What Situation Would Anthony NOT Be Entertaining In?

0  2015-12-21 by TheTrichomeMan2

I think if I caught him raping and killing my grandmother he'd still make me laugh with some reference or whatever the fuck. That video is gold, what a charming, delightful psychopath. "YEAHHH. Haha. Ladies and Gentleman, it's the Anthony & Dani Show! AH HA HA HA HA! C'mon baby! bdim boop bah bah"


At a roast

Dude. Don't get yourself doxxed.


How about an HD video and audio podcast airing Mon-Thu.

People like him are what made black lynchings a fun get-together. A little comraderie, excellent quips and ha-has all around as dark fruit swings low...

A discussion about race and/or politics