The drama never stops.

4  2015-12-21 by Tell_Em_Fred


Opie looks like a fat retarded chink in that pic they used


Fucking daily news, so nice they edited Opie's quotes so he didn't sound like the mental patient. Luckily I have the original copy:

"He's been harassing me and my family for eight or nine years, [which has been so brrrruuuutal]. I can say it's been more than just text messages [that are totally not joooooookes]," Hughes said.

"My family is my first priority. [PERIOD.] It's one thing to take shots at me. [PERIOD.] But as soon as you make my family a part of it, it's a different story. [PERIOD.]"




Remind me how he fucked Ben over again?

Shelly really got bent out of shape over the sextape rumor, didn't he?

I wish he would stand up for himself and talk some shit about Anthony. Act like a man, goddamn it! I'd have more respect for him if he came on the radio and made jokes about Ant beating women, you know? Say something instead of acting like a scorned ex.

"Nah, no , nope , nah, not gonna do it, fuck that guy, not even gonna (sniff) not even gonna bring him up , but I did tell you guys he did some horrendous shit. Now you know. Period"

if he came on the radio and made jokes

Even when they're written for him he can't deliver. He's been around some of the funniest people for 1000's of hours and has no idea how a joke works.

Who else read Opie's quotes with 'sniffs' and a 'period' at the end?

Anthony brought this up on Greggshells II, plus it was danced around during the Opie vs. Jimmy fight, and posted here awhile back. Does it fit in to new events somehow I thought most people already knew about this as common knowledge here. The article is from Nov. 24th. nHurrrgh durrgh ma reddit

Wasn't Danny being harassed by someone who talks very much like this?

Yep. Jokes and Ball busting are one thing but Ben Sparks stalking is crazy. Don't want anyone getting strangled.