Where is the new http://opieanthonyjimmy.ru/ to get shows?

0  2015-12-24 by fierysteed

What is the site to get shows? The moron from this site http://opieanthonyjimmy.ru/ did not mention a backup site.


Merry Christmas!

very funny, Opie.. wait did I just say that....

Ironic you're calling him a moron

I remember that website from when there was a radio show worth listening to.

Who gives a turkey?


I, too, would like any non-nigger faggot to send me a link. Preferably a Bennington-friendly site.


Still nobody? What a bunch of Opie fanboys not wanting to give the show for free.

Can any non-faggot / non-nigger lover just give me the new site info. Or is everyone here a tits and sherod fanboy and do not want to give away show links? Thanks

step one: get a burner email

step two: google "Certain Radio Provider Free Trial"

step three: ?

step four: PECKAHS!!!

I don't want to support tits like that, just a easy direct dl for the shows to listen at my leisure while curled up with a hot cup of cocoa, I hate when the blanket rides up and my feetsies get a chill...burrr. Plus I have no sat. radio WHATEVS!!!

you dumb

i kNOw tHe wEEBsiTe... aPPriL FAALLLLLSSS!!!!

You sound wreckadly poor