Assuming Ant wins his case, is there any sort of lawsuit he can bring against his former cunt?

1  2015-12-21 by KasWheel


Only if he can prove he never hurt her. If cameras in the compound show that he never laid a finger on her he could probably sue her. But for what? She has no money or job of her own, that's why she's fucking a vampire in the first place.

I don't know shit about how the law works but I'm guessing by what you said it's all financial and theres no way of getting her into a cell?

Hell with a good lawyer and no priors, Anthony won't even serve time. There's now way they're locking up a 27 year old 80 pound girl, even if there's video that she attacked him. Maybe if she's selling heroin on the side and Anthony sells her out or something, but over this incident I don't think either end up in a cell.

Not through a lawsuit. A very simplistic explanation of civil lawsuits is you're looking to be reimbursed financially for some wrong-doing. Like, if she ripped the phone off the wall and destroyed it, he could sue for the phone's replacement.

Getting into a cell requires a criminal trial, and the DA decides if that happens or not.


SHE NEEDED DA so and so.

Her dad does

Yea Opie has a lot of money. He should sue.

Sure, but she's what they call "Judgement Proof." She ain't got no job, no money, no nothing. Blood from a grapefruit and all that.

No, and that's the REAL problem. Until women are held accountable with jail time once their accusations are proven false things like this will continue to happen.

You can't put someone in jail through a lawsuit. Learn the difference between 'civil" and "criminal".

I know the difference. There has to be a legitimate LEGAL penalty for women (and men) who make false accusations. Even if Dani is proven to be lying which I believe she is ("Stay away from me you racist, bigot" who talks like that?) it won't matter. He's guilty & convicted already, and she can just waltz away without any repercussions.

There are legal penalties, and women do get charged with them, but it's rarely plastered all over the front page, it's not as sexy as when they cry abuse.

Her life is fucked, she's not waltzing away. The DA can charge her making false report. If this gets to a courtroom and she lies, it's perjury. Not mention she's kicked out of Ant's free NYC apartment, has nowhere to live, no job, is estranged from Daddy, has no money - she's literally homeless. Yeah, she's in a good place right now, sure.

Very good point, but is she really going to be charged when it's obvious that she's mentally ill?

It's up to the DA. The mentally ill CAN be prosecuted, and if she's bi-polar, that's not a "get out of jail free" card. If she can't be prosecuted for mental health, then she can be committed by the judge.

I would imagine recording someone inside a private home would be illegal but maybe not.

For what? Lawsuits are civil, what would he sue for? She has no money. She lives in his NYC apartment, has no job, no car, no assets.

He can ask, if found not guilty, that she be charged with filing a fake police report - but that's up to the DA. If he's found not guilty, they're going to want this to go away and be off their docket, period.

Even with no money, a civil suit can ruin a person's life theoretically. Just look at oj.

OJs life wasn't ruined by the civil suit. His life was ruined by getting caught in a hotel by the cops, and getting sent to jail, after killing his wife and her lover, writing a book theorizing how he would have killed her, and being an asshole.

A civil suit, if found not-guilty, when there's no financial damages, is pointless. No doubt, should he be found not-guilty, his lawyer will tell him exactly that, if Anthony asks. He'd have to show damages, and butthurt doesn't fly in lawsuits.

A more appropriate use of his time would be evicting her from his apartment, and getting a restraining order on her.

His life was ruined because the civil suit reduced him to nothing and he started hawking his nfl shit, got ripped off and ended up in that hotel situation because of it all. My point is, if she's find liable, any money she ever makes will have to be paid to Cumia. Granted it still mayb be nothing, but it will effect her life negatively in some way

He's so done. Your hero is done, so done

Hero? Don't be such a faggot.

Clearly he's made you more upset than he's made me happy.

Not sure what these words mean?

Oh, you're retarded then. Ok.

Am I? Or are you just poor at writing complete sentences?

Am I?


I don't know shit about how the law works but I'm guessing by what you said it's all financial and theres no way of getting her into a cell?


Hell with a good lawyer and no priors, Anthony won't even serve time. There's now way they're locking up a 27 year old 80 pound girl, even if there's video that she attacked him. Maybe if she's selling heroin on the side and Anthony sells her out or something, but over this incident I don't think either end up in a cell.

Not through a lawsuit. A very simplistic explanation of civil lawsuits is you're looking to be reimbursed financially for some wrong-doing. Like, if she ripped the phone off the wall and destroyed it, he could sue for the phone's replacement.

Getting into a cell requires a criminal trial, and the DA decides if that happens or not.