Let Us Not Forget Ant's Most Valuable Asset

0  2015-12-21 by [deleted]

He's white. He'll be a quitted and serve no time. Whites: 1

Minorities: -3


He'll be a quitted

Acquitted, you fucking moron.

Fuck. Look, I didn't know about the C so my phone auto corrected. I guess "aquitted" wouldn't have been any better. I'm doing this from a phone and going through fucking opiate withdrawals, can I get some slack?


Alright then. Hit taken.


Acquitted, you sound as dumb as when Bobby texted Jimmy about Patrice's death saying "he past."

You're right. I suppose I could edit the post, but would that make me less of an asshole? Doubtful.


His home. Put a lot of money into that place. I'm certain it's the most valuable thing he owns. Or his integrity. Not sure

His big Italian peckah.