Opie talking about movies

0  2015-12-23 by faustok

I'm listening to last week's O and J, god knows why, and I need to vent.

Every single fucking time Opie sees a movie that isn't out yet, he acts like the audience are begging for spoilers, and it's the movie companies that are holding him back. It makes my blood fucking boil.

"Lets just say X happens, lets just say Y happens, heh heh heh".

Like he's fucking teasing us. He isn't. He's annoying people.

He is so out of touch.

Might I add, why is Chris Distefano ever on a comedy show? Apparently he's comedian, but he's never cracked a joke on the show. Sherod at least tries. Chris is a fucking sports bore, and I can't imagine a single person wants to hear them talk about sports.

"I take a peak at the bills, I take a peak at the jets" "that was a good 30 for 30" "what about that thing that happened with sports ten years ago?" repeat ad nauseum.


See, this is the PROBlem. I don't know how much I can SAY.

Chris Distefano isn't really that bad, but kind of like Florentine, Opie manages to bring out the worst in him. He's not a bad comedian by any stretch of the imagination, and he can shoot the shit with the best of them (check out his appearances on the bonfire and LOS, both of which were solid). It's just whenever he's around Shelly he becomes a reclusive sports regular Joe type douche.

Sherod on the other hand is a one note, comedic cancer the likes of which have yet to be seen on O&J.

But they only used two locations.

I want to bite you.