Trigger Warning (Opie-ism): Discovered a new Opie tick to ruin the archives for you guys.

68  2015-12-26 by smokinswindler

Anytime there's a riff going and a comic is "killing it for us today", rather than adding something interesting, Gregg just says "Fawkin (inset comics name), man". Like he's some kind of hole who is "hanging with the guys" and can't believe they are taking it this far. I hate Opie.


Or he "rewards" the comic by giving them a plug for their next gig. Just a lil' taste of a treat for the comic being a good boy. Just a taste.

Vos eats those plugs up like dog treats.

A Jew loves anything that's free.

I've always hated that one. "Fffuckin' Bill Burr..." Also hate when he would plug their gig after they had a good line.

entire room is laughing except Oqie

ME: Jim Jeffries at the Stress Factory all weekend!

I mean that one is kinda understandable in a way.

Shut the fuck up.

I hope a nigger rapes and owns your entire family.

I'd prefer that over someone attempting to justify Opie.

You might want to reassess your morals. Allowing a black man in your home is unforgivable, cuck.

You got him good alright!

This guy's on a one man crime spree!

Thanks for the appraisal of my corny name, CuckECheese. Always glad to get tips from a professional.

I like Chuck E Cheese and I'm a cuckold. It had to be my name.

I wasn't actually attacking him, I was being silly.

Pretty funny to see this sub still Sperging out over anything related to Tits though.

I like when he talks about bonding with aforementioned comic,

Titties: "Hey look at that, me and louis ck are bonding!"
Louis: "....Ok"

FUUUCkin' Louie!

please tell me this is an exaggeration

I'm afraid not, usually he got a polite weirded out chuckle from the comic, but I vaguely remember Louis saying something

I recall during a Louie appearance, Louie made a joke about whatever story they were talking about and Opie yells "LOU-AY! WITH THE NEW ANGLE!" and Louie just muttered "....yeah."

"You want us to blow up your Twitter today? Well get you some followers... we'll show you what this satellite radio thing can do!"

I particularly loved it when he said it to Ricky Gervais.

He once asked Pat Cooper where he was playing, "we'll sell you some tickets." Pat screamed back "I don't need you to sell my cock!!!"

And then says heh ugh sniff burp why am i cursing so much. Burp sniff......

Opie is bad. He makes me sad.

Carmelo Anthony killing it for us today.

And when he says words like 'completely' his phlegmy radio voice stress on the 'p' makes we want to vomit in his face.

Com'PHHHH'letely sniff period.

I used to think he did it on purpose, but in context with his growing stutter and speech impediment, its apparent it is only getting worse with age.

Its also important to remember, stammering can start in adult life, when it is known as acquired or late-onset stammering, and is most commonly caused by a stroke, resulting in damage to the brain.

He always used to do the Hole thing when Jimmy would get even a little edgy.

"Jeeesus, Jimmy! hehehe"

'Anthony, strangling it for us today..'


That one is high on my list. Its the most disingenuous sounding "compliment" one could make. I think he means it more like an announcer "ladies and gentlemen thats (comic) for ya...idnt he a hoot?" Or like hes trying to explain how funny someone is t9 someone else.

obnoxious fake laughing

HA HA oh man...Colin Quinn evrybodaay!

Featuring all your favorite opie-ism..... Including tapping out.....saying radio funny....."see that's why you got cop show"

Also you can hear sam's sarcastic laugh in the background

The silence at 1:53:00 makes me happy.

Made me laugh out loud.

I remember he does the same with bands that he's "all in" with.

Gregg turned me on to some deep cuts from Dishwalla.

Fuuucccck... I gotta listen to more Harvey Danger

We go way back with Godsmack.

for reals?

Yeah, he puts on this exasperated "I can't even put into words how deeply this song/band affects me" tone but it's completely transparent. "The Rolling Stones, I mean, ffffuckkkk man, FFPHFUCKKKK...hits console"


I hate the silence after he says "Fawkin' ______ man!" So douchey, where do you go from there?

The worst thing that Opie does is when he takes a call, announces the caller, randomly starts talking about something else OVER them and acts offended that he was interrupted.


Was I mistaken, or was one on his complaints during the argument with Jim about how he felt left out? Seems like he's even more left out of every comic appearance.

I can't listen to him tell stories about himself just know he's flat out lying or fudging the facts at best. I couldn't finish the interview with Bill Burr about his show F Is For Family when Op was talking about his childhood. It's abysmal...

I also hate how he asks a question, pauses for the guest to answer, then interrupts to answer the question himself, or TRY to justify it.

for reals. for reals guys.

Anytime he does that "see what I did there?" horseshit. Hey guys, look! I can do something too! Sniff


Opie is the what the Big Bang Theory show is to comedy . Just fucking sucks all the life from it and should be killed .

I've noticed recently in a ton of old clips, the purposeful burp into the microphone to let all the truck drivers know he's just a man's man like them, mannnnnn

For a guy you all supposedly hate it's hilarious how utterly consumed you are with him .. Opie ALWAYS wins.

If someone takes two minutes out of their day to bash Opie, that's hardly "consumed". You're addressing the collective as if it were an individual.