unfunny youtube cunt gets caught stealing from HEDBERG and fucking CK (xpost from r/videos)

100  2015-12-24 by smokinswindler


She has fat thighs, so she isn't all bad.

I'd absolutely thunderfuck this husky bitch's primary source of low self esteem. (You just know she hates her thighs.)

Laughed thinking of that stoolie from Jezebel's horror at reading this.

Lol at "stoolie".

And a nose that will make an anteater jealous.

Fuckin Jew beak.

Yeah, but Jewish. So...

How do you know she's Jewish. I hope you aren't inferring it from her seedy business practices and underhanded flooding of modern media.

She deserves a menorah up her shitbox.

I've stumbled across 3 new fetishes reading this thread.

She's Lebanese. Everyone thinks that huge nose=Jew nose, but a lot of middle easterners have some pretty impressive schnozzes as well.

Israel is in the middle east.

The Jews act as if Israel is disconnected from that shithole region just like Christians portray Jesus as a white feller and never acknowledge he was an Arab.

Nobody wants to be associated with that place. Are Jews Arab? Every Christian knows where Jesus was from but most like to picture him looking like themselves.

he wasn't a fucking Arab. Arabia is a place.

Arab and Arabian are two different things.

holy shit, you don't say

That's what I heard.

.....awwww jews!

This one got me!!!!

I'd let her sit on my face


Oh shit, you browse the front page too??

Just wanted to make sure everyone in the 2nd most bigoted subreddit were up to speed. Dont want all this positivity to stay in one place. Am I right or wrong, gang! Gotta have fun! #GHF

Hey! We are working on being number 1. Jew nigger wetback dink kike

Don't forget faggot

I've always been partial to dune coon...

Sandnigga works for me.

Carpet pilot.

Is dink an Asian or something? I thought it was just a silly word that wasn't offensive, like a dummy.

It was used in Vietnam to describe the North Vietnamese. I believe it's platoon where they even use it "Dinks in the wire!"

I remember Louis ck calling Bill Donahue a dink on the show when they were on regular radio. It seemed like he wanted to say something worse but restrained and called him a dink. I just assumed it was like a dope.

I remember Louis calling him a "blockhead". It was really fucking funny.

Leave Esther Ku outta this.

I'm pretty sure we're first now that coontown was banned.

"2nd" lol that's cute

Epic fail right

I wouldn't have watched it unless this dude made this post

Tss..is that like backpage.com, a website I frequent, or somethin'?

Hey Danny,

Hey Cunt-fuck Danny,

We all hated you because you had too much air-time being a trying-to-be-know-it-all with an undeserved superiority complex. You could search google quickly, that was your best shit on the show.

Then you came back here, like a phoenix from the ashes, and provided some insight -- and I mean some -- insight into past shit, and you were liked again.

Before you get back on your shit-horse and try to be high and mighty again, back up and realize you are only liked here for one thing... you're insight into the show. The little you provide.

Tell us shit, or get the fuck off.


zlzl: Or in the alternative you can cooperate.

danny: But I've been fuckin' cooperating!

zlzl: You've been giving us shit, and I've had it! I want you wired up! I want Opie and Anthony on tape! Your boyfriend too!

danny: No, I'm not doing it!

zlzl: Then you're all out of options!

danny: I wanna talk to my lawyer.

Is there a question you have?

So removed from the show, so removed from everyone's collective conscious, until recently, the only thing we want from you is ammo.

I don't know if you've picked up on this, but all we want is to dismantle Opie's morning zoo show, and Opie himself.

You can spin it any way you want, but the fact of the matter is that the onslaught of these guys on reddit have done more to hurt the show and Opie's confidence than any 'attack on the media' did x100 on anyone else.

Opie is shook. The show is floundering. You have no ties to either guy anymore, so your only purpose is to give us shit to feed on and disseminate. Weaknesses, faults, etc. What really gnaws at them.

But you won't.

You keep it diplomatic, like that bridge is still structured and will one day open.

I'm so glad you spent time typing that out. That's what you just did.

See how the false superiority is re-building? Do you also lack self-awareness?


He's still replying to you.

I don't know if you've picked up on this, but all we want is to dismantle Opie's morning zoo show, and Opie himself.

I don't want that. I want to play devil's advocate!


How are you part of the "we"? You've done nothing, so go back to your room and wait for mom to call you downstairs for lunch. I can't even decipher what you are trying to say.

What the efff does "(...)like that bridge is still structured and will one day open." mean? The bridge is structured? Are you an ESL speaker? Illiterate? Just of low intelligence? FAS-spectrum? Do you have the creases above your upper lip? Finally, did you eat paint chips as a child? Because you come across as a blithering rube.

Merry xmas.

Thanks, Barry, Merry Christmas to you too.

I upvoted for your reasonable response. Good day, sir.

Well, somebody is angry!

Dude it's Christmas

Sorry Danny, and all you other faggots including me. I'm trying to be a more positive person, as you can see in my posts. Merry Christmas

It is "your" not "you're" you illiterate strumpet. Do you know what a contraction is? "You are insight into the show" doesn't sound right, does it? You oily carp-brained mongoloid.

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The headlines of the crossposts on this sub are always better than the originals imo.

She should be on O&J with Nicole Arbour next month...

tss I hear she has her own holiday.

fawkin home run hookah. I'd like to plant a seed in her fawkin cootah.

Lmfao at the naked gun cutaways

Sttteeeeeerike three!

I'm sure all the desperate for work, unfunny comics who defended Amy Schumer will leap to this poor young woman's defense.

i wanna make this jew broad eat my cum


Her tits aren't big enough.

She actually responded in the comments. I BeLIevE hEr

Hahahah, I'd be lying if I said I didn't laugh at this. However... first of all, I'd like to say that I never have and never will consider myself a "comedian." I'm just an internet person who tells stories about my life. Second of all, that "remember the titans" joke was tweeted a full two years later (his was in 2012, mine was in 2014). It might be possible that two people shared a similar thought. It's also possible that i saw that joke years before, saw the movie cover in a wal mart, thought "fuck i forgot the titans" without recalling if i initially saw that joke elsewhere and wrote it as my own. I'm a HUGEEE fan of all the comedians you mentioned. I listen to them every day on Pandora when I get ready for the day. People are sponges. Sometimes we hear things in passing or a long time ago and make the same observation years later without really remembering that we've heard it before. What year was the Louis CK joke? Maybe I heard it ages ago, who knows. Isn't that whole India/Indians thing also a really common observation that a million people have had? Also, the Baby it's Cold outside video, I never once thought it was an original thought. I think anyone whos ever heard that song ever has thought the exact same thing, which is why I wanted to put everyones thoughts into internet form. I create relatable content, and that was a relatable thought that I thought would be fun to do with my friends. That all being said, I appreciate your opinion and that people like you care about this stuff. When I see a blatant rip off, I get pissed too. But out of the literal hundreds of videos I've created across my platforms, 3 little hiccups (I feel at least) can be chalked (chocked?) up as "fuck, someone else said this shit before." BUT I REALLY DO LOVE MY FANS and I dont see any harm in giving a shout out to people who support me and make the life I live possible. They're happy, I'm happy... no harm in that as far as I'm concerned!

u/anthonycumiashow care to teach this bitch a lesson?

the way art is created now...it's just okay to steal


Sometimes we hear things in passing or a long time ago and make the same observation years later without really remembering that we've heard it before.

You heard Louis CK's bit "in passing" (a comedy show that must be intentionally watched and listened to) and it was "a long time ago" (2013)?

I'm sick of this excuse for blatant thieves who steal word for word. You didn't just hear this shit in passing, nobody just happens across a fucking Mitch Hedberg joke. She rightly assumed that her 10 year old girl fans had never heard of CK or Hedberg and decided to exploit it for financial gain.

There's some bits that anyone can come up with. Puns, references, clever one liners. But nothing she did was any of that, it was entire concepts and delivery. All she changed slightly was the pacing, which made it worse.

Louis isn't the first guy to say something about how they're called Indians. But for her to act like she just unconsciously absorbed his act through photosynthesis makes her a pile of shit.

The word you were looking for was Osmosis. Photosynthesis is how plants turn light into food.

You're right.

Poor chubbster needs more attention, she should post her Giant fat girl turds if she wants to be famous.

waaah it's fine because i didn't want to be original i wanted to be relatable

Honestly, we shouldn't be mad at her, we should be mad at her fans. All she is doing is trying to entertain them, they are the ones that think she is funny. Any of us would do the same bullshit if we could get paid to make terrible youtube videos. She's just an untalented person that found a loophole in life. Who cares, good for her. I didn't know she existed 10 min ago and will forget about her as soon as I stop writing this.

Are we talking about Gabby or Opie, now?

Gabby. Opie would slurp Bam's asshole for her numbaahhs. Plus, she's not hurting anyone, she just says whatever is popular on twitter and makes terrible music videos. Opie has actively tried to ruin many people's lives and has no fans.

Even her excuse is ripped from Joe Rogan. He says the exact same stuff about parallel thinking on his podcast.

In that case, Joe Rogan ripped that off from me. I thought of parallel thinking before he did.

See how they're ripping me off Robin? Hoo hoo.

yeah, that's what unoriginal people say.

language, young man

General Ourumov lookin' ass, bish.

I don't like this slob.

If 9years on 4chan has taught me one thing, it's how to spot a jew

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Is that the Fat Jew?

Different fat jew

Did rat make this

She should start hanging out with Ant.

Yeah, might get him some subscribers!

And he might give her a skinnier neck

tss shes good

I bet this cunt is jewish and comes from money.

Also, lol at the Indian shit stolen from Louis Cuck King. Fuck you Louis

Of course she's a kike, look at that nose.

Looks like the bad guy from that shitty Planet of the Apes movie with Marky Mark in from the early 2000s.

Marky Mark was the bad guy in that one if I recall. Foreign invader, tries to destroy society.

Gotta love the liberal premise that everything was wonderful and peaceful among the Indians before whitey showed up.

i'd do her


This guy didn't film that umpire. That's from a movie! A little indie film called "The Naked Gun."

Also, jump cuts are the the worst.

ME: I was never all-in with the naked gun. I'm more of an Observe and Rappor man. Right Jimmy? We love that movie, right bud?

YouTube "celebrities" are a dime a dozen. Watch The React Channel whenever they have anyone from YouTube reacting to something and I'll bet money you won't recognize half of them....and I watch A LOT of YouTube.

FatJew lost some weight.....

ahahah/r/circlebroke is labeling anyone who is even being the least bit critical a misogynist women hater.... glorious!

I came in here thinking this was about Dani.... god damn it




Looks like she's had a few already

Looks like my most recent ex. 0/10

Isn't this what Schumer did with the Patrice thing too? Her fans don't know who Patrice is, so it was safe for her to steal his material. The only people who could call her out were people like Jimmy and he was too scared of not being cut from Trainwreck 2 to speak up.

I'm not a fan of Amy's, but those jokes weren't stolen. There's been a list of funny fucked up sexual positions such as The Angry Pirate & Gorilla Mask going round for years. They were old when Patrice used them. It's lazy filler more than anything, but not thievery.

you're right. I just mean they weren't original to her, BUT she did use the same ones that Patrice did.

Was there even one comic who said she was a joke thief? What a bunch of pussies.


I reckon they are all scared, or everybody's stealing jokes every now and then. Maybe nobody wants his/her jokes scrutinized....


This reminds me of the time Anthony stole a joke from a redditor, titled his show with it, uploaded it to youtube for that ad money and now sells t-shirts with it printed on it.

He said he got that from reddit though. If she said "hey it's like this Louis CK bit" nobody would care.

Unfunny or not, I'd still eat her ass

I hate teh guy who made the video more than the "thief"

u/anthonycumiashow care to teach this bitch a lesson?

the way art is created now...it's just okay to steal

It was used in Vietnam to describe the North Vietnamese. I believe it's platoon where they even use it "Dinks in the wire!"

Sometimes we hear things in passing or a long time ago and make the same observation years later without really remembering that we've heard it before.

You heard Louis CK's bit "in passing" (a comedy show that must be intentionally watched and listened to) and it was "a long time ago" (2013)?

I'm sick of this excuse for blatant thieves who steal word for word. You didn't just hear this shit in passing, nobody just happens across a fucking Mitch Hedberg joke. She rightly assumed that her 10 year old girl fans had never heard of CK or Hedberg and decided to exploit it for financial gain.

Poor chubbster needs more attention, she should post her Giant fat girl turds if she wants to be famous.

Different fat jew

Even her excuse is ripped from Joe Rogan. He says the exact same stuff about parallel thinking on his podcast.

Honestly, we shouldn't be mad at her, we should be mad at her fans. All she is doing is trying to entertain them, they are the ones that think she is funny. Any of us would do the same bullshit if we could get paid to make terrible youtube videos. She's just an untalented person that found a loophole in life. Who cares, good for her. I didn't know she existed 10 min ago and will forget about her as soon as I stop writing this.

waaah it's fine because i didn't want to be original i wanted to be relatable

I upvoted for your reasonable response. Good day, sir.