Go Pests. These podcasters had no facts and paint Anthony as Guilty. Disgusting!

0  2015-12-23 by Tell_Em_Fred


Pests. Yuck.


So none of you ever referred to yourselves as pests?

no, faggot

#AnthonyCrazia ?!? Fucking homos.

Sad thing is, I'm sure this will be the highest rated video on their channel with 20 subscribers because all of us clicked and bailed.


"Hosted by Haggard & Floppy"

I'm not going to listen to the whole thing, so I'll just pretend the video ends with 2 blasts of a shotgun.

One of the fags says in the comments that he has a personal interest in the story. Wonder what that could be.

I lasted 25 seconds. You sound like fucking retards.

White KNight mother fuckers. At the end of the shit cast the one host said he was a huge O&A fan. Bullshit.