I have to hand it to Sam Roberts

10  2015-12-25 by Crisby4

I was just listening to the show on my way home and they had some caller on and when I was just about to turn it he puts on his dad. Sam's dad killed it on the show, he was destroying the caller. Whats your thoughts on him?


if by "hand it to Sam Roberts" you mean a stick of lit dynamite, then go for it

Where would anyone even get a stick of dynamite from and even if you did find it how is he going to detonate it dumbo

what do you mean bro cant you just lit it with a lighter or something to make it go boom it aint some high tech shit like c4

If by hand it to him you mean roundhouse kick his chin and snap his neck, then go for it.

I'm not talking about the kind where you have to push the handle down to make it explode. I'm talking about the kind you just light with a cigarette lighter, like in The Goonies

Sam's dad killed it on the show, he was destroying the caller. Whats your thoughts on him?

He shoulda pulled out.

sometime i get real close

Ol' Buttermilk mustache Roberts is the manliest of all the Roberts family, Sam is losing to his gay brother in the manliest man contest

I wish I could let you know how hard I laughed at that...he's had his mother fight his battles for him too. I think it was the beef with Kevin Pollak when mommy called in and defended her baby boy.

He should start a radio war with E-rock

He looks like odd shit to people, dude.

Is Sam Jewish?

I know all the responses will be bullshit, but I'm asking seriously.

No. He was circumcised in his late teens I think.

He was in college. What a weirdo.

He had phimosis. It was a good call.

The mohel bit off more than he could chew. ZING!

Kill yourself


No. Sam is a marsupial.

Nah. His parents are old-time quasi-southerners, I think.

Sam is O&A's JD.

not even close. you must be a new fan

No, I'm a fan from WNEW. I don't like their show after WNEW much.

Sam is the only person who can be more popular as a producer than a radio personality. He should think about going into sales.

He should think about going into a gas chamber.

He's not a Jew but he's just as bad.


nice try notsam

Enough with the Sam posts. Take it into the "Sam Roberts" subreddit where 5 people are viewing it at any given moment.

Sam is a talen tless fagtot

Source5 his cunty mom and faggot fuck dad

Note to self: don't post here while drunk