Billy Connolly is a national treasure.

0  2015-12-26 by axeheadroad

Shame he stays in his Scottish character. is a decent one on YouTube or Billy Bites your bum, or An Audience With Billy Connolly.


Yeah I loved it when he was on the show and called Jim "Tim".

Oh no, is that on his first appearance? He's in my top three Canadians but his O&A as weren't as good as they could've been, and I blame Opie for that.

I'm sorry, am I missing something here. Do you think that Billy Connolly is a Canadian doing a Scottish character? Holy shitballs, please tell me you don't think that.

Hmm, i just googled his name and it does come with scotchish themes, but im pretty sure irs just trolls.

If you google "Billy Connolly Canada" it makes alot more sense, as it seems he is Canadian of Scotchish decent who now uses a stereotypical Scotch accent.

Wow no wonder I was confused. Still, it dont make him any less funny!!

No, sir. He is Scottish, from Scotland. He isn't doing a character. Are you fucking trolling me? Nobody could be this stupid. You aren't his stupid, are you?

Lol. Now I see why I was confused, I was thinking of Mike Myers and his "Fat Bastard" who was based on Billy Connolly's "Scotch accent", It still surprises me that Connolly's Canadian, That a good scotch interpretation.

I feel silly.

Fat Bastards voice wasn't based on Billy Connolly. Mike Myers has been doing a Scottish accent forever, his family is from Scotland.

I concede. My original post autocorrected comedians to canadians and i ran with it because im simple minded. Have a good one.

Your fucking lost pal. Why would you just go with it? Also you claimed that he was born in Nova Scotia??? Where did you get this info? It's easy to fucking google him you dope. He was born in Glasgow. This is common knowledge you boob.

Lol, No. Mike Myers is Canadian, as in he is from CANADA, NORTH AMERICA as is Billy Connolly, HOWEVER Connolly was raised in a place called Nova Scotia which translates to New SCOTLAND which might give you a hint as to why he has a Scotchich accent.

This might be hard to accept for an American to understand, there just might be other countries with different accents and god forbid.........languages.

So just to the north of you theres French, Scotchich and Canadians. Have a good day!

Holy fuck, you might be the dumbest person on Reddit. That's saying something.

Wow look, an ignorant American is projecting.look friend youre the one that started this argument, and even though I bested you I took the high road and conceded to try and leave you with some dignity, but that wasnt enough for you, was it?

Anyway im just finalizing a sizable donation to the Canadian comedy industy so the future the "Billy Connollys" of this fine country have a chance to make it big in Scotland then come back and throw dirt in your face. Good day.

Ohhhhh, you're a troll.

Billy connolly sucks and so do you

Don't neglect yourself, watch "Billy Connolly bites yer bum"

I was kidding, he's great, I will