Bill Burr stars in political thriller "MR REDFACE GOES TO WASHINGTON" (2:24) NSFW Trailer

58  2015-12-25 by mdmayy_bb


That was better than I expected

this was actually great

that is one mortifyingly embarrassing internet handle rofl

Rich Vos hacked me, my username was comic630

this is amazing. great production

great vid, what song is that?

Thank you! It's from Inception, I believe it's the theme.

This should get more attention.

It looks like it could be funny but it's "An Opie Fanboi film" so you know you'll be disappointed, but it sticks the the Opie formula of using someone else being funny to pretend that they're funny.

I thought it was good...

Yeah so did I, but seeing that "Opie Fanboi" thing in the end credits made me sick.

Thank you for the input, I mean that. I've redone edits of parodies based on feedback, so I honestly do appreciate the criticism. Moving forward, I'll keep that name off of the credits and text.

My only constructive criticism is that the audio level of the song after like 1:18 made Bill a bit hard to understand.

But anyway, it's seriously fucking hilarious.

Thank you for the feedback, the audio was tricky to get right, I'll keep honing my skills there. And thanks for watching! :)

Ignore him. He's just manipulating the haters.

I'm sure it's sarcasm but you're right, seeing Opie's name on anything good is annoying as fuck.

I'm sure it's sarcasm but you're right, seeing Opie's name on anything good is annoying as fuck.

Thank you for the input, I mean that. I've redone edits of parodies based on feedback, so I honestly do appreciate the criticism. Moving forward, I'll keep that name off of the credits and text.