Tits has yet to mention Zits situation

0  2015-12-22 by JunkerHQ

Would Zits do the same if it were Tits who goon armed a young lady?

Still fuck Opie


Probably won't. Tits is in civil court trying to get Bam to start paying child support.

"Honestly... baarp.... I hadn't even heard about this until Sam told me. I don't keep in touch... what I'm saying is that as a father I just don't have time. I haven't even seen Game of Thrones yet. All I'm saying is Ants like me, a businessman... so he'll figure this out. Period. SNOOWWAAAAYYYYY!!!"

You left out a SnIf!...

I did it passive aggressively off mic.

The worst thing he could do is not mention it. Even mocking Anthony and selling shirts with his mugshot would be a positive, compared to the "too cool for the room", dullard horseshit he does now.

She* She*