This "domestic" "violence" "incident" is the perfect opportunity for us to take the top spot as most bigoted subreddit!

61  2015-12-24 by smokinswindler

Start the victim blaming, Ant defending and general dismissal of the alleged "incident". Defending a man who strangled a woman and broke her ribs will for sure bring us to the top spot in 2016!


fuck that pig. if she actually got hit, she deserves it. i hate niggers. savage animals

i stand with ant

Great post, let's get it moved to the top.

Lets make this the flag of this sub.

I believe. #StrangleWithAnt

Yikes, at first I read StangleWithAnt. That's offensive.


She obviously deserved it, Ant is a multi-millionaire white man. When someone is rich and white and you're a woman or person of color you do what they say, when they tell you, or you get beaten up. Its how America is supposed to work. Nigger faggot kike beaner Hitler rules #SheShouldHaveHerClitRemoved

I love this place

It is quite entertaining.

that's the spirit

dude you are fucking killing me hahahaha

dont be so vague....

America Proud

.#TheFourthReich #anthonycumiashow



It's funny when women get beaten. It doesn't matter if she deserved it or not. He should have beaten her to death like Ralph Cifaretto.

It's funny when women get beaten. It doesn't matter if she deserved it or not.

Yours is my favorite post so far in here.

Ralph was a really likable character. Good egg.

Tracee: Ralphie, I love you.

Ralphie Cifaretto: I love you too, baby. Hey, if it's a boy, we'll name him after me. If it's a girl, we'll name it Tracee after you... that way she could grow up to be a cocksuckin' slob just like her mother.

I've been heavily smiling reading all the posts as I scrolled down, yours got me to actually laugh, good job sir you're a true hero.

Darn heck, bum fanny.

Look man we just wanna get the number one spot, not get kicked off the website. Please delete that post.

that's just uncalled for


A crack whore isn't a victim, she chose that lifestyle.

Mandy calling her "Anth's Gone Girl" was a very apt description

ME: did you see that movie gone girl that was messed up right guys??

fffffuck I need to check that out again

controversail...Doogie Hauser banged her

Only for like 10 seconds.

A house full of guns and all this fucking pussy dego did was give her a good goon-arm and crack a rib?! What an utter faggot. A real man would've smashed that phone over the mouthy cunt's head and raped her with the barrel of a revolver like Trashcan Man in "The Stand." Hopefully this serves as a lesson to the rest of the gals out there what happens when you step outside the kitchen and open your mouth without a man's permission.

There, I've done my part. Peckahs.

Beat all women like they were shitskin moon crickets. Jews are long nosed oven fodder. Yellow Chinker gook slopes should die in railroad construction and mining accidents. Prairie niggers should get the pox while their horse stealing kids get their heads crushed in by cavalry boots. All Eskimos are snow chinks that get drunk and fuck moon faced step kids. Samoans are fat volcano niggers... I'm running out

The irish are just redheaded niggers, and italians are niggers with good hair.

Texted from a dormitory at Yale....

This is exactly something an evil, conniving kike would come up with. /u/smokinswindler SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS !!!!

I'm curious, which sub currently holds this honor? I believe it is important to know one's competition.

I think its TheRedPill, we should start a subreddits war pew pew pew


Here is an article, by an opinionated white girl who probably wrote it because she can't have children, for verification:

Actually the most bigoted is considered TheRedPill. ShitRedditSays is considered the most toxic subreddit.

and we are second in both categories.

I don't understand how we aren't first in both, I think they just have more people. If you go to those subs and compare them to us I believe we're quite more bigoted and toxic, its not fair.

we might have to go isis if we want to be heard

my dutch peckacells are standing by


Me too. But I'm really responding to this to see if I get autobot banned from any other subs.

By the way, the thread referring to Anthony's Lawyers as "his Jews" is a good start. Who the hell doesn't find that funny?

I thought they were all in Florida dis timeayear

Since they comprise 90% of the population of Long Island, more than enough of them stick around in December. Dang, now even I'm contributing to this bigoted shit. :-)

Autobot? Let's leave the Transformers out of this.

OK, I guess the official term thrown around reddit is bot banning. I have never seen the Transformers, and had no clue optimus prime was an autobot.

The redpill.


I think /r/European currently holds the title but I could be wrong.

philosophical question time: I know it's illegal, but hypothetically, and it's nothing to do with this case, but hypothetically, is it morally wrong to hit a filthy, mangy, drug-addled cur?

I think that your question actually does apply to this case. Not that that was your intention, of course.

I think eating too much fatty foods is bad for your health. There I said it!

WRONG carbs are the real enemy

i always thought it was sugrrry drinks

Well I don't know what happened exactly, but since women are men's property it means that Ant was completely justified in hitting her. She shouldn't have given him a reason! What a silly goose.

downvoted for stealing dani golightly's signature "silly goose" line

sorry, i just have to defend comedy

curb-stomp that cunt.

All of her allegations are absolutely true and that's why I'm such a fan of Mr. Cumia. If she didn't want to have her ribs cracked, she should not have backtalked a man.

Her father is the true criminal here. Vinnie should have spent less time fucking her taut shit cutter and more time disciplining the whore


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I believe that Anthony is innoncent. I blame jews and niggers for setting him up.

I was watching a news program on the anthony cumia network that said the same thing!

I am not a big fan of Muslim extemists, but I am a huge fan of how they treat their women.

The Saudis are hilarious.

beheading rape victims rules

lets play a game called toss the faggot off the tallest skyscraper on earth

toss a fudgepacker off the Burj he'll have plenty of time to think about what he's done.

Straight to the top of the shit pile we go

It's sort of like how if you are a girl and you wear a short enough skirt you are asking to be raped... If you are a girl and you are super annoying around a drunk guinea you are asking to be strangled.

She's fat too

if she only puked more, then all of her problems and criticism would go away

only pretty and skinny girls have value

Niggers,faggots and dykes.

Should be exterminated like kikes.

Give me lots of likes.

Or I will fuck your tykes.

shit. fuck. fart.

Goo 4 u


While I don't necessarily agree with beating transgendered people unless they talk like fags, that pilled-out truckerslut should have revealed her genitals before getting into bed with Anthony.

This sub was second behind coontown, but that place is now banned which means we are now Numbah 1!

Anyway, I think the study was flawed. He measured how hostile or supportive people were towards each other, which is not a really good measure for a place where nobody takes these insults seriously.

It was second to /r/TheRedPill in bigotry and second to /r/ShitRedditSays in toxicity. We actually beat coontown.

I agree completely. I've had civil discussions break down into personal attacks way more in other subs.

I think it's pretty friendly here, just a different type of people than most subreddits.

Well, as long as there are no women around.

No one gives a fuck about your life's story, shit dick. This is about the pock-marked Guinea Negro and his love of damaged pussy with daddy issues.

her pussy wasn't broken until Ant brazenly beat in it's cell-walls with that north african nigger dick of his


how does a subreddit get banned?

Fucking nigger loving faggots

shit, fuck, fart

If her new dealer will let her stop eating his hairy asshole for a few minutes she should periscope whatever crackhouse she's inside right now.

I got an office job for the sole purpose of sexually harassing women

yer a warrior!


a man who strangled a woman and broke her ribs

Allegedly. Those are charges, NOT necessarily what he did. While the phone breaking does seem likely, do you not find it at least SLIGHTLY possible that this leech of a woman was sloppy drunk enough to fall down and hurt herself?

Didn't Ant once describe his property as being lit up and under surveillance like the DMZ between N. and S. Korea? I'm surprised there's been no talk of pulling footage from his own security system.

I think all of his cameras are outside, I've never heard him talk about inside ones. Also, anyone who isn't a straight white man shouldn't have rights and be fed to lions. Keep some white women alive for us to rape everyday and fuck everyone else. But yea I think the cameras are outside.

That's messed me up man, I can't believe you. I want to rape nigger women too.

I think you mean nigger SAVAGES

That's obviously implied, what nigger isn't a savage subhuman? They're only two thirds of a real person you know, but I think that's up for debate. They're not human at all in my eyes.

It's been so long since we've discussed the fundamentals of this subreddit. It's refreshing.

It was a HAIRLINE FRACTURE .. that can happen so easily.

Gook nigger

Since we are on the subject of jizz receptacles. They should all be chained to the stove, and whipped with a bullwhip daily.

You should fuck them, impregnate them, let them deliver (alone chained to that stove) then throw it in the oven and make her fucking bitch ass eat it, upon reprecussions of pain and gang rape from fat reddit users with pimply faces and long greasy hair.

like i said to my wife before i killed her:

"you made it, you ugly cunt, now cook it"


She needed to be beaten more than Peggy Hill

That show would have been good but that character ruined it. I had to switch channels half the time because of her.

I liked the idea this place ranked so highly when the most of the hate is focused on an ageing white multi-millionaire with giant delicious tits.



Me too. But I'm really responding to this to see if I get autobot banned from any other subs.

The redpill.

I think /r/European currently holds the title but I could be wrong.


Here is an article, by an opinionated white girl who probably wrote it because she can't have children, for verification:


OK, I guess the official term thrown around reddit is bot banning. I have never seen the Transformers, and had no clue optimus prime was an autobot.

and we are second in both categories.

I think its TheRedPill, we should start a subreddits war pew pew pew