Brother Joe, if you're reading this....

65  2015-12-28 by smokinswindler

I hope you are involved in a minor car accident that you walk away with only minor scrapes and bruises. Later that day when you are opening a particularly stubborn bottle of ibuprofen, you slip, fall backwords and hit your dense head on your tile floor sending you into a deep coma. Days later the doctor tells your family that you are in a terry schiavo level vegetative state and to consider to options of life putting you on expensive life support or letting you go peacefully. This happens on January 3rd. The next day Anth is convicted of all charges and is entered into a lengthy and expensive lawsuit. Having to liqudate assets & cut back expenses he makes the call to pull the plug and let you die. Fuck you Joe.


Joe would never be involved in a car accident. His gang, AKA SAMCRO, only ride Harleys.

So good

I hope he dies like Duane Allman

Duane Allmans dead?

you just know he has a tattoo that says "Riding through this world, all alone" but in horribly misspelled calligraphy somewhere on his horrible body.


A murse?

The fact that someone would spend so much time writing this to someone they don't know is hilarious. impress these people no less lmao

Not trying to impress anyone. I honestly hope Joe dies in front of his loved ones.

Looks like someone has a case of the Mondays!

He's not even worthy of our hate trolling. Fuck him, just ignore the faggot, don't watch tacs shows he's on, and let him waste away. He's like 60 and dresses and acts like a high school bully from an 80's movie, total loser.

"Brother Joe is a LOSER!" - Donald Trump

I bet you were erect as you typed that, you sick fuck.

Reading it I certainly was.

This is awfully complicated.


Ay Joe, I hope your fingers get caught in a possum's cunt!

You can replace the "if" in your thread title with "because".

He wouldn't go through the trouble of telling us he comes here once a year if he wasn't obsessively reading every thing.

Bloodhound Gang did it better





"two" not "to" dickhead

The only thing missing is that Opie was a passenger and died at the scene of the accident due to mammogram complications from earlier that morning.

it would be funnier, if joe was in a pseudo-vegetative state on the outside, but mentally fine and completely aware on the inside, with the doctors unable to diagnose, and joe unable to confer this...

and then ant pulls the plug himself and goes to prison for that, after being aquitted of all charges against dani.

i don't wish that on him though (<-- ant)

I hope Anthony attacks him with a beer bottle next.

The two of them would call that a Nigger Knife.


You should proofread your posts first

Why do so many people hate Joe? Just trying to catch up on the show since I haven't listened in a long time and haven't heard his name in a year plus.

People hate Joe because look at his entire existence


Hi Opie!

Who the fuck cares about Brother Joe? It'd be a lot funnier if he went all pissy like he's been and everyone just ignored him.

Reading it I certainly was.