Merry christmas fellas nsfw

232  2015-12-25 by mrta66


You're hot, perhaps later I'll shoot you a private message saying how I'm not like the other savages on this sub and that we should meet up, complete with unironic emoticons.

You suave motherfucker...

This is a whole sub that's not like the other boys

The only guilty man on /r/opieandanthony.


This guy knows a ting or two bout a ting or two

That hit a little close to home, I'm trying to have sex with this married woman at work who is 8 years older than me. She uses emojis when she texts me and I have started unironically using them. Thanks for making me give myself douche chills this Christmas. I really am a piecea garhbage

Quit hitting on married women before you get stabbed/beat up in a parking lot

How's that old dried up puss?

I'm only 22, so she ain't dry yet. I hope.

Oh you'll be good, just make sure not to get her pregnant cuz she's gettin close to that retard makin cunt age.

Tubes are tied, so I'm in the clear of having a bobo.

Nice, sounds like you've got yourself a nice gal. Although you're a member of this sub so I'm assuming whoever is fucking you is probably atrocious looking. Either way you should film yourself fucking her and post it.

30 year old bitches like it when you call 'em a peesa gawbij n spit on 'em

Nope, I used to be a stangle but two years ago I got my shit together lost 100 pounds in 5 months. She's attractive but admittedly she is confirmed bi polar and is well below 5 foot tall

You dumb motherfucker. I implore you not to proceed any further. I am 24 and currently with a 5'0" stripper who is 10 years my senior and Bi-Polar. I went in for a couple of quick bangs, flash forward 1.5 years and I'm stuck in a terrible and draining relationship wherein she constantly black mails me and has attempted to stab me on multiple occasions and my only easy way out is suicide.

That's the spirit, Merry Christmas.

why not just let her stab you

I mean, it's not like he's not stabworthy. I understand where she's coming from.

slap her around some, that seems to work with bi-polar strippers.



Nope, she is like a little taller than one but doesn't have any dwarfism. Her mom was on that ready Rock when she was pregnant

Nothin like some good ol American midget fuckin!

Lmfao. Framing this fucking comment and hanging it on my wall.

So it's not smart to knock up broads who can only pump out little Charlie Hustles?


Make sure to use "m'lady" chicks these days love that

Can we see your dick?

Next week

what about dat vadge homegurl?

I made this to help me cumsies

Nice work. I wasnt trying to hide i was just hungover and looked awful

You've got a great body, you could've been born with anthony's face and we'd all still take a shot at you. now please post the usernames and screenshots of the subreddit users who have DM'ed you to fuck


This guy definitely did it


Ur an implication of something gross


Well that backfired

Drinking is a sin, harlot.




But why

cause she's got a dick ya dringus

How can yu tell

post one of your ass and pussy from behind, bending over, thanks!


Please post every DM you get from this

Im afraid to even look!

You don't think people will be completely respectful?


If anyone has tried to hit on you after this we need to know. We can take a day off to refuel our Ope hate and trash whatever creep it is.

Seriously please this. Usernames and screenshots PLEASE

nice nips

You have to, it's your duty, you post that shit and let's all have a laugh

Really hope its all Chip and Edgar

Lookin good, Howard.

Hoo hoo I invented the nude pic

You're a good egg, dear.

I love chicks. Chicks and their titssssss.

I just smashed my monitor with a bottle. Didn't even have time to think, it was like a reflex or something.

This lady is a saint on earth


I'll jerk off to your pussy and ass crack.

What a charmer

Vaguely ethnic, just how I like 'em.

This reminds me, I must get to stuffing the turkey.


Post your feet. You know..uh, for Jimmy!


Tarantino says no.

post an ass-shot with your address, sir.

Way too dark for this sub

Yeah she shoulda used the flash.


You should let all of us guys from the sub fuck you.

I can imagine no worse hell than getting a train ran on you by this sub. And that includes the train that lady di's husband got ran on him.

It'd be a train of Erocks and Rolands.

Erock is a little generous. Probably just Rolands with a few fat-jimmy's and a mustard or two.

I was never married to him!!!!!

who is dis bitch

The same bitch from The Ring and The Grudge. Probably see her coming out of your TV later.

Finally a lady of higher stock.

Whoa, since when do we get nice things?

Merry christmas boytits!Its not that your not a 10, i just want to keep up the mean, toxic enviroment here!

Thats the spirit!


Tss marry christmas baybe we shood go out to dinner sometime. Afterwards you can get a nice mouthful of this juicy fuckin PECKA.

I like the new direction of this sub

Fuk yeah

Pro tip: Small titted ladies should show their ass in pics like this.

I love small tits, LOVE EM!

Thanks ill consider it next time

Consider it fucking now.


First nsfw on this sub that didn't make me ill after viewing.

I'm gonna wrap my cock in a bow and show up at your doorstep.

Please do. This is the scene outside my door rihjt now.

You should move.

Should I offer it to those gentlemen, as well?

Can't really put my finger on it but for some reason your neighbor's seem like savages

We knew you couldn't stay off social media Mr. Cumia.

That's a mighty fine vehicle, so your neighbour must be doing well in life. I bet he's a respectable gentleman

Nice pic. Fuck Opie.

It isn't Wednesday!

She whips 'em out whenever.


You're a good goddamn egg. Merry Christmas to you too, chocolate chip nips.


Sharpie in the pooper.

You wanna have a threesome with me and my real doll?

something about your sign looks fake

You're a good egg.

Not for nuthin, she's a cock tease.

Are those knickers?

this lady means business

LOL Oh, yeah, I forgot, you're the girl that keeps getting catty with me. I get it, I get it--you're the hot one. Kudos. Merry Xmas.

Make one saying "I want to suck runnerup's peckah"

You spelt your own name wrong you silly goose.


You spelled "spelled" wrong, you sillier goose!


Spelt is a type of wheat

This comment made me lol. I can imagine Gareth from The Office saying that

I love this place.

So this board has reached the naked grill phase. It's only a matter of time before "her car breaks down" and she starts posting a gofundme link. You heard it here first folks. Merry Christmas!

let's help the poor girl out maaaan, you do fucking stand by that username

That old trick, next thing you know you've sold your grandfathers coin collection and sent it to a PayPal account called "meth-til-deth"

Hold the stomach in gentlemen

a naked brown girl! how did you know?

Today's not Wednesday. You're ruining the Opster's legacy.

wow almost as much comments as in Gregshells and Strangling or whatever threads

You look like Chewbacca's daughter after a body shave. And by that I mean you're hot.

Love me...

Ty sugarplum. You're a real peach <3

Thank you

may you be blessed with gold, frankincense and muhr.

This sub has really come a long way. We should all give ourselves a nice pat on the back, huh gang?!

Now we're cooking with gas

From the look of her almond levantine skin, I'd say Zyclon B


I'm a fan of this :)

very very nice :)

I'd give your thighs a good Uncle Paul rub-down.

damn small tits turn me on

It's a merry Christmas indeed!

This pleases me, thank you. :)

Hey bitch, come over to my house some time, bitch!


"Can i kiss you on the mouth?"


This is a Hanukkah gift

"Your kind" is not welcome here.

I ment as in quality. Fuck the likes of the Stangels



Lets meet up in the city so I can give you a stern fucking

In her hoohoo.


Best Christmas present ever.

Can I hit that?

Hi Mr. Cumia

Nah, she's too old for Ant.


I see you covered your face, you know you posted one already of your tits and face? But still, you're a good girl.

Holy shit, she cute.

That shouldnt surprise you bae

I think a bit of bleach and a gift certificate to Miss Fanny's MakeUp Emporium would do you a world of good.

P.S. I beat one out to this in the bathroom.

Huge improvement thanks

I'm a colored too!

i'm so sorry

I forgot she didn't have her bubs out in that photo. Nevermind, it makes sense.

I'll cover her face.





Looks like the itty bitty titty committee is in session.

Pshaw. A mouthful is all you need.

Well judging by his attitude I bet he has a BIG MOUTH.

Please, please, hold your applause.

If Opie's nickname is Tits, your nickname should be Ant

Mmm, good girl.



Esther Ku?

Is this the girl from the ring?

Tits or gtfo. Oh wait nevermind


Definitely a tranny

We can only hope.

What that face look like tho

Like one of those special ladies Jimmy dates.

That bitch has no tits.

Shes no Opie thats for sure


Thanks for the christmas gift, give us a nice ass shot so i can cum already. Thanks


Yes, hi.

Why is your left nipple shaped like a heart. that's awesome

This is like an open invitaton to DM's of 3" dick picks with swasticker flags in the background

Clean your mirror, hole

This entire thread is sad, and the people gushing over an ok looking girl is pathetic, and out of character of this subreddit. I hope all of you bust a nut this christmas and start trashing the attention whore.

god this boy-bodied whore is so starved for attention

And we're benefitting from it. Stop trying to spoil my erection.

Calm down. Shes being courteous

"she". yeah, right

Boobs on the internet. Wild.

Appreciate a nice gift you fucking savage.

I'm not sure why you're doing this. I guess because you know how this sub is filled with people that need to put their penis in something before they are too far gone socially to integrate into society. Maybe this makes you feel good.

You honestly remind me of a girl I know. She was a huge cunt and I liked it. I think you might be her it makes a lot of sense since you visit this sub. You don't happen to be doing anything in the medical field in the UK? Never mind I just saw a picture of you. I hope you're of age lol. It would be hilarious if all you neck beards were jerking off to a 15 year old after all the shit you say about Ant.

He was grooming what he thought was a 14 year old to fuck. Thats disgusting, immoral, awful behavior that I will not condone. But 15 shiiiiiit you can get a drivers permit when you're 15, if that doesn't scream adult I don't know what does!

What's wrong with grooming? Everyone needs to be hygienic.

I know but the cops and community frown upon that sort of activity. If I had a nickel for every time I've had to tell the officer that I thought she was 18 because she didn't have training wheels on her bike.

Exactly! Come on society WAKE THE FUCK UP! She's 15 for petes sake, if she can understand the concept of algebra I should at least be able to fuck her in her mouth and ass!

I hope you get killed.

Merry Christmas faggot.

Happy New Year, friend.

Nah, she's too old for Ant.

I forgot she didn't have her bubs out in that photo. Nevermind, it makes sense.

Holy shit, she cute.

That shouldnt surprise you bae


We knew you couldn't stay off social media Mr. Cumia.
