So Jim cancelled his appearance on TACS after 'the attack.' Who will stand with Ant if he isn't found to be completely innocent and who won't?

0  2015-12-28 by Lilcumia

Jim - gone. Dipoalo - cool. Gavin - still there. LOS - all but Jay stay. Ronnie - ? Dave - stay. Rich - still there plugging. Bonnie- nope. Bobby - cool.

Ant won't get jail time in any scenario


I doubt Dani will be back.

Well let's not jump to any conclusions.

Gotta get dat money.

Something as silly as a domestic violence charge would never keep two white trash lovebirds apart.

I don't blame Jimmy for canceling, look what's it's done to brother Joe's career. He's "Guilty by Association" brother!

I loved his smug annual reddit appearance. Lmao, we're so redditarded

I hope Davey mac isn't damaged from associating with a known racist pedophile, that's now being accused of abusing a woman.

Jay would stay, he's said he's hit a girl before so I'm sure he understands and wouldn't be a hypocrite.

Bonnie might go where vos goes and I'm not sure rich doesn't have it in him to cut ties. You know he's not shy like that.

Jay would stay, he's said he's hit a girl before

To clarify, Jay said he whacked his under-18 kid's butt, and the kid somehow parlayed it into abuse.

On the Stand with Ant = his new podcast during the trial

The worm stays true to character.

How did he cancel his appearance if the shows were pre taped weeks ago?

Only some were pre-taped. Jimmy was going to be live one of the days.

Jimmy cancelled on Ant? What the fuck?

Goddamn Jimmy doesn't have a bone in his fucking body, does he?

I mean years of looking like a slug in pictures should have given you that hint. Now he's just a salted slug.

A worm in bleach desperately trying to slither onto one last coat tail before the final curtain of his career.

A worm in bleach desperately trying to slither onto one last coat tail before the final curtain of his career.