People still listen to opie and jim on youtube?

1  2015-12-22 by Fawksyyy

There numbers have stayed about the same with maybe a small drop, is it habit or a lack of knowing other good content?


Ppl pretend to hate it, but most of this sub is listening every morning, they arent fooling anybody and the stats prove it.

Aside from the loffing at Tits clips that get pisted here, i haven't listened to an episode since the one after Ant got fired.

lol, sure.

Lol, defo


I agree.

I listen every day. no joke.

This is my only source of OnJ... already had a problem with ant not being a buffer for Tits on his out days unless there was a really good guest.

I think alot of people are just hooked on the drama thats been playing out for the last few months. There is always the hope that tits may have another meltdown. And plus its free for myself there is no way in hell I'm paying Sirius extra for opie.

I listen for Jimmy and other guests, plus I enjoy hearing the cringy, unconfident moments of the Opster.

Not me, I quit listening to that tedious "show" months ago. More into audiobooks now off of Librivox/ or podcasts like Rogan's, BBC's stuff on radio is decent as well. My O&A listening now only consists of dabbling in some old full shows from '06.

ya there are some really fucked up people out there


But for unofficial channels? I would doubt it.

If Opie was aware of this the OpieRadio channel wouldn't have videos of interviews with A list celebs that have hundreds of views