Bob Kelly or Fat Joe?

7  2015-12-21 by [deleted]


Bob Kelly is the Puerto Rican Fattlesnake.

I don't know, but the goatee looks good on Roland. Really thins out the face.

Big Pun was actually the better rapper of the two...

why the "..." at the end? as if I even said Fat Joe was good to begin with.. lol

Dead in the middle of Little Italy...

little did we know we hired some middle men who didn't do diddily

little did we know that we riddled some middle men that didn't do diddly


ah, been a minute since i've heard that song

Joe crack the don

that's fat joe, with a really fat friend

Loyalty was a great album, no idea why it would be relevant here but there you go

Guy on the left looks like fat stangle.