Sunday Discussion: Why do you want Ant to be cleared of all charges?

0  2015-12-27 by smokinswindler

He is not our friend & does not like or care about the fans. These guys are here for our entertainment. Watching this downward spiral with the shows and their lives has been way more entertaing than anything that has happened in the last 3-4 years. There will never be another "Golden Age", it's all over. I think watching him get charged, having to surrender is guns and lose all his money in lawsuits/lawyers fees will be far more entertaining than an O&A or A&J reunion. The show will be good for a bit but will eventually die off because they are all rapidly approaching 60 years old and becoming irrelevant. I think Jimmy would be far more entertaining by popping up on podcasts occaisionally, maybe a weekly solo show and focusing more on standup by traveling the world like Burr and getting out of his NYC/Northeast chuckle hut circuit. Opie will continue to be a fun punching bag for us when he teams up with Todd & is still trying to go viral. What do you think, team?


I have no strong opinion on the matter, but you should definitely kill your parents and then yourself,preferably in a newsworthy way; maybe strap a propane tank on and jump off a moderately tall landmark on New Years Eve. edit:fa la la

I want to see him in jail with blacks

And convert to Islam.

Becoming irrelevant? That ship sailed years ago.

At this point I just want to see it ALL burn & get some closure.

anybody who doesnt want him to do some time is a complete faggot.

If it can be proven he didn't do it then I'd like him to be cleared, he entertained me for years so I don't really wanna see anything negative happen to him. Ain't lookin good for him though.

He is not our friend & does not like or care about the fans. These guys are here for our entertainment. Watching this downward spiral with the shows and their lives has been way more entertaing than anything that has happened in the last 3-4 years. There will never be another "Golden Age", it's all over. I think watching him get charged, having to surrender is guns and lose all his money in lawsuits/lawyers fees will be far more entertaining than an O&A or A&J reunion.

i wish this was permanently scrolling across the top of this subreddit like those live update things on the news

It's annoying when people try and defend these guys like they actually care about us. Imagine in an alternate universe that the show was still around and Scorchs girlfriend periscoped him drunkenly chasing her around the house asking her to sing kareoke & the next morning he was arrested be a DV. The show would have had no sympathy and would have ridiculed the shit out of him.

it's annoying and utterly perplexing because i dont understand how a cult of personality could develop under someone so irrelevant. like, fine, people blindly defending a pope or revolutionary, for example, i would understand but a middling, alcoholic, radio host? wtf? i dont get it. whats in it for them?

With just a slight nudge from this community and a little bit of luck, Ant will go on a Falling Down style rampage. That's my hope.

What a faggot, you had to suck the subs dick at the end and make an obligatory "Opie is gays too!" comment. What a bitch.

I don't really care either way, but I do have something Anthony lacks, sympathy and rationality. It's hard because he is indeed a real piece of shit

There is no "I" in team. However there is one faggit!

I guess we could still hate Opie, so I'd be fine either way. Though I'd rather not have to wade through all the Anthony-raped-in-prison fan fiction to get to it.

I don't want him charged because that means Opie wins.

Nah Opie will lose eventually

I dont care about the charges but it be a funny bone tickler if ant had to go back to knocking tin for a living

If he did it, I hope he gets fucking jail time. If it didn't, I hope he fucking learns his lesson and grows the fuck up.

It's sad, but Ant was the one that ruined the show. Opie was always a fucktard. But Ant and Jimmy were the ones that kept it going. When Ant went off the deep end with his race hate and Jimmy being a moral fag, the show was doomed. The two of them sounded like idiots...

The lot of us are probably old message boarders who aren't willing to admit it - the show was so fucking dead years ago. Fuck you, Ant.

If he's vindicated then I get to watch the social justice outrage. If he's jailed then that will be fun too. Either way I win.

Because I think Dani Branmuffins is a psychotic, lying cunt.

Because all bitches are just asking for it.


Because between him and Dani he is the lesser of two evils.

If Ant gets exonerated that's good for me because then guests I like won't shun him. I still think the guy is funny, especially with the right people in studio. I also think TACS was starting to get a lot better, I'd hate to see it go back to being a show from his basement with guests like dick spray guy. I don't give a rats ass about Ant personally, and I'm not like some of the faggots in /r/tacsdiscussion hopelessly waiting for an invite to his house.

I'm very much entertained by Anthony Cumia and I don't want that to go away.

Ant didn't do anything wrong. Dani got drunk, decided she was going to drive off in a car. Ant said no. They struggled over the keys, he kept her from running out the door, and in the process she managed to fall and hurt herself in minor ways. He offered to rent her a cab to take her where she wanted to go. She decided to do a periscope and attempt to destroy his life. He's got nothing to apologize for, other than having bad taste in women.

And the broken ribs?

It's from laughing at his Dick Van Dyke reference

....the aristocrats!

And convert to Islam.