I don't think /r/GamerGhazi users like us very much :(

57  2015-12-23 by [deleted]



These stupid cunts need to fuck right off. Comparing us to #gamergate is fucking retarded. They think it is a movement that hates women in the gaming industry. We attack rich white men almost exclusively. These mouth breathing twats should love us.

They think we hate women because were allways talking shit about tits.

Goddammit, bitches. When we say "tits" we are talking about a white male millionaire. We are all huge fans of a female Asian American comic and the lovely songs she strums on her ukulele.

That gook can strum my ukulele any day!

Well, with a silver tongue like that I'm sure you'll soon win them over.

Shit I don't care about: People who banded together to passively counter nerds who banded together to passively counter bull dykes who passively want more masculine women in videogames all on the interwebs.

Just a steaming pile of shmig shmog, really.

That type of language is uncalled for.

Please don't use the word "masculine" that is a social construct of the patriarchy.


wow, youre right, they are pretty sensitive: http://i.imgur.com/JqCt3RK.jpg

I asked her(I assume) why that shouldnt be open to discussion because I was just bringing up fair points and of course, no response.

Logic is a tool of the patriarchy to oppress women you shitlord

I asked her(I assume)

How DARE you violate one of the rules on their sidebar:

"Besides outright transphobia, outing people or speculating on their gender identity, whether cis or trans is not allowed."

jesus, it really says that? it's not a parody of itself? I really never knew it got that bad

And that's just a snippet.

yeah I scrolled around a little more...there is a thread dedicated to HOPING that there is a gay relationship in the new star wars movie. ugh. it hurts.

People are so ignorant; especially all the dykes on that sub.

yeah, its worse than I even thought. if anything they are even more of a exagerration of the south park pc principal parody. really didnt even know it got that bad out there, and wish I didn't.

Proof of what happens when you give some dyke a little bit of power.

You are so adorable expecting a level headed discussion with the SJWs of reddit. The second you bring up any logic that might suggest they are in the wrong about something you get the "byeee" and "benned" treatment.

At least you could post a message there. They auto-ban people who have posted in other certain subreddits.


What tipped you off, was it the time one of the hosts stomped on the cake of a homeless person of colour

I don't think that guy was black I think he was just dirty.

And it wouldn't be relevant even if he was black.

It's such a strange thing to bring up! It's not like it's worse to do bad things to black people than real people.



The human garbage line at the end make think it was another o&a poster trying to rekindle Opie viral video


Faggiest sub on all of Reddit, and that's saying a lot.

They are devoted to making fun of Aspie video gamers who just want those crazy feminists to leave them alone. The feminists refuse to leave the retarded gamer kids alone though. They are rich white kids (mostly beta males) who bully poor mentally ill children.

It's the people trying to be cool by bullying the people they all agreed to hate.

It's just like the Alpha Betas (heh) going after the Tri-Lambs.

don't take much to get to these limpwrists. this place is a goldmine for them to feed their perpetual saltiness.

what the hell is gamerghazi? sounds like a terrorist gamer group

ive never heard of them before, which is a shame because oddly enough the two subs could have shared a common goal 2 months ago during jocktober.

they'd be more likable if that was the case

I'm guessing they thought they were being clever. Gamergate + Ben-Ghazi= GamerGhazi. HUEHEUEHUEHUE

It's something Chip would come up with. Except not funny.


A place where people make fun of those faggot gamergate losers. I'm actually subscribed to that sub.

So theyre mad that were not immediately jumping to conclusions and harassing someone that hasnt been found guilty? These guys are cunts. Dani was clearly provoking ant and purposefully saying things to ESCALATE the situation. Shes a fucking white trash 4/10 with a head like a god damn trapezoid

They didn't watch the video, they heard man did thing and assumed he was guilty of everything

They also compare the situation to shit like Chris Brown and Greg Hardy, when Ant's situation isn't comparable to either one. There were pictures of the girls they beat up, there is nothing I've seen that really suggests Ant is guilty.

Link needed more peckahs and Chip comments.

you've been banned from /r/GamerGhazi subreddit message via /r/GamerGhazi[M] sent 7 minutes ago you have been banned from posting to /r/GamerGhazi. Replying to SnozberryDriveBy "Tsss Ts ya I bet u lick alotta snozberries... fawkin peesa garbage"

Homerun, Chipper!

I got banned from there for criticizing Islam of all things. Not Muslims - Islam itself. As in the tenets and holy texts.

It's a sub full of jellyfish.

Allah is a cunt.


GamerGhazi are babies who ban anyone who dares disagree with them.

/r/kotakuinaction for all your #GamerGate or anti-SJW needs.

Occasionally Ghazi posters actually post on KiA under alt accounts and pseudonyms. They literally fear retribution from that sub.

Yeah, they're a-tremble with fear of the KiA wrecking crew.

Today's sticky KiA post: Fewer than one hundred of our almost 60,000 subscribers overwhelmingly agree it's sooo grooosssss and embarrassing how somebody someday might post a Trump Pepe here, so politics posts are banned now.

KiA is Ghazi's bitch.

KiA is Ghazi's bitch.

Take a moment to appreciate that you just wrote this sentence. This is your life, what are you doing nigger?

Yeah, they're a-tremble with fear of the KiA wrecking crew.

Retribution from their own sub moron

Feminists have traded in dying overgrown body hair for clogging the pores under aforementioned overgrown body hair with copolymer plastics and aluminum foil. Yes, it is true: The latest fashion trend in the feminist world appears to be adorning unshaved armpits with – you guessed it – glitter. According to Bustle, this “encourages women to apply glitter to their under arms in the name of equality, rather than promote society’s body hair norms.” According to yours truly, however, it’s exactly what one can expect after a movement has achieved their desired results but still wants to stay relevant. I can think of no better indication that feminism has overstayed its welcome than the existence of Glitter Pits.

This is what I found there.

If you don't have the strength to reach the bottom, then at least look at this: https://www.instagram.com/p/-YE0S_Pq4c/

Nice work Det. Shitdick.

Leeham Shitdick isn't a detective.

/r/kotakuinaction for all your #GamerGate or anti-SJW needs.

fuck off cuck, KIA is SJW-lite central

Don't go misgendering troons now!


The only time i've ever heard of that term was from Something Awful


Don't promote that faggot shit here you no life having cunt

Says the guy who spends his time in SRD HAHAHAHAHA

Yeah, they make fun of you faggots too. That's why I go there. You're pathetic, reactionary losers. There's nothing lower than a human being who calls himself a 'gamer gater'. It's the gayest fucking thing anyone has ever done.


There's nothing lower than a human being who calls himself a 'gamer gater'.

For a start I don't. I'm interested in the wider implications of the issue. Authoritarian Leftists were the catalyst. ALs forcing their ideology where it doesn't belong is the root cause. I haven't read a "review" or any form of 'games journalism' for over a decade. I don't care what someone else thinks of a video game, a movie, a song or any other form of entertainment. I care whether I like it.

Also there is something lower. A human who trawls a website for "drama" like they're watching "Real Housewives of Reddit". Is your life so empty that you find joy in people strongly disagreeing with each other? The two are not equal. People disagreeing has no bearing on the world. Authoritarians change the social landscape to fit their own beliefs, and dispose of the opposition. Have the wrong opinion they get you fired.

You're pathetic, reactionary losers.

Except for the majority of KiA/GG Twitter users identifying as Liberal or Centrist. The complete opposite of 'reactionary'.


u not 2 smrt

Also there is something lower. A human who trawls a website for "drama" like they're watching "Real Housewives of Reddit". Is your life so empty that you find joy in people strongly disagreeing with each other?

You're on a subreddit whose main purpose is to make fun of two aging shock jocks and revel in the asinine drama of their lives. Your lack of self awareness is fucking astounding.

Authoritarians change the social landscape to fit their own beliefs, and dispose of the opposition. Have the wrong opinion they get you fired.

Right, because we're right, and you're wrong. We WILL have our way, and once we get more political power, we WILL shut you stupid fucks down. And once that happens - you're right. We will take away your jobs, your livelihoods, and if it comes down to it, your freedom. And we will resort to any means to make sure that people like you are shut up forever - no matter what needs to be done.

Your lack of self awareness is fucking astounding.


mfw irony reaches levels never before thought possible

What irony?

I just thought someone using "self awareness" would realise their poor attempt at playing a character didn't work out too well.

Oh I'm a character alright

You had me until that terrible diatribe.

Yeah, but I actually do hate you and all gamer gate faggots, and you are pathetic losers, and i do subscribe to gamerghazi to laugh at you dipshits.

Oh my god you actually put a fucking chart up.....GO OUTSIDE!!!!

chart of political beliefs


0/10 please try harder

Oh well in that case you're still playing fantasy football with identity politics, poindexter. No one wants to argue with you. Drag this shit back to your hugbox.


It burns me up because I know what people like that do.

Make fun of aging radio hosts and then go about our lives?

"Burns me up" hahahha what kind of fucking square says burns me up. Their entire sub could be paraphrased with " DONT GET ME STARTED"

"I can't even" - the subreddit

They all probably would identify with Opie if you gave them 10 hours of the show.

Sounds familiar... I'm heating up.

Anyone who listens to that show is human garbage. Period.

Haha. Holy shit. Which one of you was this guy?


/r/gunsarecool has the same tactic.

Edit: they are an anti gun sub

I got banned for saying maybe you liked the show when one whined " why did I ever listen "

I saw your name pop up as being considered for shadowbanning.


I thought only admins (not mods) could do that?

Oh no. You mean i'll have to spend 30 seconds making another account to post?

If they figure that out, they'll report you for that, too.


They sure do love banning.

don't worry. It'll be Falcone is life. They'll never work it out.

There's nothing an authoritarian enjoys more than silencing an opponent.

It's hilarious they think people are married to their accounts. Reddit doesn't ip ban, so you just make a new one and continue as normal.

Probably just a subreddit shadowban.

More on shadowbanning here. I believe a shadowban is reddit-wide, while a ban is per subreddit.

Don't follow someone into another subreddit and be a dick!

So don't make any contact with anyone else in any other sub?

It's kind of a weird rule, with the intent being to stop vote brigading.

It's only really enforced if you're abusive. How else would you be able to find subreddits other than hearing about them on reddit?

It's such a gray rule that can be easily exploited.

It just allows the emotional female mods to have the actual reddit staff ban somebody when they feel hurt without a proper explanation.

"He was over here, but now he's over here! Must be a hacker cyber lord shit lord scum lord lord lord lord do we overuse that word"

He was over there, but he's over here no-WE GET IT

what is a shadowban?

Something that's supposed to be used for spam bots but instead is abused and used to shut down people you don't like

You are allowed to post, but only you and I assume the mods you can see it

cant vote on posts either, though it appears to yourself like you can

These faggots linked to a thread in our sub. Brigaded it with downvotes. Then when our users respond they say we're brigading their brigading thread and report our users to try and get them shadowbanned. What makes me sad is the one guy in that thread who seems like a legitimate political activist trying to change the prison system and he can't understand why his fellow "social justice warriors" are down voting him. How hard is it to figure out that the whole "social justice" movement is just about angry hatefilled mobs on the internet with no real goal except trolling people? Open your eyes retard. You'll be amazed how much more sense the world will start making when you stop believing everything people say at face value. Real activism has existed for ever and it was never called "social justice."



"Wow what a sewer"

It's really hard to disagree with that.

I take that as a compliment

I take it as a condiment... like some mustard or mayo... tsss...

Just a buncha holes and humorless faggots. Most of them are mad that they studied hard and now don't know what to do with their Art Degree.

GreyWardenThorga 14 points 12 hours ago

Fans of an asshole are assholes? That's about as surprising as Bowser kidnapping Peach, yeah?

Jesus fucking christ

Our species really does need a good culling.

These people make me think that ISIS kind of has a point.

These heffers ain't for breeding, g'head.

Because we are such nerds! What a faggot twat sub

You know they're nerds because the referenced a classic video game. That's zany as fuck.

Oh yuck.


It fun to see how they immediately side with the woman almost as if their experience is dictating their natural reaction. Not anything like TRP that they hate so much.

A drunk emaciated heroin addict woman has never gotten bruised by falling or bumping into anything before, drug addicts never get bruises. If only there was a way to be objective and not bring in your previous biases.......

previous biases

tssss yeah like len bias or sumptin....

Double overdose, cocksuckah!

Is she really a junkie?

Dont care about video games, dont care about ultra liberal faggots obsessed with identity politics

What do we have to do with their video games though? I'm not sure what Ant has to do with their cause unless it's gone beyond them wanting more women in video games and they just cover all things sjw now.

Whole gamergate thing had nothing to do with video games or video game community in the first place. It's always been just a vehicle for retarded SJW agenda. Those dykes never played anything but Tetris or Sims in their lives.

Anthony did nothing wrong

I'm sure Dani did tho, that's why the dumb bitch got socked out.

He beat her after finally discovering that she was a successful MtF tranny. She deserved the beating for her deception as far as I'm concerned.

How DARE she remove that delicious gift!

thats a "success" huh?

Heres a page of boys more attractive than this

Ok, that's hilarious.

This confuses my peepee.

Fantasy traps is a photoshop site. I know this from... umm... Nothing never mind.

Oh. Well, I still came, but I feel better about it now.

I just pretend they're all photoshops.

I'm fine with that too after today.

This is perfect. This is the best outcome; Dani Brand becomes famous through this. She presents a problem for feminists because she fits the movement on the surface: a woman something bad happened to. But once they dig a but deeper and see her for the goofy, offensive, money-grubbing whore she is they'll have to stick to the plan.

This is her worst nightmare and it feels like warm cider pouring over my awful body. Instead of comment sections debating whether or not she is funny they're debating whether or not she is a stupid lying slut. This will be the predominant conversation of her career.

What about Mattress Girl?

They lionized her, and she was reprehensible also.

That was before they knew everything about her. As the truth came out you haven't seen much of her, especially after she made that stupid porn reenacting her "rape." But even if they do lionize her, it only proves my point that they're stuck either way. Either she becomes a non-entity or they try to make her into a clumsy Lena Dunham type.

Dani will do what all women like her do in this position: go full-tilt with the feminism and girl power but it'll be a suit that doesn't fit right and she'll just embarrass herself.

what sucks about that things was it wasn't like they actually addressed mattress girl as someone who did something terrible to another person. they just stopped talking about her. they also didn't recognize the dude who had his life fucked with after the fact. they could have btw addressed the guy even if it wasn't an apology. they could have recognized him as innocent.


I will continue to assert that she is not funny though. Fair and balanced, that's what we are.

Definitely. It's all about ethics in calling stupid lying cunts unfunny.

They just banned me for making a chip refrence hahahaha

"Opie and Anthony is, quite literally, exactly what gamergate would be if it had a radio show."

I'm dying.

We were calling Dani all of these things before. It's not so much victim blaming as it is general internet shitheaddery.


golightly is Ant's biggest fan

Whats with all this teehee horseshit lately?

lol, cant those stuck up cunts and white knights to pedophiles just fuck back off to tumblr

Anyone else masturbating to how much negative attention we've been getting?


Imagine making a board about something you hate

It burns me up because I know what people like that do.

Make fun of people on the internet, jerk off then take a nap?

Thankfully all the great comedians that would appear on the show like Rogan....



Someone find the thread where a moderator has a mental breakdown and basically concedes that board is all he has in life. I don't have it on hand but it's top kek.

I'd love to see this

This one raises a valid point

These guys were the shit. When they were on local radio in Boston. And I was 13. And exceptionally stupid.

That toxic hellhole unironically upvotes jokes like "This is my surprised face." and express themselves in the most catty, womanly, sarcastic fashion imaginable. Passive aggression to sociopathic levels.


I just got banned for making a benign Chip joke and for expressing outrage over Cake Stomp. Got a nice lil' "Byee" from the mods.

Mods of places like that are the same people who enjoyed being hall monitors as kids. It makes them feel powerful banning people, and they take what they do so seriously because they have no lives.

They only go away when you ignore them. Intruding in their echo chamber justifies their existence. Peckahs.

Those bullies hurt my feelings. Hope they get raped.

I feel like I might be the last person on earth who doesn't know what gamer gate was about.

Nope, I don't know a single thing about it and quite frankly I couldn't care less.

Some cunt fucked somebody which resulted in the most impotent and unimportant conflict of interest in the history of humanity and then one group of people picked the vagina side of the conflict while the other picked the dick side. Congrats, now you are in the loop.




"you have been banned from posting to /r/GamerGhazi.

note from the moderators:

yr gross


My post:

"Sure, just delete any responses that goes against your side of the argument. Wouldn't want to have an open discussion, now that would be ludicrous. Definition of a closed mind - this whole place."


YoUre A pErSoN oF lOwEr StOcK.

Oh well, it happens.


Holy Fuck. I'm triggered, guys. I need a safe space.


Those kids need to get out of the house more...and by kids, I of course mean 30 year old obese men posing as kids, playing kids games. I wonder how many of them are autistic with speech impediments? I'm willing to bet at least half.

Seriously, am I the only one whose noticed the overwhelming amount of kids today with speech impediments?


The world that these people think they want to live in is basically 1984 but without gender.

I would never harm another human being outside of self defense, however, I would be very glad if everyone in that subreddit got food poisoning so devastatingly bad, that they became incontinent, the damage and pain that the food poison left behind leaving about 40 pounds of scar tissue in their worthless colons, and they all had to wear diapers to haul around their half digested and rancid shit for the rest of their lives.

He beat her after finally discovering that she was a successful MtF tranny. She deserved the beating for her deception as far as I'm concerned.

You are allowed to post, but only you and I assume the mods you can see it

Leeham Shitdick isn't a detective.

/r/gunsarecool has the same tactic.

Edit: they are an anti gun sub

Whole gamergate thing had nothing to do with video games or video game community in the first place. It's always been just a vehicle for retarded SJW agenda. Those dykes never played anything but Tetris or Sims in their lives.

Something that's supposed to be used for spam bots but instead is abused and used to shut down people you don't like

And that's just a snippet.