Does Dani really have broken ribs? How do we know?

5  2015-12-23 by Lilcumia



...upon being transported to the hospital after the arrest of the defendant, the victim was found to have suffered a broken rib"

This isn't exactly proof, but it's a rather strong indication that she probably was actually examined by medical experts and diagnosed with a broken rib.


Now I officially know Ant's address too...

Let's all go by and lift his spirits! Whaddya say gang? Maybe some nice caroling?

Let's wait until his guns get taken away first. Then I'm ALL IN!

ME: I was ALL IN first. Ive been ALL IN since I started do this when I was 18...

And do it in full blackface. Freak the neighbors out too, two fer one.

Still waiting for the security cam footage...

proves nothing, just makes it uglier, but if a crazy girl is coming at you she can easily leave with busted rib and you are justified under self defense. Depends on how things went down, since I don't know either of them, I really have to side with Ant here, she's a gold digging self-admitted "gf" who stays for the money, he's just a racist dolt.

How do we know Anthony was the one to break her rib? Maybe she just coughed too hard or a feather landed on her chest.

It was probably caused by Ant snorting cocaine off of her chest a bit too aggressively.

You have to wait for a trial.

With Ant's fame and money and pull, do you really think this will make it to trial? No. This will be quitely settled out of the public eye. Fucking shame. No justice in this country.

EDIT: It's a joke you fucking dopes. Jesus Christmas. You guys can't pick up on anything that doesn't have "tsss" at the end of it.

He's going to 'settle' a criminal complaint? He's already been arrested, charged and arraigned. What nonsense do you speak of?

He's thinking of a plea bargain. He also doesn't know what a plea bargain is.

you really are a retard

You have an ugly soul.

Other people have said it but I just want to reinforce how stupid you are, and let you know that you should probably shy away from voicing your thoughts in public.

Fame? I hate to say it but the 30 people here that are his fans mean nothing. Of course it's going to trial unless the security tapes show otherwise. Ant is going away for a very long time.

We tried to warn him...

Have fun with the civil suit, look at OJ found not guilty criminally and raped in the civil suit.

We told you she was a fucking gold digger, she even outright told everyone she was.

Why is Anthony so easily manipulated by women? I am starting to see a common trend.

he's a sweet boy who drinks bit too much and seemingly has no self esteem

Why is Anthony so easily manipulated by women? I am starting to see a common trend.

Because he likes young pussy?

there are young clean escorts that can be had for lot less and they leave on their own, without burning your shit, imagine that!.

yes, but would they be willing to sing karaoke?

Probably. I mean they are whores. They'll pretty much do whatever you want them to do in that hour or so you paid for.

Like some whore is really going to be like "I'll take it in the shitter, but singing Boston's 'More than a Feeling' is where I draw the line."

I don't know, those are pretty high notes. Hard to hit with your throat coated in cum

Do you just say "have fun in the civil suit" to chime in? OJ's case isn't a comparison point here for many reasons beyond your pay grade, but if there isn't enough evidence to support criminal findings here, there certainly won't be civilly. If he is found to have touched her at all he is done, but that is a tough burden to carry.

Are you familiar with the different standards of proof for civil vs. criminal suits, or is that below your pay grade?

fawk yeah! That's PFG to me.

I am. I'm talking about actual evidence to weigh.

OJ's case isn't a comparison point here for many reasons beyond your pay grade, but if there isn't enough evidence to support criminal findings here, there certainly won't be civilly.

Yeah but this doesn't flow logically, you stupid asshole. The burden of proof for a criminal trial is "beyond a reasonable doubt," which is a really high standard of proof -- the evidence has to prove to about a 99.999% degree of certainty that Ant did what Dani says he did. The burden of proof for a civil trial is a mere "preponderance of the evidence," which means that the evidence has to show to a 50.1% or higher degree of certainty that Ant did what Dani says he did.

So the same amount of evidence may not be enough to satisfy the 99.999% reasonable doubt standard, but it may be enough to satisfy the considerably less stringent 50.01% preponderance standard.

Is any of this making any sense to you?

Holy shit are you stupid. As I said, I'm not talking burdens of proof, but whether evidence actually exists.

Holy shit are you stupid. As I said, I'm not talking burdens of proof, but whether evidence actually exists

Actually, what you wrote was:

Do you just say "have fun in the civil suit" to chime in? OJ's case isn't a comparison point here for many reasons beyond your pay grade, but if there isn't enough evidence to support criminal findings here, there certainly won't be civilly. If he is found to have touched her at all he is done, but that is a tough burden to carry.

You were talking about whether there's enough evidence to support and/or civil "findings" -- not whether there's any evidence at all. Evidence is just a fact that tends to support a conclusion; it's not the conclusion itself. There can be evidence that you committed a crime, but you may be acquitted anyway because there's not enough of it. "Findings," on the other hand, implies an ultimate legal conclusion; that's why jury foremen say something like "we the jury find" when they're announcing a verdict, and it's why dispositive orders that judges enter are called "Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law." The standards for civil findings are different than those for criminal findings, for the reasons I've set forth.

Maybe that's not what you meant, and you're just a shitty communicator as opposed to a shitty internet lawyer. Either way, you're shit, and you probably shouldn't say smug things like "maybe this is beyond your pay grade."

I am

Nope. No you're not


"Listen and Believe"

Because that's what she said to the cops and womens words are facts. If you don't believe her then you are a women hating bigoted islamophobic piece of shit. Just ask /r/GamerGhazi.

One of the news outlets was first to report the fractured rib. I'm assuming that was in the charging document. Does that mean the info came from a hospital medical exam? My guess would be yes; you can't just say my ribs are fractured and they'll include that in the charges. An X-Ray was probably done. Or more unlikely, the press reported falsely. The burden of proof for the prosecution is to prove that Anthony caused the fracture if it does exist. I'm curious when the hell a rib fracture occurred because the Periscope didn't show any signs of chest trauma or pain that a rib was fractured. The question is did a second fight break out after the Periscope?

From the reports, it sounded like Ant took her to a diner to have someone pick her up. I'm hoping Schwartz is sending a subpoena to Twitter to recover her deleted tweets and periscopes before trial. The 2nd periscope could be very telling because by the word of some who saw it, Dani and Ant told the cops it was a prank and let them leave.


She didn't get to speak to the cops on the phone they just turned up. They claimed the number being called was the 'prank'


She didn't get to speak to the cops on the phone they just turned up. They claimed the number being called was the 'prank'

What's that...? Dude...your keyboard crapped out. Something about someone named 'Hank'?

She tinkled like a xylophone as Ant shook her around by the neck.

She probably started breathing heavy during the argument due to excitement and cracked her malnourished skankalodon bones



how can you break something that is part of your ectoplasm ghostly anatomy? She is a missing link deep water creature. further investigation will prove she does not have "ribs" or a "spine. And ant will kiss his jew lawyer on the mouth.

Somebody blows their nose and you wanna keep it?

How do you know she doesn't have worse injuries? Wait for the trail.


HELL YEAH I hope this focken cunt dies of disarray or somethin tsss

Double gravestones bitch!

Dis Terry...dat Terry...hey! Whodafokks Terry?!! Tss tss!

The trial's gonna come first.

Probably ran into the table on purpose. Same with her broken hand. An awful lot of hand movin for it to be broken.

No. She had a bruise on her tit and the prosecuting attorney upgraded it to something that sounds more serious.

I'll give her a bruise on her tit, alright.

If anyone sees her doing stand up NYC you should go up and let her know how a broken rib or hand feels like.

she doesn't actually do that it is a complete fabrication.

She didn't get to speak to the cops on the phone they just turned up. They claimed the number being called was the 'prank'


She didn't get to speak to the cops on the phone they just turned up. They claimed the number being called was the 'prank'