New jezebel piece. Goes after ant, dani and the fans.

13  2015-12-22 by Dennyislife


"Cumia, a known racist, sexist, and Islamophobe, has a loyal and unhinged Twitter following."


I've been called a lot of terrible things, but "loyal and unhinged" is one of the nicest compliments I've ever received.

fucking awesome

It's cool that these cunts are basically the reason Trump is so far ahead.

I want him to win just to piss them off.

Like Ant says some dumb shit but he hit gold when he said that Trump appealed to the "silent majority" who were fed up with unreasonable and dishonest standards of political correctness.

Just a heads up we're probably being brigaded right now by /r/gamerghazi which would explain all the random down boats here

Huh. Is this because of that time we conspired to introduce misogyny into video games?

Went off without a hitch

Why the fuck is Anthony being discussed there? It has absolutely nothing to do with their precious video games.

They're just another srs.


Anyone who still references "gamergate", on either side of the issue, is so utterly lost in internet bullshit.

Cumia, a known racist, sexist, and Islamophobe

Whenever people cite Jezebel as news, show them this.

Link so Jezebel don't get ad revenue from your clicks:

Thanks--this should be standard operating procedure when it comes to Gawker media.

But not MEATYITE of course. Great site.

ME:LOVE the Mediaite! PERIOD.



"Cumia is due back in court January 4. Usually a prolific tweeter of garbage, he’s been silent the past two days"

Unbiased journalism at its finest.

Where did they ever claim to offer anything like 'unbiased journalism'? They've always claimed to do news and gossip 'from a feminist perspective' (whatever that means). But yeah, it's editorial and gossip/news site.

Anna Merlin seems to consider herself a serious journalist and not just a gossip blogger:

"I have a master's degree in journalism from Columbia and I write investigative stories. Have done for years, both at Jezebel and before I got here"

Editorial and gossip, though. You don't have to like their perspective to acknowledge what they are (not directing that in a hostile way at you at all, their site just is what it is).

Also I think she wrote a couple mea culpas for what happened with the rolling stone article. I happen to think the blame all falls with the Rolling Stone editorial team and reporters. They did have a very good reputation before this, publishing, say, stories that caused General McChrystal to resign and a bunch of other good political and investigative pieces. Merlin ended up being wrong (and a bit obnoxious) but it wasn't crazy to think that you could trust something that claimed to be a serious investigative report. Most media outlets took it on faith that it was a properly sourced and vetted article, and then did some follow up which helped it to crumble. Merlin doesn't have the resources to go and investigate or double check what RS publishes; only major people do.

They had a good reputation because until her, they published pieces from professional journalists.

Are you talking about rolling stone or jezebel or what? If it's rolling stone, I agree their reputation tanked, but the person who wrote the story was a professional journalist. (It wasn't Anna Merlin, who just wrote a blog post about the story.)

Excuse my comment in that case. I got it reversed and thought she had written the story.

She can consider herself a penguin if she wants. It's not going to make it true.

one can write both op-eds and investigative pieces. See also: Matt Taibbi (regardless of what you think of his work, he does both)

Columbia churns out the most intensely PC faggot journalists.

She does write investigative stories. (There's a political blog related to Jezebel she writes for a lot.) She also writes plenty of gossipy news items, like this. I tend to think she's a fine writer (I mean, perfectly competent), and she has written some interesting stuff. (I read Gawker when bored at work, fwiw.) The two aren't mutually exclusive.


Yeah, no kidding. What a douche. Anna Merlan is an utter hack and Gawker is a dumpster fire.

What a delightful response!


(I read Gawker when bored at work, fwiw.)

Kill yourself. No, I'm not trolling or being edgy. Please kill yourself for the greater good of humanity.

ouch! wew lad.

Thinking that white privilege is not real is a level of reality-denial on par with being a flat earther.

Seriously kill yourself.

Thinking that white privilege is not real is a level of reality-denial on par with being a flat earther.

It's true though!

They couldn't have a better example of a twitter interaction

@danigolightlyny you never rat on your friends and you always keep your mouth shut

@KalkiAvatara1 Lying, nigger-loving cunt whore.

it's truly is a beautiful thing to behold


Reminds me of when Ricky Gervais was on the show probably 2 years ago now and he talked about local news and their obsession with the 'what the man on the street has to say'. Ricky just goes "I don't care what his opinion is, there's a reason why he's on the street".

The comment section.... Jesus ... the comments...

just a buncha strangled broads apparently.

Most of them wish a man cared enough about them to strangle them.

Or could.. Their goiters could probably stop a suicide by hanging

This was my favorite:

I’ve been reading this guy’s reddit board occasionally since last year ... I can’t stop reading it in horrified fascination. Many of them are sociopaths. Others have “adapted” to the sociopathy and emulate it. Like group conditioning. And here’s the thing: they HONESTLY do not understand the difference between cruelty and humor. they think cruelty is funny. And when humor is missing cruelty (or victimizing or some type), it’s not funny to them. They are some of the most fucked up people I’ve ever seen. A veritable smorgasbord of toxic white male entitlement and victimization. It’s everything that’s wrong with America on one reddit board. Cruel is funny to them and anything without cruelty will never be “funny.” They also feel that they are the best arbiters of what is funny and what is not so anything without cruelty is “hack” or “pussified.” The pathology is endless.

Beautiful... just as I pictured it would be while reading the first sentence . It delivered. Edit: waitwaitwait... Did this woman ( it must be) say she's been checking this place out for over a year?? What a fucking weirdo. Is she trying to "spy" on us or does she love piss ing herself off?

Same reason why some of us would listen to O&J I would imagine

Don't make me think about how I and some man-hating authoritarian know-it-all bint might be similar

That dirty bitch excluded all the non-white fans here.

Fucking racist.

And the non-male fans (however few of us there may be).

She's getting paid to write about terrible people, everyone here does it for free. Nice work if you can get it.

Everyone here does it better, and funnier. She writes like a disapproving nanny.

if stupid opie would just get more famous we would all be paid writers for baldopies blog. fucking opie is the worst and now he's holding back the fans too

Awwwww, I'm sad they didn't come to Reddit.

There's... really not anything crazy there.

I love how even though she's the "victim" in their eyes... they couldn't let her off the hook for her tweets. It's basically saying, "she's being abused, but look at her political opinions... not very progressive"

It won't be much longer until they evolve into unapologetically saying she deserved it. That's what happens when you put people into an isolated chamber where they only speak and think amongst themselves.

I am very happy to be part of any group that enrages the talentless cunts at Jezebel.

She has previously uploaded videos of Cumia ranting at her, using racial slurs and accusing her of “giving away shit” from his house.

This unbiased cunt journalist forgot to describe the part of that recording where you hear her assaulting Ant.

The nanosecond she heard nigger, it was over in her mind




2015-12-22 15:48 UTC

Really a huge, huge fan of these Satanists, I tell you what

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Those tweets are hilarious.

What a lovely piece.

Stop linking to that cesspool of a website. Nobody with a brain reads that drivel!

Fuck jezebel. They're lower than tabloid gossip sites. Nothing they post has any meaning.

You just know this woman read this subreddit before writing that piece.

She's probably baldopie.

Fak yeah, I was featured in that tweet selection.

I honestly didn't expect her to be THAT unattractive. Wow.

Even for feminist writers...

I'd still fuck her.

I'd let her suck my dick.

I'd force her.

Looks like Snooki was sleeping in Ron Popeil's Food Dehydrator and got attacked by a vampire.

That's so specific.

She lacks fluuuids.

Obviously she is a writer. She has no mouth.

Woah shes big time "Story on a local anarchist coffee shop was one of the most viewed stories of 2008"

Good God she's Portland in a nutshell.

Lol. Hipster bitch. She's a hoot

And a cunt.

She actually looks like Ant's type.


She needs a Muslim boyfriend to straighten her out.

Resting bitch-face

I'd still plow

Click on other discussions at the top. It seems we've got people who have a different opinion to us. WHHAAAT?!

Welp, I guess it's time to start commenting over there, eh?

they banned me and i didn't even say anything remotely offensive. Fun place.

Typical SJW nonsense. Same with those who clamor for an "open and honest discussion on race", but only on their terms and with them doing all of the talking.

Let one gentleman that pretended he ever listened to the show know that he was a fan of male genitals and was removed immediately

This article is bait, they want to reel in the negative comments and play the harassment narrative for more clickbait.

Just wait until the next article Anna writes about how SHE is being harassed now for writing this article. More clicks from femtards, more money for phony "progressive" bloggers.

I think Ant does a 6 months to a year minimum.

Imagine if the judge was an O&A fan and gave him a fitting punishment like 500 hours community service at an inner city school full of black kids.

Anthony janitor nahh

Imagine he Hillary Swanks and helps them express themselves and get into community college

and gets 3 of them pregnant

fucking love it

You're fucking nuts if you think ant dose anytime.

Im usually right about these things, unless she decides not to show up to court which actually happens alot.

He's a millionaire with no prior offenses. He's not even doing a day of shock time.

I'd agree with you aside from the strangulation charge, class B felonies usually result in prison time.

He has security cameras all over his house. He sounds confident that he'll be fine,also he is a millionaire. Just because rich vos made a joke, it doesn't make it the truth.

Because he appears rich, he is allowed to beat on a woman? Ant's getting locked up for a while. Especially if it's a felony. I hope he goes away for a long time if he actually put his hands on her. And he loses his house,investments, and all possessions to her.

And if she is lying? Scorched earth.

I hope the next mass shooting happens at the next Reddit Boston social club, you friendless loser. How the fuck do you live in Boston, and need to use Reddit to socialize. God you make me sick, just because you read a slam pics on Jezebel doesn't mean he actually did it, and the cameras scattered through out his house will prove that.

If you watch the video it is clear that Dani had no visual injuries. If anyone has had a broken rib before, they will know that they can not move their arms the way Dani was in the video pain free, much less record the incident.

Also if he did do it, most of the time the lawyer would work out a plea deal with the defendant pleading guilty in Order to get a deal. He would be insane to plea not guilty and not have evidence that supports his case, and we both know that Anthony is smarter than that.

Another thing, why do you want it to be true that he beat Dani? Do you get off on beaten women? Is that what Reddit talks about at the Boston social club? God I hope your first born son likes sucking black cocks.

Easy there Zabruder. We haven't made it to frame 313 yet. Look at my history in this sub, I was calling for Ant's head on a pike about an hour after the video surfaced.

Let me guess, you socialize with townies that never left and haven't made a friend in 20 years? It's ok, some of us aren't upto the challenge of socializing outside of wackbag -> reddit.

Boston is transient, everyone knows that. I'm part of a few networking and drinking clubs in town, like everyone else my age? Don't really know what to tell you.

No one in BSC knows what o&a are. They haven't listened to radio since the iPhone came out and sure as hell aren't going to pay.

I want it to be true because watching a life unravel after you beat someone is entertaining to me. Train wrecks are fun. Just like how the former speaker of the house in mass will die behind bars, alone and in the dark because he took a bribe and developed cancer while in prison.

As for children, I'm sterile by choice. Why would I ever want to breed? I have a good life. Not going to ruin it by having some spawn.

Fuck you, and your local references. You have to be a drunk mick to believe that video will convict anyone, no less a millionaire. God you potato niggers are the worse I swear. By the way, you will never catch me dead in the northern white trash paradise they call boston. What am I going to do there? Fuck some flat assed Irish chick? I dont think so.

Oh, my sweet summer child...

This Anna Merlin needs a kick to the cunt.

Hopefully the foot is HIV positive.

Does anyone really take Jezebel seriously aside from 18 year old Tumblrinas with pink hair and nose rings? Look at the quality of the writing. It's borderline retarded.

The author, Anna Merlin, is famous for the headline, "'Is the UVA rape a giant hoax?' asks idiot"

Does anyone really take Jezebel seriously

No, adults do not. I never even heard about Jezebel, let alone shit like Gawker, until I started coming here. Jezebel means nothing to society.

I really don't like her selective use of upper case letters. To what standard is she adhering to?


She's the average Jezebel reader.


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I hate that rag. I mean jezebel


Those comments...

Someone tried to rich vos em again.

Anthony has been really kicking the shit out of the Brand as well as the Opie and Anthony brand.


Whatever you think of The Ghoulish Wop, it's extremely telling that Jezebel lays an IOTA of blame on a woman in a domestic situation.

I love how the commie HAD to not let dani off the hook for her evil views about white men having any problems at all. Liberals are by far the most racist people I've ever met

How the fuck is this getting downvoted here?

Uh oh. An SJW is downvoting all the hating on libs. Which is funny because a normal politically center person knows it's liberal philosophy that's responsible for modern witch hunts. In the 80s it was bible thumpers... now it's these types

People downvote shit like that because the entire "hur dur fuckin libs" shit is so god damn exhausted. Nearly all of us already agree with that line of thinking. But we don't need to fucking hear about it.

Ya, haven't seen every other thought EVER repeated over and over here either

You're right, peckah

It's kinda hard to avoid talking about liberalism when JEZEBEL is being discussed. If this was a Christian witch hunt against ant, would you down vote Christian bashing?

Fuck Jezebel



Jazebel doesn't want no piece of us, we'd make them cry like the little bitches they are

I smell a narc.

It's kinda hard to avoid talking about liberalism when JEZEBEL is being discussed.


and his fans are taking it real, real well.

Wow a lisping liberal faggot who cares more about hearing themselves speak than rules of grammar? No way.

Usually a prolific tweeter of garbage, he’s been silent the past two days.

And your liberal bullshit is just music to all ears.

This is the fourth or fifth time I've seen the phrase "lisping faggot" come out of you. Are you Sam Peebles?

What did Gavin say?

Commie bullshit you mean

Most of them wish a man cared enough about them to strangle them.