A friendly reminder to those who relied on Nopie YouTube vids

84  2015-12-22 by greygooser

I know some prefer streaming from YouTube, but a reminder my entire collection is still available to download. Here's the old thread-



Thanks nigga



Tits tried to remove the clips, but greygooser held them in contempt - I WON.

Good boy.

I've rehosted your archive at http://www.opieandanthonylive.com/archive/nopie/ for in-browser streaming and individual .mp3 downloading. ill add a 'download all mp3 files' option at some point.

Great! As Opie would often shoehorn into bad phone calls, "spread the virus"

I remember this site, whens it done nigga?

Mehh, ive been working like 70 hours a week and i just dont have the time

These work swimmingly on taima. Good looks CCR

thank you for your service

Well done

Why did the Nopie shows get deleted?? I'm just starting to work through Patrice on OA(at Gangsta Fag #16). Do I have to worry about those being deleted??

Looks like he had an intern do it because the poor videos got shredded while all of the other O&A stuff is still up.

Ofc, but you can easily find all the Patrice shows on torrent

Hey, just wanted to let you guys know I made a youtube playlist out of list of shows mentioned at the top of the collection update post

Thanks greygooser, and those who posted the shows to youtube


For some reason, they aren't in complete alphabetical order, but not too badly..check the video description for date. I'll fix when I'm at my desktop and will be adding more shows soon.

Advice: if you don't already, get a youtube client, such as Tubex (not a porn app). You can minimize it, use other apps, or turn your screen off to save battery while still listening

Ps: I'm new to reddit and they don't have fucking spellcheck on iphones?!

Thanks for reupping these, it's HIGHLY appreciated.

Is this all the episodes? You're an absolute gem.

You are my everything

I keep telling you guys: Use LiveLeak.

Nope... Liveleak is all over the place wrt to what they will and won't allow. Try posting something from O&J -or- TACS and depending on which moderator sees the post, it could get rejected, or approved. It's a total crap shoot.

Now isn't the time to masturbate to security footage of people getting hit by trains

Come on man... just need some of those Nopie vids. Come on, I'm start'n to get sick. I got like... fumbles around with shit in gross pockets five bucks aaaand... um... pulls out a disgusting trashbag toys you can give your kids for christmas cough

I got deez cheese burgers man

Why does this get praised, but when I mention to someone wanting to listen to TACS that it can be found on kickass, I get down voted to oblivion?

Because they still got paid if we pirate Sirius content. Ant doesn't get paid if you pirate his show. Whether or not you agree, that's why people get pissed about pirating TACS.

  1. The best of the best end up on torrents, from Spielberg, to Tarantino, to Kubrick.. why should Mr. Cumia be any different?

  2. Of the free clips they host on youtube, I can't finish any of them so it's not worth the monthly subscription, I only listen in for soundbytes about Opie and the show

edit: not to mention anthony has drunkenly bashed everybody on this sub, and not just in a joking way, he got real pissy about him bombing at the big jay roast.. doesn't exactly motivate me to put money in his pocket

I don't really care one way or the other, just saying that's why people down vote.

Cumia is different because your money goes directly to him, those others the money goes to a studio

And the studio pays the director.. because who paid to shoot the movie? The director, or the studio? The studio obviously. Spielberg didn't make Jurassic Park on his own dime, lol. Only makes sense to pay Studio, then director.

arguing for the sake of argument.

I replied to someone you dummy

Piracy doesn't damage the sales of anything that is a quality product. It is the peoples natural opportunity to avoid being tricked into buying something, having been mislead by advertising into the pictures - or into buying something. Doesn't hurt Avatar, or Star Wars - but Final Destination 26? Maybe. And good. Do something original.

If you produce quality content, then piracy is one of the greatest forms of free advertising you can have. People pirate good stuff, and a portion of them buy the product later, or invest in it emotionally and then purchase merchandise. It's called the media industry since 2001.

You'll never stamp it out. Ever. So use it effectively, like the creators of Game of Thrones and Walking Dead.

Why would you wanna spend on something after you already done with it

Exactly. You're the other half of people who will pirate everything regardless. Yo.

I don't pirate games or app anymore, so now it's down to tv shows and movies.just saying there ain't much people paying after they are done with the thing. I think it's just for folks that steal to feel better that someone somewhere is paying

I download movies and music daily, but your justification is shit tier.

The best of the best end up on torrents, from Spielberg, to Tarantino, to Kubrick.. why should Mr. Cumia be any different?

To be literal, the difference is those guys get paid regardless because they have deals to. They get a piece of the action but it's far different from 1 dude doing it on his own and relying on subscriptions to stay alive.

doesn't exactly motivate me to put money in his pocket

You want to watch his shit though. That he paid to produce. That's my point. I'm not saying you shouldn't download it, I'm just telling you why it's different and why people respond to it differently. It's two entirely different sources to steal shit from. One of them (Hollywood) will never go away no matter what you download. If everyone pirated Ant's shit instead of buying it, he'd just eventually stop.

This is bullshit. For years Anthony did the bit with Sam where he'd talk about how he watched a movie "at the theater" meaning his own theater and saying it was a "torrent of fun." Most big directors get a share of the box office so if he stole from them, it is ok to steal his content from him.

Probably because people want Anthony to succeed with his venture and bring back some version of the old show. He paid a lot out of pocket so far and it's fair to pay if you enjoy it.

because if you torrent TACS, youre getting the content that is provided to subscribers. Sirius doesnt provide an on-demand archive of old shows, so you cant get the same torrented content by being an SXM subscriber.

Great! As Opie would often shoehorn into bad phone calls, "spread the virus"

  1. The best of the best end up on torrents, from Spielberg, to Tarantino, to Kubrick.. why should Mr. Cumia be any different?

  2. Of the free clips they host on youtube, I can't finish any of them so it's not worth the monthly subscription, I only listen in for soundbytes about Opie and the show

edit: not to mention anthony has drunkenly bashed everybody on this sub, and not just in a joking way, he got real pissy about him bombing at the big jay roast.. doesn't exactly motivate me to put money in his pocket

These work swimmingly on taima. Good looks CCR

Looks like he had an intern do it because the poor videos got shredded while all of the other O&A stuff is still up.

Ofc, but you can easily find all the Patrice shows on torrent

I remember this site, whens it done nigga?

Exactly. You're the other half of people who will pirate everything regardless. Yo.