Chip was way funnier back on O&A

3  2015-12-26 by goldstandard32

I never watch the atrocity that is O&J but whenever Jimmy has appeared on TACS and does Chip it really sucks and he lacks energy and sounds kinda gay.


He's obviously going to be funnier on OnA. On OnA you have a room full of people talking and riffing that can get a real flow going that Chip can jump in and completely ruin. On TACs it's Chip staring into a camera sitting next to a guy that enjoys Chip and will go back and forth as Chip with Chip. Without there being a not wanting Chip jokes vibe, Chip doesn't work.

Thats a good point about Ant not being a foil to Chip. but also lets remember Opies non interaction never helped. Sams always done well as the straight man (CAWK SAWKA) to Chip.

Thanks Kenneth, seems like me and you are getting along quite well tonight. Wanna ditch this sub and go make out somewhere?

Fawkin pecka sucka!

The one and only. Well Jim too I guess.

listen to Chip with Sam, fuckin HALAREOS

Chips always been kinda gay under the surface.

I still like Chip on TACS, but I agree that he was better on O&A.

I got downvoted to oblivion for saying it recently but Chip is getting played out. Ted Sheckler and Uncle Paul need to come back.

Ya I was watching some Angry Chip clips (tssss) on YouTube today and was thinking the same thing. I think what makes chip so funny is that his bombs are so aggressive and outrageous and that is where the humor comes from. O & J is so sterile that it sucked the life out of Jimmy and he forgot how to make chip funny. Fuck Opie. Remember that it's always Opies fault no matter what.

Tits sucks the funny outta chips pecka

That's because Ant ran that bit into the ground on his show

Even Opie has addressed it. When Jimmy did his characters, Ant would egg him on and make a bit out of it while Opie sat their quiet.

Opie has always been good at just setting things up. When it comes to making a bit work he let everyone else in the room take care of that. It's why they worked so well as a group and so poorly by themselves. Jim is left to improv by himself. Opie is hoping for someone to pick up the conversation then realizes he has to and nothing worth saying comes out of his mouth. Ant babbles on about the same subjects until the horse is a pool of goo on the ground.

They don't NEED each other back (which it just isn't happening at this point) but both shows need the role that they lost filled. Keith is not cutting it for TACS and Opie cannot give Jim the material he needs to make his shit great like it use to be.

Opie can't interact with Jim's characters. He's the real "Virus"; there's not a punchline to be found in his feeble little brain.

I would want to see Jim bring back some of his other characters and give Chip a break for a while.

Fawkin bullsugah dis guy

Chip was better before. I think its partly the room, Chip works better with a few people in there with him. And partly Jim is getting lazy with Chip. Also, angry Chip is the funniest Chip.

oui orll chanje coksukka i am oldar now