that causes him to lose his gun rights. He'll go to trial if the best deal he is offered makes him lose his guns.

I wasn't saying he'll agree to it, I'm saying his sentence is going to be some sort of probation.

Honestly, I'm expecting pre-trial diversion or deferred adjudication. He's a first time offender and he didn't do anything serious, just a domestic squabble with his girlfriend.

He already entered a not guilty plea. Next is pre-trial. He will either accept a plea deal or opt for trial

Actually i believe the first step would be a preliminary hearing. Making sure there is enough evidence to hold the charges for trial. Then from there arraignment then pretrial.

Source: criminal.

You sir, are fucking retarded. He's already been arraigned. An arraignment is what happens before u bond out or released on ur own recognizance. If youre a criminal, you're really shifty at it

Really fuck face? You get arraigned again after your fucking charges are held over from the district court and proceed to the county level. Go fuck your mother you fat dick gobling faggot.

you need to be indicted within a certain amount of time when arrest occurs; if no indictment, then there's a prelim - it is rare but it happens... OJ had a prelim...

You have no idea what an arraignment is. Enjoy being a faggot

Or shitty, whatever fagfuck autocorrect decides