Looks like the sub is getting some good PR from our gals at Jezebel! #1, here we come!

100  2015-12-26 by smokinswindler


I feel bad for people who take life so seriously.

As a white childless American male, there is nothing you could say to me to get me "triggered".

What a pathetic weakness to only be one sentence away from having a stranger ruin you day.

As a white childless American male, there is nothing you could say to me to get me "triggered".

Mike Brown did nothing wrong.

This doesn't trigger sane white men though. We just move on with our day. Now if I say Mike Brown is a criminal, I'm risking my job and the threat of a crying lynch mob.

As a white childless American male, there is nothing you could say to me to get me "triggered".

"Tax increase to fund social programs".



The paper-thin hag that posted the original comment is like a walking Death Star that is comprised of nothing but weak points. She's probably also a great big fat lady, like a death star.

Yearning for an x-wing to unload in her trench.

"Hey, I believe in equal rights and not discriminating against women. I also think rape jokes are perfectly acceptable." Feminist-"Why do you hate women? Rape isn't funny, pig."

I know this is breaking kayfabe but do these people actually think we all act like this in real life?

The internet is real life to these people.

The "SJW" people are just Harry Potter Fanfiction authors 10 years later.

They think what is written is what is real.

This sub is like the end of the South Park movie where Cartman becomes Goku except he's just saying "peckas" over and over.

I wish this was its own comment.

You know who else used to throw around the word "kayfabe" in public in front of outsiders? Owen Hart. Accidents happen.

You just blue blazed this motherfucker.

Owen NEVER broke kayfabe!!!

It's still real to me damnit

Whoa take it easy man.

Seriously. When real sociopaths get outed (ala Ted Bundy or BTK) everyone who knew them thought they were the kind of people who'd never hurt a flea, generally "nice" people.

Sociopaths don't make holocaust jokes, they commit holocausts.

Simple. Everyone they don't like is just the lowest-common-caricature. We're just a convenient character that recuses them from addressing anything we say.

Same as how everyone who criticises women is just a "neckbeard virgin MRA loser go outside you nerd!".

You really need to spoiler tag this.

A lot of these ppl think cyber attacks are the same as attacks. Its bizarre

Norton characters are as far as this show will bleed into my real life.

Chip I had to stop because no one finds it funny but they don't understand that that's the point.

I had to stop doing Edgar because my girlfriend started crying cause she couldn't understand what I was saying.

I don't have the voice for uncle Paul.


Try doing Dice.

Uncle Paul is a great way to lose friends.


Yes. Yes they do. And when we don't they get even angrier.

I dont think they quite grasp the fact that the internet isnt serious business and its for fucking with people. Christ i started listening to opie and Anthony years ago, its so weird how a subreddit dedicated to a increasingly shitty radio show hosted by 50 year old men is used for clickbait by the retards who run the gawker network and think im stupid enough to fall for it.

I've been reading this guy's reddit board

Wouldn't that be r/TACSdiscussion ?

Who are these cunts to determine 'what funny is'? Its the old Patrice arguement. They do feminazi well and we know funny.

yeah, i knew you knew funny the second i saw that gomite flair.

Go fuck Yourself

thats what id expect from a gomite

I'm so glad that they hate us.

Maybe they'll hate fuck us.

Maybe, but I'm not really into girls who don't shave their underarms.

Or have facial hair.

Mmm yeah haha.

where your free speech is trampled over? Probably /r/TACSuncensored unless theyre walking on Anthills.

/r/TACSuncensored is embarrassing

yeah, I hope no one thought I was serious.

I did.

Oh no...

Such bullshit, pretty sure most people on here would agree Brian Regan is funny.

It takes tons of skill to build an act that clean, successful, and still be good on uncensored radio. I've never seen anyone shit on him here and that's saying a hell of a lot

Regan is the god of clean comedy, absolutely hilarious.

How do you shit on REGAN?

His bit about peanut butter and jelly makes me cry. Everyone loves Regan.

That cock sucking pussy hack, have a nice flight, same to you ? ? really what's fucking funny about him? Dicks in assholes, now that's funny!

true, but Regan is a friend of the show. you only like him cus Ant thinks hes funny.

I think you were being sarcastic but if not, I've known about Regan longer than I have of OnA

I was, sorry.



Wait, is sarcasm funny or is it pussified? I think we need to have a meeting guys.

I love when people glance through the board and judge us.

Not knowing the circumstances of the posts, not getting the inside jokes. Not realizing our nature. We eat everyone, including our own.

We are the way we are because of Opie. He likes to take credit for creating the show we miss.

We are like this because of Opie, maybe someone should get him fired.

Ball is your court Jezebel, we will temporarily ally with you to get Opie fired.


Jews are just shaved dogs taught to walk upright

That DeRosa guy says things that makes this place blush.


Niggers,faggots and dykes.

Should be exterminated like kikes.

Give me lots of likes.

Or I will fuck your tykes.

I don't know, /u/AntsCamera maybe Derosa will fit in here after all.

Yeah, I came up with that off the top of my head, I am proud of that one. :)

I was shocked when during the Steubenville rape case, Joe revealed on air he "had no problem with that little fuck-piece being taken against her will."

His rants about women and minorities really changed my opinion O&A, I was always shocked they allowed him to argue in favor of female genital mutilation as a means of "keeping them in line."

I hate that they assume we are bigots. We are mostly just quoting Joe DeRoaa.

First time I've laughed at the Joe DeRosa meme. Good job.


We are the way we are because of Opie.

Opie is the destroyer and one day Opie will eat us all.

Thats some cringe shit. Opie is a faggot but you take it to seriously

Hush monkey, let the adults work.

cool comment, almost as funny as "Nigga, I am havin threesomes and eating fried chicken with Jesus and Muhammed. China, I would be the biggest motherfucker there, scare the piss out of everyone into respecting me. That Nigga is unfunny and dishonest, I know Ant was a racist, but that nigga told you how he felt. Opie is a disingenious cunt." your the reason people think Opie is talented

Look who is mad at being told to shut the fuck up.

Shut the fuck up. I can accept my bombs, you can't. Faggot.

Anything else child?

It's like your Opie and trying to fit in with the subreddit. You're not part of the show. Quit talking like you're fucking Jimmy. What bombs? All I do is post gold. I'm a fucking star. "Anything else child?" your post should in end peckaz


Did I spell it right, throwaway account faggot? '

Anything else?

Who do you really post under?

I don't have another account. I can't even figure out how to do quotes on this fucking website. I check this subreddit in the hopes of something awful happens to Ant or Opie, not to mingle with fans who think there edgy for hating Opie for some sort of comradery and saying nigger. to be fair i do come for that but sometimes it gets gay, like what you posted

alt+. for quotes the fucking (>) symbol

You come here to not mingle with fans?

I felt sorry for you for a second, but...Nevermind, I am wasting my time.

alt+ (>) I felt sorry for you for a second, but...Nevermind, I am wasting my time. alt+ (>) think of all the zingers u could of wrote during the time we spent talking, fuck. anyways you win, i give up, your just one step ahead.

So can we have sloppy man sex now or has all this flirting been in vain?

fawk yeah but only if u like 14 inch peckahz

I love how she talks about her browsing a fuckin subreddit as if she was a cultural anthropologist who spent a year living amongst a primitive tribe in the Amazon. You fuckin sat your fat ass at a computer screen and clicked on a web page... You didn't actually study shit. This constitutes journalism and field research to this person.

What we do on a fucking internet chat board usually doesn't matter or have any effect the real world; what they do on a chat board never matters to anyone anywhere because they chose to make their opinions fundamentally worthless when they gave up on seeking male approval.

And yet theyre goal is to complain things dont go their way and call people racist and homophobic and sexist and ruin peoples lives bc theyre feelings are hurt.

It'd be a shame if she got raped right in the cunt.

Nice, stay subtle or else when her cunt gets raped they'll pin it on you.

I don't know.. I know she'll try and call herself a victim, but we're all going to see through that ruse immediately and rightfully blame the slut for making her presence known, won't we gang?



Only a year to buy tickets?? I better get on that.

Who are the frauds that are just pretending to be sociopaths? Fucking posers.

Definitely not me man, I'm totally messed up like all of yo- i mean us. I used to like uh you know like spit in birds eyes when I was a kid and like punch um. I'm fucked up bro.

The chick who wrote that is making some guy or gal very, very unhappy somewhere

Sounds like a cunt wrote that.

She's probably about a fat piece of shit

Feminist tumblrette

somebody get a dick in this cunts mouth pronto

She'll still be able to type though.

fucking pig better not try to give head without working the shaft and balls. unless she wants the dani treatment

I think this person brings up some valid. Im upset at this sub as well. Our saying Nigger quota is down for the fiscal year and we are ending the 4th quarter. Come on we can do better then this gang!

Niggers are like dogs with rabies.

This whole thing will end up in someones basement and us chanting


Dude! You got your soap! You got your imaginary friend!

I'm hungover as fuck, but I can't stop laughing at that.


Liberals are so fucking racist. "Only white men would say such horrible things" Go swallow glass you child brain.

What amuses me about this is that most of her descriptions are objectively true; I just consider them positives.

The most obnoxious part is that this person seems to think that mean humor is everything that's wrong with America, not anything that actually matters.

Exactly, that's what stood out to me. Mean humor is everything that's wrong with America? Seriously? Nothing else is wrong? What a dumb ass.

If everyone acted in real life as they do on the Internet, this might be alarming. But most people don't, so it isn't.

Sexist?... please. We'll use the Fembots and the Red Pillers for our fucked up fun. Sociopaths?...yep.

Meh...pretty spot on if you ask me. We are the extremist wing of DICIS. We've been conditioned to laugh at the un-laughable while bringing it all down in a pile of flames.

This board is EROCK


Whoever wrote this nailed it

Lol, uses the word smorgasbord but we're the entitled white people. Also I didn't know psychoanalysis could be carried out by "occasionally" glancing at the sub.

Unless they are talking about people from tacsdisscussion. Those guys are dorks and queebs.

Occasionally glancing at sub = seeking confirmation bias

When they mix the sexuality and the violence, I like it.

Someone needs to quote this in the sub description.

A bet she has a trans, gender queer demi sexual life partner. She's brave you cis hetero normative shitlords!

Come on now, nobody would fuck her

Is being a sociopath bad now? I was this way WAAAYYY before I ever even heard of O&A.

Now there is a cunt that doesn't get the bit.

Hi Opie!

She thinks she's some sort of analytical genius by going to a sub who's humor she doesn't understand. I hope her dried up cunt falls out soon.

Hear hear ol' chap. Jolly good.

This shitty pseudo psychologist bullshit was posted here before. It's just some attention whore who feels guilty about finding this sub funny. Why else would this ass stay here for a year and a half? Probably feels guilty about being white too.

Honestly? Am I the only one who thinks this is so cute I wanna cry?

A stupid fucking Whitney Cummings loving unfunny cunt wrote that I bet.

PR? There was no mention of spics anywhere in that article.

They forgot to mention we hate niggers kikes and spics, get it right lady!

what is she a fuckin expert

They also feel they are the best arbiters of what is funny


lol yeah bro there's a constitution here, if you don't all believe the exact same shit you're magically not allowed to post here. People are getting their heads and clits chopped off willy nilly all around the world but let's attacks a reddit board. THOSE ARE BAD PEOPLE! lmao.... Before I vote for president I want to hear their views on Reddit boards. Whatever is to be done about these Reddit boards? Please brush your teeth with a fracking drill.

I find this subreddit the least toxic place on this shitty website. Sure there's occasional Benjamin but for every retard like that there's 100 people here who don't take themselves seriously enough to lead some retarded flamewar about inconsequential shit which is the majority of content in every popular sub, especially the outrage-driven, SJWey shit on here.


It's so clear that a chick wrote that. No man thinks like this. Patrice had a great joke about this it went like: "Why we'll never get along is women think funny shit is funny, but it's not - mean shit is funny. Like if you're walking down the street and see somebody slip on ice and fall on his ass, and not just fall, really hurt themselves - that's some funny shit". I'm butchering the joke, I don't remember exactly how it went, but you get the gist of it. Most women just don't fucking get it, there is a reason that basically every woman on radio has hole traits. They all go "aww that's not funny". Whenever they say that shit, they are wrong, it's probably the funniest thing you've heard all day. They're just sensitive.



This was already posted and my take is it's someone from here trolling for engagement but I'll still suckle at this teat because I have no shame or principles.

Jezebel is like Fox News for feminazis

and unfuckable aspergers retard dykes

pretty spot on...

Oh those jezzies. I bet when they write a few more articles about our shitty, irrelevant little sub the world will be instantly better..So brave, them.


Who dis bitch

Anyone got aids here so they can put their dick in her mouth and get her started on that?



I agree entirely with that.

fawk yeah but only if u like 14 inch peckahz

And yet theyre goal is to complain things dont go their way and call people racist and homophobic and sexist and ruin peoples lives bc theyre feelings are hurt.