Anyone have the most recent TACS or a link?

4  2015-12-22 by a-noble-endeavor

Yeah i'm a broke nothin whats it to you

EDIT: Just found it. Unbelievable. Gets accused of putting a crack whore in hand hospital and puts out the greatest show all year. Man's a genius.


I hear Beavis the Kat found it

... ::cough::

Are you willing to work for the video?

Ass or mouth? Because im willing to give up either at a moments notice.

If you ever test me ..... you will learn how quickly I will take cock...

I said work boy, f you're such a pro then you should know the Ass ain't no work, just pleasure. Now open that purdy mouth nice n wide,

That sounds a bit gay

kickasstorrents search cumia stop being a faggot


Sounds like you would only need one day's worth of subscriptions.



Mabye he doesn't want a racist misogynist to get his money. PATRIARCHY! !!!1!

Tragedy plus comedy ... equals... time? ...

pattan oswalt?

All my money is used fo' da heron

It's seven fucking dollars you broke bitch. If you can't afford that for one month of premium content fuck right off. You can't hold off you're fucking mcds lunch price for one day? You're pathetic.

Look at mister big shot, throwing around seven dollars like it aint no thing. Some of us dont live in fucking mansions pal.

haha, this comment made me wheeze laugh like an idiot. I love this sub.


Hey man, i got five kids to feed

How's the counselling job going?


Sounds like you would only need one day's worth of subscriptions.