Can you guys stop with the lame videos of movie clips and saying it's new video, or the real video of Danni and Anthony

135  2015-12-22 by BaseballPresident

Been posted a million times.



Finally some originality.

This fella here doesn't want to miss out on any of the juicy info. Quit mislabeling his drama stories, folks.

No. It's just the same joke but recycled. It's not funny anymore.

Could you please let us know what you think is funny, and we'll be sure to post it a million times. Thanks in advance.

Then go away you fucking idiot.


Be more funny, you quay.

I'm actually more sick of guys whining about shitposting. Nigga, this is shitpost central.

Can you suck my ass? It smells.

Sure thing, GG...


you really don't know how to interact with this sub do you

Why do you say that?


Because words hurt and harm.

Yeah I mean come on guys let's be serious. This is no time for jokes.



Yeah I mean come on guys let's be serious. This is no time for jokes.


opie do have tits doe

he got dem wet nips tbh

Thank you. This sub loves beating the dead horse. Did you know that Lynsi is fucking Bam right now? What about DeRosa wanting to exterminate the Jews??? Hey everyone! Another Sherrod is black post!

We get it. You're just typing in the easiest thing to get 10 upvotes and an "lol" from some jackass. Shut the fuck up

I mostly agree with you, but I honestly didn't know Sherrod was black.

He's black.

Sherrod is black?

You make me feel yucky.

Cancer 'uddah prick

Totally agree OP, as a matter of fact, to avoid clutter, this video should probably be added to the sidebar as clarification for any interested parties.

Can we move on to videos and movie clips of Opie getting cucked by Bam. Maybe use that scene from Boogie Nights where William H Macy walks in on his pornstar wife riding a dude.

This subreddit would never beat a lame joke to death!

Leave it alone.


Catch AIDS

"mommy, tell them to stop"

Thank you OP.

Asking people to stop in a whiny, Maxwell-esque, NAWT FUNNY manner. If I know anything about the O&A fanbase, this request will be honored and no one will question your sexuality.

Its not real guys, its totally fake.

Keep it going guys.

What will happen if it doesn't?

Finger of God.


This sub has really upped the retard level the past 2 days

we've gone plaid

That's a space balls reference.

But it's not what you expected becoming expectable through mundane repitition. How could you not HOWL at that?


fuck you cocksucka


hear, hear


Now we all know what Ant feels like when a black criminal teen gets shot by police....or some crazy gun story comes out...

...inundated by people who think they're so awesome and original flooding the interwebs. How many For La La La La threads did we get yesterday...

Not enough.

Yeah! Besides, the best ones were the first ones. The scenes from Casino with DeNiro and Sharon Stone were the best.


Yeah hi guys, could you do less stuff that I dislike, and do more stuff that I like? Its kinda bullshit that I have to put up with things I dislike.

No, please keep doing it.



Well, a huge chunk of cumias humor is based on references and impressions. It can be pretty funny. Not surprising to see it pop up in the fan base

Yes! So post those Dick Van Dyke GIFs!!

'fraid them old truckers went up to the big pile-up in the sky

Then go away you fucking idiot.

Could you please let us know what you think is funny, and we'll be sure to post it a million times. Thanks in advance.

Be more funny, you quay.