TACS today....

0  2015-12-23 by billowred

Bunch of hack fucks (Jackie's alright). All the jokes were obvious and predictable. Look at these shitheads no wonder Howard doesn't talk to them. That loser fuck Stuttering John with that annoying laugh at everything, Bob with his half stroked dumb coke face and Grillo was a ten year intern he should be sitting on the floor.


I tapped out after 15 minutes.

As someone who hasn't listened to much of the Stern show, this doesn't really entice me to get into it.

Don't let that reflect the brilliance of the Stern Show in its golden years. None of those guys talked for that long on any given day on Stern. Grillo was a nobody who was funny for having lofty dreams and Fred Norris goofing on his voice, KC was funny when he was the butt of gay jokes, John was funny for being a dolt, and Jackie was funny writing lines that Howard vetted and delivered.

I'm not even going to defend Levy.

Couldn't agree more!

Levy needs to stop saying 'know what I mean?' after every other sentence.

It's all in the wackpack. I suggest starting with Beetlejuice if you haven't already. Or Eric the midget or Elegant Elliot Offen.

I hope he goes to jail. At least he will have something interesting to talk about afterwards.

The most soul crushing was KC. Sober with pancreatitis doing womens internet radio - you could almost smell the death, he looked haunted

You're still paying for it

At least he didn't juggle.

As an old Stern fan i thought it was a funny show.

I like Bob levy but the rest put me to sleep. Maybe watching Stern in the past would have made this bearable.

Yeah, I'm watching an old LOS episode instead of that crap.

haven't watched yet but if one episode makes you think that, you're a cunt


What could possibly elevate Tits?

A good bra

well, I DO love a good pair of tits, and i DO hate getting fucking ants...